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How to make one of the two Stop and Reload buttons in Fox.

Not some browsers stop and reload buttons are combined into one.
I decided to look for an opportunity to do this in Fox. Googling, I quickly found a convenient and quick solution. For those who need to, read on!

Step one
Right-click on the Stop button (or anywhere on the toolbar) and select Customize ...
Swap the Stop and Reload buttons. To make it so:

Step Two
If you do not have the Stylish addon installed, download it and install it. It is compatible with ff3 beta5.

Step Three
Tools -> Addons -> Stylish -> Options (Manage Styles) -> Write
Copy this code and save:
@namespace url (http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);

# stop-button [disabled = "true"] {display: none; }
# stop-button: not ([disabled]) + # reload-button {display: none; }


Naturally, when the page loads, the button becomes Stop.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22914/

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