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Parsek 2014: We continue to talk about space

I believe that there is an inextricable link between the dreams of a particular person and the benefits that he brings to society. And as a result, those who are obsessed with science fiction have every chance to bring the future closer. For example, those who watched Star Trek in the 60s - later worked at NASA, and those who are involved in robotics in no small part came to it thanks to Azimov.

My fellow members and I wanted to contribute to this process. And therefore, at the weekend, in the framework of the international convention of fans of fiction Starcon, for the second time, the small but very intensive conference Parsec 2014 will be held.
I invited excellent speakers there (some of them from Habra) and I was surprised how willingly they responded. Special thanks to the Federation of Astronautics.

Below is a short list of profile reports:

The beauty of space and astronautics. Alexander Shaenko

“Can you imagine the rising of the Earth? Immersion of the Sun in Jupiter? Radiating space between planets? Tamed the power of fire, bringing into the sky a spark with people? Stars made by human hands? The robot, in a ten-year dream, traveling over billions of kilometers, in order to wake up for a few hours from the goal and then fall asleep forever? You can imagine all this and more! Carefully, the lecture causes a craving for space exploration: _) "

From myself I will add that Alexander is one of those who created the first Russian private space satellite DX1, the launch of which occurred the day before yesterday.

Business conquers space. Vitaly Egorov

How fanatical millionaires create the future, which has been delayed for 40 years.

Zelenyikot green cat can be seen finally live.

"Napkins and elephants" How life is organized in space. Yemelyanova Elena

What do you need to take with you to a distant space flight from Earth? How to create a comfortable environment for living in a space station? Psychological and physiological aspects of the life of astronauts in conditions of weightlessness - one can learn about this and many other things from Yemelyanova Elena.

Photo on the surface of other planets. Oleg Semenov

The evolution of tasks and methods of space photography, the prospects for the development of space photography. About shooting and cameras in space and on the surface of other planets, about how to overcome the difficulties of photography in space, tell a specialist in the history of astronautics, photographer, author of photo exhibitions on space photography Oleg Semenov.

Mars One or Luna Seven? What makes sense in the next decade, fly to Mars or the Moon? Alexander Khokhlov

December 14, 1972 members of the Apollo 17 expedition Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan left the surface of the Moon, the only natural satellite of our planet. It was the sixth and last landing of people on another heavenly body. For many years, mankind has lost interest in such flights. And after 42 years there are no approved programs for the study and exploration of the moon by man. NASA is preparing to fly to Mars for the 2030th year, Roskosmos is planning automatic missions to the Moon, which are not the first time moving to the right. China, although it claims of a future colony on the moon, has not yet presented its plan for landing a man on our satellite. But at this time groups of enthusiasts, both in the USA and in Russia, became more active. One of the participants of the Russian team "Luna seven", Alexander Khokhlov, will tell about the perspective plan for creating the first inhabited lunar base by the mid-20s of our century.

Alexander already has three reports. He also tells about errors in the film Gravity and how to become an astronaut

The history of the construction of the ISS and the prospects for the existence of space stations. Yemelyanov Andrey

How was the international space station built? What countries participated in its creation? What modules does it consist of and what are they for? The future of the ISS and future solutions of space stations. Honored Space Technology Tester, member of the Russian Federation of Cosmonautics Andrei Yemelyanov, will tell about the history and future of the ISS.

The state of rocket modeling in our galaxy. Alexander Shlyadinsky

The task for the near future: on Orion or in another place of the Universe to start production of rocket engines. The organization of the rocket fests, the demonstration starts in the Peter and Paul Fortress - how with the help of the model of the rocket you can cross the model of the Galaxy. What should be done so that cosmonautics does not become only science fiction, will tell the head of the club on rocket-modeling Alexander Shlyadinsky.

And still

Survival in extreme conditions. Svyatoslav Morozov
Human survival conditions in extreme conditions: space and the polar station "Vostok". One of the former members of the cosmonaut corps and a participant in the annual polar expedition to the Arctic station Vostok, Svyatoslav Morozov, will talk about the complexities and problems of extreme professions, as well as interesting work.

I want to see space. Alexander Svetlov
What can be used to organize observations of space objects. Alexander Svetlov, a specialist in astronomical technology, a member of the National Committee for the preparation and conduct of the World Astronomy Year, will tell you how to organize your astronomical observations.

Cosmic dreams - reality or utopia? Anastasia Stepanova (Mars One participant)
What caused apathy in the generation of the 21st century and what should be done in order not to live your life for nothing? Who is the hero of our time? How can a person with an ordinary profession become one of 700 candidates for participation in a flight to Mars? The participant of the Mars One project Anastasia Stepanova will tell you about an extraordinary way to make your dreams come true. Mars One is a private project that is going to make future astronauts from ordinary people who are ready to fly to Mars by 2024 and live there.

Starships - a new space strategy. Anton Pervushin
The world piloted astronautics is in crisis. The shutdown of the space shuttle space shuttle flight program hit the plans for expanding the human presence in the solar system. The International Space Station is supported by the obsolete Soyuz and Progress spacecraft. The Chinese rocket and space industry has not yet been able to prove its effectiveness. But perhaps the main problem is the lack of a magnificent goal. The voices of those who believe that mankind in space has nothing to do, sound louder and more convincingly, and it is better to spend resources on solving more mundane tasks. What can the supporters of space expansion say to this harmonious chorus?

Useful information:

The conference is held on July 12 and 13 within the framework of the science fiction lovers festival Starcon, St. Petersburg, Lenexpo, Pavilion 7.
Entrance to the conference is free for participants of the festival.

Minimalistic conference site Parsec
Starcon's beautiful website
Records of last year’s conference

Official organizers: educational project Lectorium and alumni community 239 .

PS Most of the staff of Lectorium makes a stand on the "Secret of the Third Planet." We will be wearing T-shirts “Bulychev's Witnesses” (the author of the print with the robot is our mega-installer Ilya). Come chat in person.

Jacob Somov
director of Lectorium

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229407/

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