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Competition projects open online courses Stepic Challenge

As online courses continue to capture the planet, and in Russia this process is very slow, we decided to contribute to the popularization of online education among Russian-speaking teachers and hold a competition to create open courses and educational materials using the non-commercial platform Stepic.

We made a small analysis of the existing opportunities to get support for creating an open online course in Russian and came to the conclusion that there are very few options. A grant for these purposes can be obtained from the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation (but only on the condition that you are a master’s degree teacher), a number of universities have their own budgets for the development of distance education (for example, ITU, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State University, MIPT), some platforms cover part of the costs of creating courses (for example, “Lectorium” ). Perhaps there are other options, add in the comments, if you know.

Now I will tell in brief about our competition.

What about copyright and licensing?

The copyright remains with the authors of the course, and all materials created with the support of the competition must be licensed for free use under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution – ShareAlike 4.0 license . We believe in free and open education.

What is the prize?

Ten winners will receive cash grants from 30,000 to 360,000 rubles to create their online course. Why such a large scatter? We decided not to limit ourselves to the traditional MOOC model - voluminous courses designed for 6–10 weeks, which essentially translate the standard university format into the Internet. You can also apply for the competition to create a very small course, equal in size to a week on Coursera (about 2 hours of theoretical materials, plus verification tasks). The author receives 30,000 rubles. for such a volume of materials in Russian, 60 000 rubles. - in English. The maximum in the framework of the competition we will issue grants for 6 weeks, which can be both parts of one course, and a set of different courses.

In our experience - and now we are participating in the preparation of several online courses from the Computer Science Center - recording 1 section (week) takes 2 working days. This, of course, in the presence of a professional studio, where there is help with video and sound. Self-recording should take no more than 5 days, and another 2-3 days will be spent processing materials, compiling and testing verification tasks. It is also necessary to provide time for the launch phase: many questions and suggestions will be received from students, and active work with them will help to finalize and significantly improve the course.
Since we are in St. Petersburg, the residents and guests of our city have special advantages - you can record courses in our MOOC studio with the help of Michael , the video guru of Stepic.


What is the timeline?

We are waiting for the application until August 25, 2014, the winners will be announced on September 22. From October, it will be necessary to start implementing your ideas and create at least 1 section (week of the course) per month.

How to apply?

In addition to a brief story about yourself and the planned course, to apply, you need to create a small test lesson at Stepic on the subject and in the spirit of the future course. In the lesson, we ask you to use both text and video, in addition to theory, you need to think through verification tasks (this will help different types of Stapick tasks). The video for the application can be shot on a simple webcam, a built-in microphone will be suitable for recording sound. The quality of the recording is not so important for us as it is to see how you feel in front of the camera and present the material. The lesson “How to create a lesson on Stepic” will help you to deal with the editor, but if you have questions, you can always contact us by mail or ask below in the comments.

Sample Lesson 1
Sample Lesson 2
Sample Lesson 3

How will the selection take place?

Until August 25, we will see the applications ourselves as they are received and post the worthy ones on the site for an open vote. The final decision on the winners will make a jury until September 15. The composition of the jury, we continue to expand.

What are the selection criteria?

First, based on the application materials and the test lesson, we and the jury will evaluate whether the author can make an interesting and high-quality course.

The second most important criterion is adherence to the principle of self-sufficiency and completeness of each section (week), and ideally - every lesson. In the long run, we see Stepic as an open library of lessons and courses in a wide range of disciplines, in which the community will be able to complement the missing materials, and teachers will be able to use the open lessons of other authors for their students. In other words, the course is built as a “playlist” of lessons, and for this, each lesson must be a self-contained “composition”.

The third selection criterion is the target audience of the course. At the moment, priority is given to courses designed for the widest possible audience in terms of the necessary basic knowledge for training.

And the last criterion is the author’s desire to take into account the accumulated international experience in creating courses, the abandonment of obviously outdated practices (such as the publication of a video recording of a regular lecture). A small review of the best practices we have posted and updated here .

Are there any restrictions or preferences for course topics?

Applications are accepted for the creation of courses in all academic subjects, but we came up with several special contest nominations:

* At Stepic there are many possibilities for automatic verification of tasks for programming, for example, the safe execution of user code in the sandbox (C ++, Java, Python, Haskell, Octave), as well as the generation and testing of randomized datasets. The latter were actively used as Programming Assignments in the course courses Bioinformatics Algorithms and Core Concepts in Data Analysis . Later we will write about our open source system of plug-ins, which allows you to add new types of tasks with automatic checking for your courses if they are not yet present on the platform.


Stepic ("Stepic") is a non-profit educational project that works to create an online designer and platform for free lessons and courses. Stepic cooperates with both educational institutions and individual teachers and authors. At the moment, in addition to Computer Science Center courses, Russian-language courses are also planned from teachers at the European University in St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences . The project was created with the support of the company JetBrains .



More detailed information with all the details is on the contest website . Tell your favorite teachers about this opportunity or create a course yourself. We look forward to your requests, letters and comments to the post with questions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229133/

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