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IBM will host a slice of Second Life

While scientists estimate how many petaflops for Matrix , IBM businessmen decided that existing virtual reality technologies are quite enough for corporate needs.

IBM became the first company to open an autonomous territory in the Second Life universe, accessible only to its employees behind a corporate firewall. The newly generated private state corporation will be counted on IBM servers in branded data centers, so that IBM can fully control this region of the virtual world.

At the moment, the state of IBM is undergoing testing, more than 6,000 employees have created their avatars there. The official launch of the project will take place in a few weeks.
The project is implemented within the framework of the new Linden Labs strategy (SL developer): now they will distribute pieces of the virtual world into private hands, which will increase the total computing capacity of the distributed server network by an order of magnitude and maximize the territory of the virtual world. In addition, in the future, other virtual worlds, such as World of Warcraft, can also be connected to this territory.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22917/

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