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The last day of early registration at WebCamp and additional discounts for Habrahabr readers

Greetings to all readers of Habra!

Our team GeeksLab from July 21 to July 24 in the framework of Odessa Innovation Week will hold the V annual conference of web developers WebCamp 2014 in the following areas: development , project management , design , internet marketing and mobile technologies .
Today is the last day of early registration . Especially for Habra readers, we give a 10% discount code: habrahabr .

The first day of the conference, July 21 , will be devoted to design ( WebCamp: Designers Day ). Presentations will be made by representatives of such companies as: SoftTechnics, Ciklum, Mobidev, Akademia design house, Chapps, POPEL and others. You will hear a lot of useful things about the intricacies of designing icons, applications, websites, and even the tricks of time management for designers. The following reports will be presented: How to make an icon for ios and remain a decent person (Elena Strelkova, UI / UX Designer at Softtechnics IT company), Creating a prototype of a responsive Adobe Edge website (Stas Burika, Senior UX / UI Designer at Mobidev), 10 ways make a nice interface (Anatoly Popel, founder and head of the interactive agency POPEL), Adaptive scheme of work (Semen Lobach).
The full program of the day can be found here .

July 21, in parallel with the direction of design, will discuss current issues of promoting business on the Internet ( WebCamp: Internet Marketing Day ). Bronze sponsor of the direction was the company Looksery. You will learn about trends and new technologies of Internet marketing, as well as the secrets of audience management on the Internet. The event will consist of two streams: “Tools” and “Cases”. In the “Tools” stream, we will discuss how to work more effectively with various tools and web services that are useful to an internet marketer. Stream “Cases” will be devoted to practical examples and interesting promotion strategies. Presentations will be made by representatives of companies such as: Google Ukraine, Hashtago, Netpeak, SvitSoft, SMMGroup, Artjoker Digital, Prodigi, Opera Software Ukraine and others. The following reports will be presented: The role of the semantic core in promoting websites (Oleg Salamaha, SEO analyst from Netpeak and CEO of Prodvigator), 20 services that increase the effectiveness of online business (Dmitry Tkachenko, managing partner of SMMGroup and Business.People), E-mail marketing: a session of magic. Where to start your journey: reanimation of Clients and soft implementation of email marketing in business (Anna Melnichuk, E-mail marketing specialist at Opera Software Ukraine) and others. Within this day, two workshops will also be held: promotion of IT products using Google (Evgeny Galkin, Product Strategist Google Ukraine) and Hashtag marketing. What is it and what does it eat? (Konstantin Ryabov, COO at Hashtago).
The full program of the day can be found here .

The second day of the conference, July 22 , will be devoted to the development, design and promotion of mobile applications ( WebCamp: Mobile Day ). The sponsor of the day was Ciklum. The direction will consist of two streams: “Development” and “Design & Promotion”. In the “Development” stream, the main focus will be on technical reports of developing applications for platforms such as: iOS, Android, WP8, and others. In the flow “Design & Promotion” we will talk about the design of mobile applications, as well as their promotion in various stores. Presentations will be made by representatives of such companies as: Yandex, MobiDev, DevRain Solutions, DataArt, Artjoker, Capable Bits and others. The following reports will be presented: Swift - a new programming language for iOS and OS X, advantages and disadvantages. How to switch from Objective-C (Andrey Makarov, iOS Developer, Team Leader at MobiDev), Developing Universal Applications for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 (Alexander Krakovetsky, Head of DevRain Solutions), Building Android Applications with Gradle (Lyubov Povolotskaya, Senior Android developer in the company DataArt), Popups, alerts and windows (Yandex) and others.
The full program of the day can be found here .

The third day of the conference, July 23 , will be devoted to project management ( WebCamp: Project Management Day ). On this day, in parallel in two streams: “Tools and Practices” and “Real Life”, the secrets of managing teams and projects will be discussed. Within the framework of the “Tools and Practices” stream, we will discuss current issues of using various practices and tools for effective management of teams and projects. In the “Real Life” stream, leading managers will share their own experience in the formation, management and development of teams and projects using concrete examples. Representatives of such companies as Softserve, iklum Consulting, E5, Indigo, DataArt, Zakaz.ua, ADS group, MobiDev and others will make presentations. The following reports will be presented: Motivation - a view from IT (Alexander Demura, head of the Odessa office of DataArt), World of Agile: Kanban (Eugene Andrushko, Project Manager at Softserve), Managerial practices in the work of distributed teams (Timofey Evgrashin, Siklum Consulting), Managing a development team in the face of total uncertainty (Maksym Klymyshyn (CTO at Zakaz.ua (GVMachines Inc.))), Managing requirements in Agile: as it happens in the real world (Pryhnich Alena, Co-founder & trainer @ E5, IC Agile certified professional ) other.
The full program of the day can be found here .

The fourth day of the conference, July 24 , will be devoted to web development ( WebCamp: Developer Day ). DataArt was the gold sponsor of the day, Ciklum was the sponsor. In three parallel threads, participants will discuss current issues in such areas as: Front-End, Back-End and Frameworks / Architecture. On the Front-End stream, we will focus on issues of modern layout and development of the frontend. Back-End flow will be devoted to the actual themes of backend development in various programming languages: JavaScript, Scala, PHP and others. The secrets of various frameworks, their comparison and selection for specific tasks, as well as architectural issues will be discussed on the Frameworks / Architecture stream. The following reports will be presented: Single Page Web Application with Scala / Spray (Slava Schmidt), Component-Based Application Architecture (Artem Tretiak), Principles for Building an Efficient REST API (Georgy Illuminations), The Big, the Small and the Redis (Andriy Shevchenko) , Web application architecture: an overview of current solutions (Ruslan Shevchenko), N2O: The Most Powerful Erlang Web Framework (Maxim Sokhatsky), SQL Server Full-Text Search - this is not for me, or building your own system (Oleg Rakitskiy), From cache to in-memory data grid. Introduction to Hazelcast (Taras Matyashovsky), DDD in PHP on example of Symfony (Oleg Zinchenko) and others.
The full program of the day can be found here .

Be always up to date with the latest news, take part in promotions, win prizes from organizers and partners, and also share your impressions and wishes on the conference pages on social networks: Facabook , Vkontakte , Twitter . Conference hashtag: #WebCampOdessa.

Registration and all details on the conference website at: http://webcamp.in.ua . 20% discount promotional code for Habra readers: habrahabr .

Students who wish to participate in the WebCamp conference are given a 50% discount. In order to take advantage of the discount, enter the promotional code: STUDENT in the registration form (* Attention! A student must present when visiting the conference!).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228939/

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