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Anyone can hack Tor for $ 3000

“You don't have to be an NSA to hack Tor. The budget method of de-anonymization " - two hackers formulated the topic of their report and promised a month later at the Black Hat 2014 conference to demonstrate how, having a" handful of powerful servers and a couple of gigabit connections ", you can attack Tor using" basic vulnerabilities in design and implementation networks. "

Speakers will present a dozen cases: from intercepting botnet management to exposing sites with child pornography and drug trafficking.

Prior to that, it was believed that such a large organizations could do it, and after Snowden's dismantling, the success of the NSA in this field became known. The message that the NSA watched two German Tor servers.
At the CCS 2013 conference, a group of researchers from the Naval Research Laboratory, led by Aaron Johnson, published an article “Users Get Routed: Traffic Correlation on Tor by Realistic Adversaries” . They also developed the Tor Path Simulator program to analyze traffic correlation and simulate path selection, which allows you to identify Tor users with 95% accuracy.

Alexander Volynkin research scientist at CERT Cyber ​​Security Solutions. Conducts research in the field of network security, analysis of the behavior of malicious software, advanced reverse engineering techniques, and cryptanalysis. Alexander is the author of several scientific publications, a book on the topic of analyzing malware behavior and the author of a patent in the field of "full disk encryption". Volynkin has won numerous awards for his research and publications.

Michael McCord is a software vulnerability analyst in the Forensic Operations and Investigations team at Carnegie Mellon University. His research includes Android security, malware analysis, botnet technology, and network anonymity.

“Want to find out the IP address of a Tor user? No problem.
Trying to figure out the location of the Hidden Service? Is done.
We know, because we have already done this in real conditions ... "

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229049/

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