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Behavioral factors and a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the interaction of advertising with Central Asia (part 2: assessment criteria)

In this article we will continue the description of the approach to determining the level of advertising effectiveness in the context of the three main forms of interaction:

- cognitive, related to changes in attention, interest and intention;
- emotional, which shows how advertising campaigns cause certain feelings for users regarding the brand;
- behavioral, or user-initiated interaction.

We believe that the evaluation of these interaction parameters will help the advertiser to reduce the gap between the statistical evaluation of the audience and the real effectiveness of advertising.

The Iab team of specialists conducted a large-scale analysis of all the parameters that are currently used to assess the level of effectiveness of digital advertising. Parameters ranged from tactical to analytical factors (time spent, number of interactions, number of video views, etc.). As a result, a scheme emerged that visually demonstrates the connection between the three main components of the interaction:

Key Interaction Criteria

In the table below, we take a closer look at the main indicators of interaction: cognitive, emotional, and characterizing behavior.


CharacteristicDefinitionAre they measured now?
Introduction to the advertising campaignThe degree of recognition of advertising / advertising campaign by potential usersYes, by polls
Search results "messages" brandParameters that help the user to remember the main ideas of the advertising campaignYes, by polls
Attribute Search ResultsThe degree to which users remember the features of the brand in advertisingYes, by polls
Changes in associations related to messages / characteristicsThe differences before and after measurement, the extent to which the user can recall and compare these advertising messages or brand characteristicsYes, by polls
Change brand awarenessThe difference before and after in assessing brand awareness by a potential userYes, by polls
Change in customer intentThe difference "before and after" in the planning and readiness to purchase a product in the futureYes, by polls
Changing the level of desire to own a brandThe difference before and after; inclusion of the brand in the list of desired user purchasesYes, by polls


IndicatorDefinitionAre they measured now?
Changes in brand perceptionThe difference "before and after" in changing the views and emotions of a potential user in relation to the brandYes, by polls
Changing brand motivationThe difference "before and after" in determining the core value of the brand, which attracts the userYes, by polls
Brand loyalty changeThe difference before and after in measuring user loyaltyYes, by polls
Physiological responseThe extent to which advertising affects changes in breathing, blood circulation, or other unconscious physical reactions that relate to emotions.Yes, through biometric research


IndicatorDefinitionAre they measured now?
Viewing timeThe duration of the period for viewing adsYes, oculography
View LevelPercentage of users who intentionally watched ads among the audience who watched the videoYes, oculography
Total number of interactionsThe total number of user interactions with advertising (clicks, standby, clicking, swiping, video views, number of shares)Yes, web analytics
Interaction levelA percentage indicating the overall level of possible interactions. Percentage of users who deliberately open a link and view ads for at least 0.5 secondsYes, web analytics
Interaction timeThe average duration of user interaction with advertisingYes, web analytics
ClicksNumber of users who opened adsYes, web analytics
ClickabilityNumber of ad clicks divided by ad viewsYes, web analytics
PressesNumber of users who opened mobile adsYes, web analytics
BrushingNumber of users who missed adsYes, web analytics
Total number of video views, pauses, video stops, and video completionNumber of video views by the user and process characteristicsYes, web analytics
View video level to endPercentage of video views to the end to the total number of viewsYes, web analytics
We were looking for more information.Number of users who visited the brand site after viewing adsYes, web analytics
Direct communication offlineThe number of users who talked about the brand after viewing adsPublic observation
Brand Attention: Reading Brand Publications / Viewing Brand VideoNumber of users who have read / seen the publication of a brand / commercial advertising of a brand / video of a brand on a mass media siteSocial Analysis Method
“Like” post brand / videoNumber of users who “liked” the publication of a brand or videoSocial Analysis Method
Subscribed to the brandNumber of users who subscribed to brand updatesSocial Analysis Method
Share the publication / video of the brand# Of readers who shared the publication / video of the brand with other usersSocial Analysis Method
Recommended brandShare number, which also recommended the brandSocial Analysis Method

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229227/

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