📜 ⬆️ ⬇️

We protect the router from the user using dd-wrt

The provider for which I am serving work duty is issued to subscribers by routers for free use for the period of concluding an agreement. When issuing a router, mechanics flash it by entering a username, password, ip, and setting up wifi. And everything would be fine, but especially smart users who like to build a device come across, and the routers have a reset button to the factory settings, after manipulating with which either the subscriber went to the office or the mechanic went to the subscriber to re-configure the device. The cup of patience was full, and the last straw was the TL-WR841N, which the provider bought a large batch of.
Not only that the reset pedal is not recessed (and vice versa is located so that it can be pressed with a twisted cable and just junk in which subscriber devices sometimes appear), the manufacturer also combined WPS and RESET on one button, which is a wonderful solution, to say the least.
There was another painful moment - with the TP-Link native firmware, the router did not always restore the connection after the connection was broken.
Of course, our solution has its drawbacks, such as the impossibility of changing passwords, but we are ready to put up with this.
Well, well ... We start the "treatment".

I don’t have much love for Linux, but I didn’t manage to get all the necessary tools for FreeBSD on the move, and I didn’t want to experiment much on fryashka in anticipation of tinkering with the source code of the firmware sharpened for Linux.
# uname -a Linux debian64 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.60-1+deb7u1 x86_64 GNU/Linux 

An important nuance is x86_64 , but more about that later.
Our final task is to upload the firmware to the default router containing user data that will be restored after resetting to factory settings. Along the way, we solve the problem of reconnecting after a connection failure. The latter problem does not occur on dd-wrt , and the presence of source codes makes it particularly attractive.
To get started, just choose the firmware for our revision. Fill in the router, make test settings and look for where they are stored. A little bit more help
 root@DD-WRT:~# grep -rn test00 /etc /etc/defaults.bin:160: ppp_usernametest001 root@DD-WRT:~# 

we find out that they are stored in the /etc/defaults.bin file, which we will edit. It is from it that the default settings twitch. A little googling we find the editing options for its hex editor, but it's not our method to distort with the hex editor having source codes. We have three ways:
- collect all the firmware from the source;
- build from source only defaults.bin and disassemble the original firmware to replace it;
- create defaults.bin yourself and again replace the original firmware.
All options are viable, and although we will go along the 3rd path, we will touch on the 2nd one as well. In order to make the firmware from source, you need to remember that you need to build under the processor architecture, in our case MIPS, while we automatically get to hemorrhoids with cross-compilation. To do this, the site dd-wrt has prepared toolchains, but all the links to them answer "404 Not Found". They did manage to find them - ftp.dd-wrt.com/toolchains/toolchains.tar.xz .
NB : all toolchains are built under x86_64, which is why it is better to set the system for experiments initially to x86_64
We will not dwell on cross-compilation, this topic is covered in the wiki dd-wrt

But we go our own way. We start with disassembling the firmware.
Download Firmware Modification Kit
 # git clone https://code.google.com/p/firmware-mod-kit/ 

We disassemble our firmware
 # firmware-mod-kit/extract-firmware.sh tl-wr841nd-webflash.bin ./working_directory/ 

Now let's do the preparation of our defaults.bin.
Get the dd-wrt source
 # svn co svn://svn.dd-wrt.com/DD-WRT 

Actually, of all the sources, we need only 2 files.
 # find ./src/router/services/ -name defaults.c ./src/router/services/sysinit/defaults.c ./src/router/services/bin/defaults.c 

