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Vote for deleting comments

The topic below actively discusses highlighting (or rather hiding) color-coded comments. IMHO very good and sensible idea. But there is only one question - what to do with “Upyachka Militaries”, malicious matershinniki and very large pictures ?
In addition to color highlighting, I propose to keep 2 separate post ratings - the one that is now (like / dislike) and the “delete” rating. When the critical mark is reached (5, for example), the post will be replaced with the inscription “UFO flew in and published this inscription here.”
The idea is based on the assumption that there are more sane people with karma, and seeing a normal comment proposed for deletion, such a person will definitely give him a boost, even if he does not agree with the content. A kind of "his own moderator."


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22911/

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