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Review epitaph of Samsung Gear Live

Disclaimer : the post can be viewed as a cry from the heart about the quality of Samsung devices.

I think that many have heard that on Google IO this year we were given a piece of cardboard and gear live .
To my shame, I could not feel the joy of none of the other. My phone (also by the way from Samsung) is already a year and a half and it is stuck on the old version of Android.

It does not matter, the carton is sent to the suitcase before returning to Moscow for tests with the phone of my more insightful colleague who chose the device from the Nexus line.
What to do with the clock? As it turned out, without a phone on Android 4.3, it absolutely cannot work. Even the time you do not look at them. On Google IO, there were enough the same poor people as me with the irrelevant version of Android. With the help of a friendly uncle from Google, we and a friend managed to activate Retail Mode on the clock. This is such a demo mode (as the name implies specifically for stores) in which you can turn hard cards, check that time in London is always 10:00 and check that the device responds to voice commands.

I checked that the watch is working, put it in a suitcase and went to the afterparty after the conference in SAP. Unfortunately, after returning to Moscow when I tried to show the first device on Android Wear, I realized that I had a watch corpse in my box. Neither the change of the charger, nor the shaman dances around helped. It is not known when the watch goes on sale in Russia, moreover, according to the guys from Google, the guarantee applies only to the US.

Frankly, this is not my first experience of communicating with the “smart watches” made by Samsung, the previous experience was also not very good. But then the problem was that their own ecosystem for developers was damp. Here is the problem with the quality of the device itself.

The moral of all this post for me personally is that it was necessary to take a watch from LG, it is not clear what I was hoping for after having once bathed in frustration after using Gear 2.

I thank the minuses for the opportunity to check the functionality of the function to reset karma.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229079/

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