The first of which contains the filled srouter_defaults structure, and the second pushes it into defaults.bin.
Modify these files for you:
 #include <epivers.h> #include <string.h> #include <bcmnvram.h> #include <typedefs.h> #include <wlioctl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ezc.h> #include <code_pattern.h> #include <cy_conf.h> struct nvram_tuple srouter_defaults[] = { {"nvram_ver", "3", 0}, {"router_style", "elegant", 0}, {"os_name", "", 0}, {"os_version", "", 0}, {"os_date", "Jul 9 2014", 0}, {"ct_modules", "", 0}, {"wait_time", "5", 0}, {"timer_interval", "3600", 0}, {"time_zone", "Europe/Minsk", 0}, {"ntp_server", "", 0}, {"refresh_time", "3", 0}, {"auth_limit", "180", 0}, {"log_level", "0", 0}, {"ezc_enable", "1", 0}, {"ezc_version", "2", 0}, {"is_default", "1", 0}, {"os_server", "", 0}, {"stats_server", "", 0}, {"console_loglevel", "7", 0}, {"fw_disable", "0", 0}, {"log_enable", "0", 0}, {"log_ipaddr", "0", 0}, {"lan_ifname", "", 0}, {"lan_ifnames", "", 0}, {"lan_hwnames", "", 0}, {"lan_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl0_ifname", "eth1", 0}, {"lan_proto", "dhcp", 0}, {"lan_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"lan_netmask", "", 0}, {"lan_gateway", "", 0}, {"sv_localdns", "", 0}, {"lan_stp", "0", 0}, {"lan_wins", "", 0}, {"lan_domain", "", 0}, {"lan_lease", "86400", 0}, {"wan_dial", "0", 0}, {"wan_ifname", "", 0}, {"wan_ifname2", "", 0}, {"wan_ifnames", "", 0}, {"wan_default", "", 0}, {"wan_hwname", "", 0}, {"wan_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wan_vdsl", "0", 0}, {"dtag_vlan8", "0", 0}, {"wan_proto", "pptp", 0}, {"wan_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wan_netmask", "", 0}, {"wan_gateway", "", 0}, {"pptp_wan_gateway", "", 0}, {"l2tp_wan_gateway", "", 0}, {"wan_dns", "", 0}, {"wan_wins", "", 0}, {"wan_dualaccess", "1", 0}, {"wan_hostname", "", 0}, {"wan_domain", "", 0}, {"wan_lease", "86400", 0}, {"static_route", "", 0}, {"static_route_name", "", 0}, {"ses_enable", "1", 0}, {"ses_event", "2", 0}, {"ses_button", "0", 0}, {"ses_script", "", 0}, {"wan_primary", "1", 0}, {"wan_unit", "0", 0}, {"filter_maclist", "", 0}, {"filter_macmode", "deny", 0}, {"filter_client0", "", 0}, {"filter_port", "", 0}, {"filter_rule1", "", 0}, {"filter_rule2", "", 0}, 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{"wl1_wds6_enable", "0", 0}, {"wl1_wds7_enable", "0", 0}, {"wl1_wds8_enable", "0", 0}, {"wl1_wds9_enable", "0", 0}, {"wl1_wds10_enable", "0", 0}, {"wl1_wds1_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds2_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds3_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds4_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds5_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds6_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds7_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds8_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds9_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds10_hwaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds1_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds2_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds3_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds4_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds5_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds6_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds7_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds8_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds9_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds10_ipaddr", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds1_netmask", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds2_netmask", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds3_netmask", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds4_netmask", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds5_netmask", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds6_netmask", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds7_netmask", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds8_netmask", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds9_netmask", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds10_netmask", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds1_desc", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds2_desc", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds3_desc", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds4_desc", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds5_desc", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds6_desc", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds7_desc", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds8_desc", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds9_desc", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds10_desc", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds1_ospf", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds2_ospf", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds3_ospf", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds4_ospf", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds5_ospf", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds6_ospf", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds7_ospf", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds8_ospf", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds9_ospf", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds10_ospf", "", 0}, {"wl0_br1_enable", "0", 0}, {"wl0_br1_nat", "0", 0}, {"wl1_br1_enable", "0", 0}, {"wl1_br1_nat", "0", 0}, {"wl0_wds", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds0", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds1", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds2", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds3", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds4", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds5", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds6", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds7", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds8", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds9", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds0", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds1", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds2", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds3", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds4", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds5", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds6", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds7", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds8", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds9", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds0_if", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds1_if", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds2_if", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds3_if", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds4_if", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds5_if", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds6_if", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds7_if", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds8_if", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds9_if", "", 