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Doctors discovered a woman with half the brain

Chinese doctors experienced considerable surprise when they examined a woman who appealed to them with complaints of weakness. It turned out that the patient has only half of the brain.

The 39-year-old woman led a completely normal life, and only went to the hospital when she began to feel weak. “During the scan, we were surprised to find that the woman’s gray matter was only in the right hemisphere of the brain,” said Jang Linghong, director of the neuralgic rehabilitation department. “It is believed that the left brain is responsible for speech, but this patient has never had any communication problems.”

According to the patient's mother, her daughter leads an absolutely normal life. “She finished school well. She has a great memory. She remembers all the phone numbers and can immediately call them, ”she said.
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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22915/

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