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IPhone 3G on sale from day to day?

According to some reports, there is a shortage of iPhone in US stores.
In this regard, many analysts predict that the new 3G iPhone will be available sooner than many expected, because Apple is characterized by reduced shipments before the release of a new product.
But before you happily start clapping your hands - let's take a deeper look at the situation.

First , there is a shortage only in the USA and only in Apple-AT & T stores.
Second : according to the logic of things, the FCC and Apple should have presented to the public beautiful photos of an iPhone with a 3G antenna.

However, there is good news.
According to Phonescoop , AT & T:
The company's CEO, Ralph de la Vega (Ralph de la Vega), confirmed that all AT & T smartphones will switch to 3G generation. This concerns not only the Apple iPhone, but also the Blackberry.
So - ask yourself one important question: "Am I ready to sell my iPhone?"

Although, of course, the residents of Russia should not be so hard to strain on this issue. As far as I know, we are still far enough away from the "universal" implementation of 3G, while EDGE works fine, and even if it doesn't exist, there is always Wi-Fi.

Read more on the New York Times blog.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22900/

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