0}, {"wl0_wds10_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds0_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds1_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds2_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds3_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds4_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds5_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds6_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds7_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds8_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds9_if", "", 0}, {"wl1_wds10_if", "", 0}, {"wds0.1", "", 0}, {"wds0.2", "", 0}, {"wds0.3", "", 0}, {"wds0.4", "", 0}, {"wds0.5", "", 0}, {"wds0.6", "", 0}, {"wds0.7", "", 0}, {"wds0.8", "", 0}, {"wds0.9", "", 0}, {"wds0.10", "", 0}, {"wds0.11", "", 0}, {"wds0.12", "", 0}, {"wds0.13", "", 0}, {"wds0.14", "", 0}, {"wds0.15", "", 0}, {"wds0.16", "", 0}, {"wds1.1", "", 0}, {"wds1.2", "", 0}, {"wds1.3", "", 0}, {"wds1.4", "", 0}, {"wds1.5", "", 0}, {"wds1.6", "", 0}, {"wds1.7", "", 0}, {"wds1.8", "", 0}, {"wds1.9", "", 0}, {"wds1.10", "", 0}, {"wds1.11", "", 0}, {"wds1.12", "", 0}, {"wds1.13", "", 0}, {"wds1.14", "", 0}, {"wds1.15", "", 0}, {"wds1.16", "", 0}, {"wshaper_enable", "0", 0}, {"wshaper_dev", "WAN", 0}, {"wshaper_downlink", "0", 0}, {"wshaper_uplink", "0", 0}, {"wshaper_nopriohostsrc", "", 0}, {"wshaper_nopriohostdst", "", 0}, {"wshaper_noprioportsrc", "", 0}, {"wshaper_noprioportdst", "", 0}, {"zebra_enable", "1", 0}, {"qos_type", "0", 0}, {"svqos_svcs", "", 0}, {"svqos_ips", "", 0}, {"svqos_macs", "", 0}, {"svqos_port1bw", "FULL", 0}, {"svqos_port2bw", "FULL", 0}, {"svqos_port3bw", "FULL", 0}, {"svqos_port4bw", "FULL", 0}, {"svqos_port1prio", "10", 0}, {"svqos_port2prio", "10", 0}, {"svqos_port3prio", "10", 0}, {"svqos_port4prio", "10", 0}, {"wol_enable", "0", 0}, {"wol_interval", "86400", 0}, {"wol_hostname", "", 0}, {"wol_macs", "", 0}, {"wol_passwd", "", 0}, {"hs_enable", "", 0}, {"hs_exempt", "", 0}, {"hs_urls", "", 0}, {"hs_redirect", "", 0}, {"hs_html", "", 0}, {"hs_image", "", 0}, {"def_whwaddr", "00:00:00:00:00:00", 0}, {"sv_restore_defaults", "0", 0}, {"ospfd_conf", "", 0}, {"zebra_conf", "", 0}, {"ospfd_copt", "0", 0}, {"zebra_copt", "0", 0}, {"zebra_log", "0", 0}, {"dyn_default", "0", 0}, {"altdns1", "", 0}, {"altdns2", "", 0}, {"altdns3", "", 0}, {"log_accepted", "0", 0}, {"log_dropped", "0", 0}, {"log_rejected", "0", 0}, {"port0vlans", "1", 0}, {"port1vlans", "0", 0}, {"port2vlans", "0", 0}, {"port3vlans", "0", 0}, {"port4vlans", "0", 0}, {"port5vlans", "0 1 16", 0}, {"vlans", "0", 0}, {"trunking", "0", 0}, {"manual_boot_nv", "0", 0}, {"status_auth", "1", 0}, {"ipv6_enable", "0", 0}, {"enable_jffs2", "0", 0}, {"clean_jffs2", "0", 0}, {"sys_enable_jffs2", "0", 0}, {"language", "russian", 0}, {"macupd_ip", "", 0}, {"macupd_port", "2056", 0}, {"macupd_interval", "10", 0}, {"mmc_enable", "0", 0}, {"mmc_enable0", "0", 0}, {"ip_conntrack_max", "4096", 0}, {"ip_conntrack_tcp_timeouts", "3600", 0}, {"ip_conntrack_udp_timeouts", "120", 0}, {"rflow_ip", "", 0}, {"rflow_port", "2055", 0}, {"rflow_if", "br0", 0}, {"schedule_enable", "0", 0}, {"schedule_time", "3600", 0}, {"schedule_hour_time", "1", 0}, {"schedule_minutes", "0", 0}, {"schedule_hours", "0", 0}, {"schedule_weekdays", "00", 0}, {"smtp_redirect_enable", "0", 0}, {"smtp_redirect_destination", "", 0}, {"smtp_source_network", "", 0}, {"wds_watchdog_enable", "0", 0}, {"wds_watchdog_interval_sec", "1000", 0}, {"wds_watchdog_ips", "", 0}, {"dhcpfwd_enable", "0", 0}, {"dhcpfwd_ip", "", 0}, {"NC_enable", "0", 0}, {"NC_GatewayName", "DD-WRT", 0}, {"NC_HomePage", "http://www.dd-wrt.com", 0}, {"NC_ExcludePorts", "25", 0}, {"NC_IncludePorts", "", 0}, {"NC_Verbosity", "2", 0}, {"NC_LoginTimeout", "86400", 0}, {"NC_AllowedWebHosts", "", 0}, {"NC_RouteOnly", "0", 0}, {"NC_DocumentRoot", "/www", 0}, {"NC_SplashURL", "", 0}, {"NC_SplashURLTimeout", "21600", 0}, {"NC_MACWhiteList", "", 0}, {"NC_GatewayPort", "5280", 0}, {"NC_GatewayMode", "Open", 0}, {"NC_extifname", "auto", 0}, {"NC_ForcedRedirect", "0", 0}, {"NC_IdleTimeout", "0", 0}, {"NC_MaxMissedARP", "5", 0}, {"NC_RenewTimeout", "0", 0}, {"wl_wme", "on", 0}, {"wl1_wme", "on", 0}, {"wl_wme_sta_bk", "15 1023 7 0 0 off", 0}, {"wl_wme_sta_be", "15 1023 3 0 0 off", 0}, {"wl_wme_sta_vi", "7 15 2 6016 3008 off", 0}, {"wl_wme_sta_vo", "3 7 2 3264 1504 off", 0}, {"wl_wme_ap_bk", "15 1023 7 0 0 off", 0}, {"wl_wme_ap_be", "15 63 3 0 0 off", 0}, {"wl_wme_ap_vi", "7 15 1 6016 3008 off", 0}, {"wl_wme_ap_vo", "3 7 1 3264 1504 off", 0}, {"wl_wme_no_ack", "off", 0}, {"wl_wme_apsd", "on", 0}, {"wl1_wme_sta_bk", "15 1023 7 0 0 off", 0}, {"wl1_wme_sta_be", "15 1023 3 0 0 off", 0}, {"wl1_wme_sta_vi", "7 15 2 6016 3008 off", 0}, {"wl1_wme_sta_vo", "3 7 2 3264 1504 off", 0}, {"wl1_wme_ap_bk", "15 1023 7 0 0 off", 0}, {"wl1_wme_ap_be", "15 63 3 0 0 off", 0}, {"wl1_wme_ap_vi", "7 15 1 6016 3008 off", 0}, {"wl1_wme_ap_vo", "3 7 1 3264 1504 off", 0}, {"wl1_wme_no_ack", "off", 0}, {"wl1_wme_apsd", "on", 0}, {"wl_maxassoc", "128", 0}, {"wl1_maxassoc", "128", 0}, {"wl_wme_txp_be", "7 3 4 2 0", 0}, {"wl_wme_txp_bk", "7 3 4 2 0", 0}, {"wl_wme_txp_vi", "7 3 4 2 0", 0}, {"wl_wme_txp_vo", "7 3 4 2 0", 0}, {"wl1_wme_txp_be", "7 3 4 2 0", 0}, {"wl1_wme_txp_bk", "7 3 4 2 0", 0}, {"wl1_wme_txp_vi", "7 3 4 2 0", 0}, {"wl1_wme_txp_vo", "7 3 4 2 0", 0}, {"dhcp_dnsmasq", "1", 0}, {"dns_dnsmasq", "1", 0}, {"auth_dnsmasq", "1", 0}, {"pptp_use_dhcp", "0", 0}, {"pptp_server_name", "", 0}, {"forward_entries", "0", 0}, {"forwardspec_entries", "0", 0}, {"trigger_entries", "0", 0}, {"sip_port", "5060", 0}, {"sip_domain", "", 0}, {"static_leases", "", 0}, {"static_leasenum", "0", 0}, {"dhcpc_vendorclass", "", 0}, {"dhcpc_requestip", "", 0}, {"maskmac", "1", 0}, {"fullswitch", "0", 0}, {"upgrade_delay", "300", 0}, {"fon_enable", "0", 0}, {"pptpd_client_enable", "", 0}, {"pptpd_client_srvip", "", 0}, {"pptpd_client_srvsub", "", 0}, {"pptpd_client_srvsubmsk", "", 0}, {"pptpd_client_srvuser", "", 0}, {"pptpd_client_srvpass", "", 0}, {"pptpd_client_ipparam", "", 0}, {"pptpd_client_mtu", "1436", 0}, {"pptpd_client_mru", "1436", 0}, {"radio0_on_time", "111111111111111111111111", 0}, {"radio0_timer_enable", "0", 0}, {"radio1_on_time", "111111111111111111111111", 0}, {"radio1_timer_enable", "0", 0}, {"wifi_bonding", "0", 0}, {"wifi_display", "wl0", 0}, {"ttraff_enable", "1", 0}, {"ttraff_iface", "", 0}, {"reconnect_enable", "0", 0}, {"reconnect_hours", "0", 0}, {"reconnect_minutes", "0", 0}, {"warn_enabled", "0", 0}, {"warn_connlimit", "500", 0}, {"ptoken", "0", 0} }; 

