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Python came in 1st place for teaching programming in US universities

As of July 2014, Python came out in 1st place in primary education programming programs in US universities, writes the journal Communication of the ACM.

27 of the 39 largest programming faculties (69%) at universities offer courses in Python with CS0 or CS1 (introductionary courses). The situation has changed in the past three years. In particular, an introduction to programming at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Berkeley have recently been translated into Python.

The second most popular is Java (22 of 39), followed by MATLAB (8), C ++ (6), C (6), Scheme (4), Scratch (3).
The author of the study in the journal Communication of the ACM did a good job collecting information with the names of programming courses in all universities. The list is gradually updated as readers send updated information from their universities.

The list of the “largest” IT departments is taken from this ranking .

At least, it is now clear what language is best to learn programming from scratch, even as part of self-education.

Courses in Python are offered by distance learning sites edX, Coursera and Udacity. The popularity of specialized learning resources like Online Python Tutor has skyrocketed in recent years, with the popularity of this language growing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229063/

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