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STmicroelectronics strange behavior

For some time, our company has successfully used the DSM2150F5V DSM series DSM chips. This is a chip in the TQFP80 package, which is designed to work together with the Analog Devices DSP Blackfin signal processors. We used this microcircuit in exactly this way. The DSM2150F5V includes both FLASH-memory for the program, where the DSP can boot from, and programmable logic that can be used for some additional functions. As written in the datasheet (which is becoming harder and harder to find on the Internet, more on this later), the DSM2150F5V is specifically designed to simplify the connection of memory, external logic, I / O ports to DSP processors Analog Devices of the ADSP-218x, 219x, 2106x, 2116x, 2153x and TS101. All in one, convenient chip.


Everything was great and good, we did our own devices on the DSM2150F5V microcircuit and were happy. But one day, a supplier came to us and said that the DSM2150F5V chip is impossible to buy, nobody sells it anymore. Began to understand, look at different sites such as Efind and DigiKey, but everywhere the answer is the same - no, the supply is not expected, nothing. They tried to turn to the original source - to the site of the manufacturer of the chip company STmicroelectronics [1]. And to my surprise, they found absolutely nothing. The entire DSM series seemed to evaporate - and there was not one DSM2150F5V chip, there were several different ones, DSM2180, DSM2190 and others - not a single mention on STmicroelectronics. No replacement for these chips is also offered. The link to the www.st.com/psd section mentioned in the datasheet was carefully cut.

The search site ST.com chip DSM2150F5V either, the whole series of DSM disappeared without a trace.


Google responds to DSM2150F5V search queries (DSM series Analog Devices query) and provides links to DSM2150F5V datasheet, to various reviews that are located anywhere, but not on ST.com.

We tried to get a ticket in the technical support service ST.com. Deathly silence, the answer never came.

Summary: published this post not only from despair. I want to warn developers who use STmicroelectronics chips (in particular, ARM series STM32 microcontrollers, which are gaining popularity, because there is reason to think. The first time I come across such an attitude towards product users among manufacturers of electronic components. Usually, all companies write in datasheets - “obsolete”, “not recommended for new design”, there are recommendations for replacing with a new chip, the technical support service works normally - they answer, they advise something, at least they apologize. And then there is complete silence. Where is the guarantee that STmicroelectronics will again not turn away from the support of its products when it switches to the release of new products?

[ Links ]

1 . STmicroelectronics www.st.com/web/en/home.html .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229425/

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