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Where data centers live well, or regional features of the IT infrastructure market

At the moment, in the global hosting market, the United States is the leader in existing capacity, this country resembles in some sense a “hub”. The rest of the world shows steady growth in this area, especially here Asia and Europe can be noted. The demand for the services of data centers has only grown until now, the IT companies with each year more and more feel the need to increase the needs of the services provided by data centers. The request exists both for the construction of data centers in specific locations, and for outsourcing through cloud services. Thus, the need of the modern world for data centers is a reality. But the placement of this IT infrastructure is very dependent on various factors. Further, the article will provide an overview of the international sites of the data warehousing services market. The review is presented on the basis of the report of research company Cushman & Wakefield, according to the results of 2013.

Rating Index - Formation Criteria

In order to provide the most accurate analysis of the existing state of affairs in the world of data center operations, the Cushman & Wakefield campaign introduced the concept of “risk index”. The index is formed from a variety of factors whose influence is distributed non-linearly, the counting methodology takes into account the weighting factor.

The data from the above report more correctly describes the risks for the functioning of the data center at the macro level. Countries with a low refund rate, at the micro level, can also offer good conditions. For the formation of indices, a group of experts was involved, including data center employees. Before the publication of the report, its results were presented to market experts, many of whom received encouraging feedback.


Given the obviousness of existing information flows - Europe is a reliable market for hosting data centers. The continent is currently experiencing not the best economic and political time: economic recession in southern Europe, high unemployment, uncertain political perspectives of the European Union itself, all these processes can become negative factors for the development of the IT services market in the short and medium term.

Currently, the data processing and storage industry is still showing growth in the region. As the provider “Interxion” mentions in its report: “In the first quarter of last year, there was a good dynamics of growth in profits, as of the end of the year, our profits increased by 4%, compared to the same period in 2012, this is not universally established in Europe, economic weakness. "

Another feature of the European market is that according to the international development company Cushman & Wakefield, the risk index for data centers located in the UK and Germany is second and fourth, respectively (the United States took first place in the security list). The stated company’s report examines such risks as political instability, the price of energy resources, the potential for natural disasters, and other factors that may pose a risk to the functioning of the data center.

Taking into account the unbridled growth of the IT sector in the EU, it becomes obvious that the market for providing data center services will be able to survive, without loss, no major tremors or reorganizations on the European continent. At the same time, the deepening of existing problems may lead to a drop in the “rates” on the European player.

Northern Europe

Scandinavian countries have formed their own unique mini region, which can be distinguished separately from the pan-European. Northern Europe also shows a high growth in the IT services market. Having a cool climate (a great factor in reducing energy costs for data centers) and rich renewable resources of cheap electricity, this already makes Scandinavia extremely attractive for building new capacities here. A risk analysis conducted by Cushman & Wakefield for this region showed that Sweden ranked at an extremely high third place, Iceland ranked at an impressive seventh (even despite its recent significant volcanic activity), immediately behind her were Norway and Finland, with eighth and ninth places.

But even here the situation is not so “cloudless”, there are also negative factors. As mentioned in the report: “Norway ... is noted as one of the most stable countries from a political point of view, and also has access to unique, renewable natural resources, at the same time has excessively expensive labor and weak connectivity of information channels, which discards it from leadership. " Iceland, in turn, was noted as politically unstable, and the same weak connectivity of information channels, this is what works to lower the country's rating. However, in general, the Nordic countries are the rising star of the entire European region.


Asia is the most promising market for increasing the capacity of data centers and, accordingly, the market for their services. In particular, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore are showing high growth, in other areas of the region they are also booming, although not so violently. Asian countries are still not responding in terms of the level of development to the countries of Europe and especially the USA, but a significant part of the population (especially in China and India) is increasingly using IT services, which in turn generates a request for the construction of new data centers. The published list from Cushman & Wakefield showed the following: Hong Kong, with its sixth position, became the leader of the region, South Korea took the thirteenth place, Singapore - the fifteenth, and Malaysia - the sixteenth. It is interesting to be on the twenty-fourth place in the list of Russia, the position is due to both positive factors: the availability of natural resources, cheap electrics, and negative: the complexity of doing business, political instability, poorly developed economy. Despite the full development potential of China and India, their place is in the list of 25 and 29, out of thirty countries which were assessed.

Without taking into account the reality of risks, it is specifically in China that one can see an active expansion of international corporations, such as IBM and Google, with an eye to consolidating in a dynamically developing market.

South America

This is another region with mixed development conditions, the situation is similar to Asia. Despite the overall growth of the market, the region has many risks for companies that are planning to build data centers. Brazil, the only country that was listed in the Risk Indices for Data Centers list, was at the very bottom of it. As the report says: “Brazil is the country with the greatest risks for placing data centers in it. The authors' report was prepared based on the analysis of more than ten parameters, and the high cost of energy resources is particularly noted, which is the main factor complicating the conduct of the data center construction business in Brazil. ” Other risk factors are political instability and high taxes for large businesses. According to the report, despite the region’s frank difficulties, the outlook for Brazil is positive. You can also expand the scope of the South American region and include Mexico, which turned out to be only a few positions higher than Brazil and largely repeats its realities.

Middle East and Africa

The only country in the region that hit the list of “Risk Indices for Data Centers” is Qatar, with an unexpectedly high tenth place on the list, right after Finland. It must be said that in some countries of the region there are first-class data centers, but due to political instability, ongoing wars, the risk factors are excessively high. The population is generating an increasing demand for modern technologies and the development of IT infrastructure, which is the result of increasing prosperity in the countries of the region (especially the Middle East), while the growth in market activity, according to the above risk factors, will still be seriously restrained.
Prospects for increasing resources for data storage and processing.


A very strong market with excellent growth prospects in North America, where the economy continues to increase the demand for new data center capacities. In Europe, in spite of the existing difficulties, requests for new capacities also show good growth. Asia, at the same time with the ongoing growth of the region's economies, is the growth leader in the data center sector. But a detailed analysis shows that this growth is due to the youth of this segment of services and it has a short-term perspective of a sharp increase in the users' needs for infrastructure resources. Over time, as the technical lag in Asia will decrease, the inherent high dynamics of capacity expansion will also decrease. In the medium term, factors inherent in the western regions, high prices for energy resources, the tax system, political instability and so on will be constraining factors.

* existing percentage of data center capacity by country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228933/

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