The structure is clear enough, the missing elements are intuitive-thought out, but the most incomprehensible can be found in a roundabout way. Almost all the names of the elements of the pages of the web interface coincide with the names of the parameters of our structure, for example, look at the element code with chrome
I think comments are superfluous.

Shaper itself
 #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "./defaults.c" static void usage(void) { const char *cmd = "make_defaults"; fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n" "%s arguments\n" "\tu username pptp username\n" "\tp password pptp user password\n" "\ti ip\t user LAN ip-assress\n" "\tP password WI-FI user password\n" "", cmd); exit(0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; char username[32], password[32], ip[32], wifi_password[64]; if(argc != 9) usage(); while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, "u:p:i:P:")) != -1) { switch(ch) { default: printf("bad option %c %s\n", ch, optarg); usage(); break; case 'u': strcpy(username, optarg); break; case 'p': strcpy(password, optarg); break; case 'i': strcpy(ip, optarg); break; case 'P': strcpy(wifi_password, optarg); break; } } FILE *out; out = fopen("defaults.bin", "wb"); int i; int len = sizeof(srouter_defaults) / sizeof(struct nvram_tuple); fwrite(&len, 4, 1, out); int iSize = sizeof(srouter_defaults) / sizeof(struct nvram_tuple); for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { if (srouter_defaults[i].name) { if (strcmp(srouter_defaults[i].name, "ppp_username") == 0) srouter_defaults[i].value = username; if (strcmp(srouter_defaults[i].name, "ppp_passwd") == 0) srouter_defaults[i].value = password; if (strcmp(srouter_defaults[i].name, "wan_ipaddr") == 0) srouter_defaults[i].value = ip; if (strcmp(srouter_defaults[i].name, "ath0_wpa_psk") == 0) srouter_defaults[i].value = wifi_password; if (strcmp(srouter_defaults[i].name, "wl0_wpa_psk") == 0) srouter_defaults[i].value = wifi_password; // /usr/bin/gcc /root/scripts/dd-wrt/c/bin_defaults.c -I/root/scripts/dd-wrt/DD-WRT/src/include.v24 -I /root/scripts/dd-wrt/DD-WRT/src/router/shared printf("{\"%s\", \"%s\", 0}", srouter_defaults[i].name, srouter_defaults[i].value); if(i+2 < iSize) printf(","); printf("\n"); putc(strlen(srouter_defaults[i].name), out); fwrite(srouter_defaults[i].name, strlen(srouter_defaults[i].name), 1, out); len = strlen(srouter_defaults[i].value); if (len > 127) { len |= 128; putc(len & 0xff, out); putc(strlen(srouter_defaults[i].value) >> 7, out); } else { putc(len, out); } fwrite(srouter_defaults[i].value, strlen(srouter_defaults[i].value), 1, out); } else { putc(0, out); putc(0, out); } } fclose(out); return 0; } 

