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Overview of 7 online software localization services

Probably every product, the interface of which has more than one language, faced the problem of organizing the localization process.

In fact, this question concerns not only multilingual applications. When designing a feature, it is far from always that all the texts that are needed for it are worked out in advance; therefore, very often, developers use “draft” texts, which then need to be verified and, if necessary, translated into another language. Usually it looks like this: “well, you write something there for now, then we will correct it”.

In this review, I will describe my impressions of testing 7 online services for software localization and compare them by main indicators (see the table at the end of the article).

Disclaimer : this review does not pretend to be complete and objective. I decided to share my impressions of working with several services that I tested in the process of solving the problem of organizing the translation process in a particular Ruby on Rails project. Perhaps, for some, the minuses will seem positive and vice versa, it all depends on the process and personal impressions. Besides, I myself am not a translator and can miss some important points for them.
For each service I will describe its key features in a free form, and at the end of the article I will make a small comparative table. All screenshots are clickable. Let's go!


Since our application is written in Ruby on Rails, naturally, first of all, I drew attention to this service with the attractive slogan “Easy localization for Rails apps”. In general, this service already has a brief overview in the article Ruby on Rails I18n: developer - develops, client - fills. The rest will be taken care of by the service , but I will still write my impression in order to make the review more holistic.

Looking ahead, I will immediately say that localeapp has one drawback (not the only one, however), because of which we refused to use it. The fact is that we needed not only to translate, but also to review our default locale. And localeapp marks all keys in any imported file as “Complete”. That is, after loading our default locale there, I saw that it was all “Complete”, and in order to mark it for review, I need to do it manually for each key! I even wrote to the developers about this, and they replied that they did: "... there is no way to complete the batch-mark complete locales as incomplete." For us, this means that we would have to set up a fictitious locale in the application, add unapproved translations to it, and transfer them to the normal locale as the review proceeds. Well, what can I say ... it's a shame that due to the lack of possibility of such a simple batch operation, the service may lose customers. And everything started so well, I liked this service.

Translator Interface:

Key Features:

Weak sides:


Functionally very rich service, which is suitable for most projects. However, it may even seem to someone too overloaded with possibilities.

Translator Interface:

Key Features:

Weak sides:


This service is not so rich in terms of translation as webtranslateit, but it seemed to me very worthy of attention. In addition, he, in my opinion, has the most convenient and flexible implementation of synchronization of language resources with the project (in particular through Github).

Translator Interface:

Key Features:

Weak sides:


A fairly well-known service for localizing applications, but, oddly enough, its capabilities are inferior to counterparts. Often it is used to translate Open Source projects.

Translator Interface:

Key Features:

Weaknesses :


Translator Interface:

Key Features:

Weak sides:


Translator Interface:

Key Features:

Weak sides:





Oddly enough, but this is probably the only service that I will not write anything in this section. Yes, some features are simply not there, but everything vital is available and is quite conveniently implemented.

Comparison table of services by main indicators

Open Source
- **
. transfer
— localeapp
— ( .yml)
— wti
— lingohub
— Github/Bitbucket
— tx
— i18n-one_sky
— crowdin-cli
— phrase

( Github/Bitbucket)

( URL)

* - of course, the source codes of the localeapp gem are open, and you can see everything there, but at least I haven’t found any public API documentation.
** - something similar can be implemented in your Ruby-on-Rails application, for example, through the i18n_viz gem . He knows how to display keys in the front instead of translations, and also immediately show a direct link to edit this key in the translation service (see the description of the heme).

A full description of the capabilities of the services would take a lot of time, so I stopped only on the main points. My small review does not pretend to objectivity, since we chose the service for a specific project and workflow, but I hope it will save someone time when solving a similar task.

I considered services more from tz. programmer and ease of integration with them. I would like to receive comments from translators on these or similar services in the comments, so that, so to speak, look at the question through their eyes.

PS And yes, I am aware that there are actually much more services to limit online translations, but I did not want to overload the article. Services such as, for example, ackuna.com and www.ibabbleon.com, I did not include in the review, since they are not intended for self-localization of software. In the comments are categorically welcome links to interesting services, which I have bypassed my attention. If there are enough of them, I will sip the second part of the review.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229031/

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