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Can a woman manage a team of men?

A few years ago, having become interested in the field of project management, I began to read books and articles on this topic very actively. And, frankly, for it was an unexpected discovery that project management is considered a purely masculine area. At the same time, the indulgent phrase often slipped that “women in the project are still needed - they“ invigorate ”the male team”.

Of course, much depends on the knowledge of a particular person and the specifics of the entire project. However, one of the most important moments in which I later became convinced the hard way - the subconscious reluctance of men to obey a woman. A beautiful woman. To the clever woman (there are cases when the leader knows more than his subordinates in the subject area). All this is very painful for male ego, and not everyone is capable of working productively under the guidance of such a woman.

On the other hand, a woman in the position of PM is not as evil as it may seem. First, women are by nature more careful and punctual, able to pay attention to details. Secondly, women are more flexible, it is easier for them to maneuver between sometimes conflicting interests of the parties. Women are charming, it is easier for them to negotiate (or persuade) with customers and performers. Again, the organizational skills of women are higher - the experience of housekeeping affects ;-). Finally, by virtue of her emotionality, a woman copes with stress more successfully. However, these arguments often do not work on a men's team, and a woman-leader, with all her professional skills, is perceived simply as a woman, and her orders as just another “ladies' whim”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22918/

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