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Nokia XTREME CODING Challenge: what should a developer do at a bird's eye height

Since the advent of the Nokia X platform, we have been constantly working to attract Android developers to place their applications in the Nokia Store, demonstrating the simplicity and convenience of porting to a new platform.

As part of this campaign, we launched the Nokia XTREME CODING Challenge global series of events, where developers participating in the program will work in the most extreme situations.

The first to challenge myself and the tools in the Nokia Store was the developer Jackson Faggeo, who was able to port his own application to Nokia X ... for a five-minute paragliding flight around Rio de Janeiro.

How it was?

All Jackson Fage had before starting from the mountain in a wooded area near Rio de Janeiro is a laptop with a special mount, a modem with 3G access, a GoPro camera and an instructor who performed the role of a pilot while Jackson ported his application.

As soon as the tandem left the ground, Jackson came to our site to analyze the compatibility of his application with the Nokia X platform. There were no problems, since 75% of Android applications can initially run on Nokia X.

After receiving confirmation of compatibility, Jackson went to Nokia Publish and entered his Nokia account information.

Next, Jackson entered the metadata of his application (description, category, etc.) and uploaded apk files.

After that, it remained only to click Submit.

What is the result? Four steps, six minutes - and the Jackson app is on its way to the Nokia Store.

Yes, of course, this is just a spectacular move, but it is designed to show the ease of porting applications to the fast-growing Nokia X platform. Therefore, if you are an Android application developer, we recommend that you pay attention to it and take advantage of new features. Especially in light of the recent release of Nokia X2 , the next generation of the Nokia X family. You will get access to one of the world's largest carrier billing networks and special developer programs, such as DVLUP .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229145/

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