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RIF 2008 lets hope

The part of the Russian Internet Forum, open to the general public, which began on Thursday in the Lesnye Dali boarding house near Moscow, answered many questions and really clarified a lot in the development trends of Runet, leaving no room for doubt about the significance of this event. And not only because the presence of the event was honored by newly elected President Dmitry Medvedev and the heads of key government departments in the industry.

At the plenary meeting, the Chairman of the Board of ROCIT and Mark Tverdynin took the opening speech, who noted the unprecedented public interest in this, the 12th in a row, Forum: more than 2,800 registered participants this year. At the same time, as Mr. Tverdynin said, the average participant is a 35-year-old top manager of an enterprise in the IT industry. But if the first two rows of the boarding house cinema, occupied by the elite of high-tech business and high guests, took these words for granted, the remaining 350 people in the hall and about the same in the hall and dining room looked at each other with the words written in their eyes “Are you a top manager? Me not".

Dmitry Medvedev at RIF 2008 Dmitry Medvedev, speaking to the participants, joked, spoke about the growth of the market, about the interest of the state. That over the past 8 years a lot of money was invested in the industry, including from the budget (“School portal?”, Whispered through the gallery). The fact that it is necessary to overcome the "digital divide" (the phrase promises to be popular) between the capitals and regions. The fact that in the subtle issue of freedom of speech and the responsibility of the author on the web, the state must behave correctly, but it must establish certain rules for everyone to comply with the law. The fact that it was decided to remove the status of strategic importance for the state from Internet providers (surprise, brief scattered applause). The fact that Dmitry Anatolyevich has been on the Internet for 12 years already, that he has been following current trends and has not ignored social networks.

Sergei Plougotarenko, Executive Director of ROCIT, added that the Center, which was originally created to represent the interests of Runet users, will continue to defend them, even under external pressure. “We hope that there will be no outside pressure,” he added, looking somewhere in the middle of the first row. But the high interest in the industry, he said, “gives hope” that it will receive an impetus in development.
In general, the degree of the democratic attitude of the organizers of the “main professional event” is obviously high: where else can anyone, absolutely any honest internet user, see the living president and ministers, meet with the top business? Somewhat embarrassed is that for this he had to cope with the acute shortage of transport to the Forum venue (free buses were able to transport about a tenth of those who wanted to), huge queues to the canteen (without paying access to which by bank transfer in advance, he was actually deprived of the opportunity to dine ), and, most importantly, strict security measures taken by the FSO to protect the president. It was also not easy to listen to the reports: only the cinema hall, where only the fifth part of the conference was held, was suitable for a long attentive perception of information.

Yes, and reports, most of which are repetitions of what was said at narrower professional events, or attached to some formal topic of self-presentation of speakers, can hardly be called a fairly strong center of attraction for visitors to the Forum. This is indirectly confirmed by the fact that on the second day of the conference in “Forest Daly” it was far from crowded. What allowed business elite and government officials to finally breathe easy and stop crouching under the watchful eyes of ordinary Internet users.

Summing up, we can say that RIF, speaking with the concept of a place of communication between large and small representatives of the industry, this time turned out to be really suitable only for communication of large ones. Let us hope that this will not become a trend.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22912/

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