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iTunes has overtaken the Wal-Mart supermarket chain in terms of music sales

Apple ’s service for distributing music iTunes overtook Wal-Mart's network of stores and became the largest music retailer in the United States. According to NPD research company, iTunes overtook Wal-Mart in January-February 2008, if we take for granted that the 12 purchased tracks equate to the sale of one full-length album. According to Eddy Cue, vice president of the iTunes service, this news literally “excited” Apple employees.

Since 2003 (the start of iTunes), over four billion songs have been purchased through the service. And the total number of users of the service over these years has grown to 50 million people.

Steve Knopper, a journalist with the famous music magazine Rolling Stone , noted that the news revealed important changes in the distribution of music, and Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg noted that the leading position of iTunes is nothing as a new trend in this market. He also said that recently, Apple was proud of its fourth position, subsequently overcoming step by step to achieve the coveted first place.
via BBC News

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22936/

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