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5 cryptocurrency projects aimed at anonymity

Some financiers , businessmen and lawyers (and central banks ) believe that anonymity in Bitcoin calculations is evil and a hindrance, and only helps terrorists and drug dealers. They say that only when the system is deanonymized, will its golden age come. However, for some reason, not everyone agrees with them. Under the cut - a few projects from people who believe that there should be a completely anonymous cryptocurrency system.

Dark wallet

This project is owned by Cody Wilson, Amir Taaki and a small group of people called unSYSTEM, who call themselves “anarchists”. Wilson is not shy in expressions and simply says: "This is a project for money laundering." The work of the project consists of two parts.
CoinJoin is, in fact, the usual system of mixing payments. Payments of several people, which they make at about the same time, randomly change among themselves, so it becomes much more difficult to track down who paid for what.
The second part - the so-called. " hidden addresses ". Instead of sending bitcoins directly to the recipient's address, the sender pays for a specially encrypted address that only the recipient can decrypt (using the Dark Wallet application). Thus, the transaction becomes untraceable.

Shared coin

The address mixing technology is already used by the well-known project blockchain , which, among other services, provides online wallets. However, it is turned off by default, and besides, the blockchain warns users that even though they don’t keep logs, they can be forced to log and monitor transactions by court order. Otmazalis, in general.


Instead of making add-ons over the existing BTC network, you can of course make your own currency, specially honed for anonymity. So did the creators of the project Darkcoin . And despite the fact that the alternative cryptocurrency now seems to be more than cars in Moscow - this project is popular and seems to be one of the fastest growing cryptocurrencies .
They also use a mix of payments, calling this system DarkSend. But for this purpose, not one server is used, but a system from distributed servers. Everyone can raise such a server for a certain amount of Darkcoins. And in compensation for services, he participates in a lottery, randomly distributing the percentage of all newly nominated DRKs. The project is in the alpha stage, but at the moment there are already more than 40 such servers.


If mixing payments makes it difficult to track them, then the creators of Zerocoin want to make it impossible to track them. They use some kind of clever math, which will allow not to store full information about payments in the block chain - while payments can still be confirmed and verified. The creators of this system called Zerocash and offer it as an extension of the Bitcoin protocol. According to the authors, after the launch of the project, users can freely convert bitcoin to zerocoin and back. The project is still in development.

Integration with the Tor network

Mike Hearn, a key Bitcoin developer and chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation committee, developed a bitcoinj prototype integrated with Tor. bitcoinj is a bitcoin protocol implemented in the Java language. It is used by popular wallets - Hive, Multibit, and Android Wallet. Integration with Tor will hide the ip-addresses of people using wallets or services that accept bitcoin, thus adding anonymity to the process of using cryptocurrencies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229415/

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