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Casio Super Speed ​​Camera

On Wednesday, billboards in places dangerously close to Eldorado and IT shops filled with ads about the new Casio EX-F1 camera. Putting aside all marketing tricks, immediately the main thing: she can take photos at a speed of 60 frames / c without flash, 15 frames / s with flash and, attention, video at speeds up to 1200 frames / s (Full HD resolution - 300 frames / s ). With a price of 28,000 rubles. In order to show what it means, a presentation was arranged in one of the Moscow IT shops. Within its framework, several physically strong men from the Russian Association of Stuntmen broke up physically strong boards, gypsum boards, bricks and bottles, and also threw each other on the floor in a ring specially arranged in the center of the trade square. All this extravaganza was commented on by the “senior seller” and advertising person of the Eldorado network Vadim Galygin and was filmed on camera. The same, of course. What happened - under the cut.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22924/

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