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Dnepropetrovsk Android Practice Leaders Community Meeting, dedicated to UX, July 10

Great news for all UX / UI specialists from Dnepropetrovsk ! Next Thursday, July 10th, Ciklum will give you two presentations on UX topics. Presentations will be held at the first meeting of the Android Practice Leaders Community !
Anyone can listen to the reports of experienced Android developers:

- The first of them is Alina Bidnenko , with experience of 3+, who is convinced that without a quality UX / IU design, the application cannot survive the current competition, no matter how well it is written inside;
- The second will be Ilya Lisova , with experience 2+, a fan of mobile development and innovation.

Speakers will tell you:
- about the principles and methods of UX design;
- Mobile prototypes for Android and iOS, their differences, and why you shouldn’t make a universal design for all platforms;
- on adapting the design of one mobile platform to another ...
... and give simple tips to designers from developers!
Participation in the event is free by prior registration goo.gl/SvVvf3
Date: July 10, 2014
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Location: Dnepropetrovsk, Barrikadnaya St., 15-a, building 3. 12 floor

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229253/

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