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Centos 7 release released

Finally, we waited for a new release of Centos made on the RHEL 7 package base. The release happened very quickly due to the fact that Redhat bought the Centos project and hired some distribution kit full-time, now they promise a delay of a maximum of two days after the updates appear in RHEL. Earlier, we remember the delay in releases for half a year, which caused terrible indignation among fans of this server distribution.

Of the interesting is worth noting Addition of the month and year of the build to the version of the distribution kit, similar to ubuntu. The current version is number 7.0-1406. We also introduced a collection of thematic, extended versions of Centos distributions, we expect analogues of kubuntu, edubuntu, pidora and other branches of the distribution. You can see their list here wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup
Of the global changes, I would note the rejection of 32-bit assemblies and the transition to the xfs file system by default. The default transition to build mariadb instead of mysql, mount / tmp in tmpfs (well, finally it came).

Download images here isoredirect.centos.org/centos/7/isos/x86_64

In the coming days, I will deploy several fresh installations and supplement the post with practical use and features I haven’t written about yet.

UPD1: Yes, there is support for migrating from Centos 6 to Centos 7, I think it's obvious to everyone that the process is not the easiest and in my opinion it will be easier to transfer everything to new installations than to upgrade. http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/MigrationGuide
UPD2: Yes systemd.
UPD3: Kpatch analogue of Ksplice appeared to update parts of the kernel on the fly.
UPD4: There is support for BTRFS, apparently the test is not for production.
UPD5: Added docker, honestly read it, but didn’t reach the hands to expand, and here’s a good chance to try out of the box.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229043/

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