 # gcc /root/scripts/dd-wrt/c/bin_defaults.c -I/root/scripts/dd-wrt/DD-WRT/src/include.v24 -I /root/scripts/dd-wrt/DD-WRT/src/router/shared 

 # a.out -u test001 -p 0123456 -i -P 01234567890123456 

Copy the resulting defaults.bin into our parsed firmware
 # /bin/cp dd-wrt/c/defaults.bin dd-wrt/841/working_directory/rootfs/etc/defaults.bin 

collect it back
 # dd-wrt/firmware-mod-kit/build-firmware.sh ./working_directory/ Firmware Mod Kit (build) 0.99, (c)2011-2013 Craig Heffner, Jeremy Collake Building new squashfs file system... (this may take several minutes!) Squashfs block size is 128 Kb Creating big endian 3.0 filesystem on /root/scripts/dd-wrt/841/working_directory/new-filesystem.squashfs, block size 131072. Big endian filesystem, data block size 131072, compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments Filesystem size 2753.71 Kbytes (2.69 Mbytes) 34.09% of uncompressed filesystem size (8077.26 Kbytes) Inode table size 4920 bytes (4.80 Kbytes) 22.78% of uncompressed inode table size (21599 bytes) Directory table size 6275 bytes (6.13 Kbytes) 57.61% of uncompressed directory table size (10892 bytes) Number of duplicate files found 0 Number of inodes 700 Number of files 446 Number of fragments 24 Number of symbolic links 189 Number of device nodes 0 Number of fifo nodes 0 Number of socket nodes 0 Number of directories 65 Number of uids 1 root (0) Number of gids 0 Remaining free bytes in firmware image: 126976 Processing 1 header(s) from /root/scripts/dd-wrt/841/working_directory/new-firmware.bin... Processing header at offset 0...checksum(s) updated OK. CRC(s) updated successfully. Finished! New firmware image has been saved to: /root/scripts/dd-wrt/841/working_directory/new-firmware.bin 

… .

UPD : , « , ». . . , .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229355/

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