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Learning Java EE 7

Once we conducted a survey on Habré about the publication of the book " Learning Java EE 7 ". Last month, she finally came out.


Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) remains one of the leading technologies and platforms based on Java.
This book is a logical step-by-step tutorial in which many specifications and reference implementations of Java EE 7 are described in detail. Working with them is demonstrated with practical examples. This fundamental edition also uses the latest version of the GlassFish tool, designed to deploy and administer code samples.
The book is written by a leading expert in processing requests for the Java EE specification, a member of the supervisory board of the Java Community Process (JCP). In it you will find the most valuable information presented from the point of view of a Java technology expert for enterprises.

Thanks to this book you:

- get acquainted with the latest version of the Java EE platform;
- explore and learn how to use the EJB and JPA APIs — from entity components, session components to message-driven components, and more;
- discover the API for web-level development, in particular JSF, Facelet and Expression Language;
- Learn how to handle SOAP and RESTful web services, as well as other services available in the latest version of Java EE.
- Learn how to create dynamic user interfaces for enterprise and transactional Java applications.
The book is available in print and electronic format (PDF, EPUB). Within two weeks, a 12% discount on the section "Computer Literature". Coupon code is 66a7973a .

Table of Contents

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229213/

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