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The portal AllDataCenters.ru with the support of IBM and MERLION launches the Internet project “Infrastructure Matters”

The industry portal AllDataCenters.ru, with information support from IBM companies and technical support from MERLION, is starting to accept applications for participation in the Internet project for cloud service providers “Infrastructure Matters”. The project is aimed at organizations and enterprises that are interested in improving the performance and energy efficiency of their cloud platforms, as well as on improving the quality of services and services provided. The uniqueness of the project is in the detailed coverage on the portal pages of the process of upgrading the software and hardware complex of the cloud provider at all stages of implementation - from design to data migration and work under load.

Within the framework of the project, a group of specialists consisting of experts from IBM and MERLION will conduct a comprehensive survey of the existing infrastructure of the company selected on a competitive basis. Based on the audit results, a detailed plan will be developed for optimizing and implementing the updated infrastructure based on IBM technologies.

Participation in the Infrastructure Matters project will help both the project participant and the audience of the AllDataCenters.ru portal to get comprehensive materials on creating and upgrading the infrastructure of the cloud provider, as well as the opportunity to compare the result with the previous parameters of the platforms using the example of a real operator. For this, the IBM participating company will be provided with an IBM hardware and software solution and the necessary expert advice.
Throughout the project, a photo and video review of the work will be published on the AllDataCenters.ru portal, and upon completion of the project a final report will be prepared with a description of all phases of work, results achieved, comments and expert advice.

You can apply for participation in the “Infrastructure Matters” project by filling out a questionnaire at www.alldc.ru/power , answering as much as possible all the questions in it. According to the results of the analysis of the questionnaires received, the expert committee will select a company that participates in the project.

Applications for participation are accepted until July 25, 2014.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229107/

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