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The prohibition of data storage Russians on foreign servers: what will happen after September 1, 2016?

Today there was an event that everyone waited so long for, now there will be no half measures, since September 1, 2016, the storage of any personal data outside the Russian Federation is prohibited.

What happened?
What is banned?
What will happen to the Internet?
What does all of this mean?
What to do?
I will try to answer these questions inside the post.

What happened?

The State Duma adopted in the third reading a ban on storing data from Russians outside Russia. 325 deputies voted for the document, against 65 parliamentarians.

Briefly about the law:
On July 1, 2014, amendments to the Law on Personal Data were approved by the State Duma in the first reading. Under their action will get such popular Internet resources like Facebook, Twitter and Booking.com. The bill regulates the obligations of the Internet operator “to ensure the recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction of personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation in the databases of information located on the territory of the Russian Federation”. The document also provides for the creation of registry servers violators.

What is banned?

Personal data is any data that may be associated with your person, and not as you might have previously thought about your passport number.
Imagine the scale of the tragedy?
In other words: Mail, phone number, full name, any data on health, personal accounts, data for obtaining foreign visas, transactions - all this is personal data

According to the letter of the law:
“Personal data - any information relating to a directly or indirectly determined or determined individual (subject of personal data);” (152-, Art.3, p.1)

What will happen to the Internet?

In fact - this law prohibits the existence of any services in which it is possible to register .

In other words:
No purchases abroad
No visas abroad
No transactions on means of world payment systems
No hotel reservations
No foreign hosters
No foreign services with authorization
No private servers abroad
No Android play market and AppStore
The list is endless.

In addition, the law has the following lines: the creation of registry servers violators
Do you understand yes? - another registry in which all IP addresses of violators will be accurately added.
The method of inclusion in this list has not yet been approved, but most likely - everything will be without trial.

Now it will not be possible to buy a server abroad - you give your personal data from a card to another state.

And even if there is an exception for the banking sector - your hoster processes your personal data.

What does all of this mean?

There are two options:
1) This law can close 99.9% of resources and will use it as a punitive stick.
2) The law will be active - resources will be closed

If you look at the vector of development of legislation in the direction of the web in the Russian Federation, then it becomes clear that the second scenario is most likely.
We will be cut off from the global Internet.
Also, the work of various systems for anonymity becomes more complicated.

What to do?

- Be sure to download TOR + I2P for yourself
These systems can be the last island of freedom.
- If you have a server abroad - pay it for 5 years in advance - access to the payment system may soon cease

What services do not suffer at all:
Any decentralized, I repeat them in each article, but let's again - the system for use on day X:
1) TOR (access to hidden sites, access to the global Internet) www.torproject.org
2) I2P (own hidden network, darknet) geti2p.net
3) TOX (messenger that can not be heard in the beta version) tox.im
4) CJDNS (arrange your personal network with your friends, F2F or connect to Hyperboria - darknet) github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/cjdroute.net
5) Twister (when they block Twitter - this service will be able to replace it, decentralized microblogging service) github.com/miguelfreitas/twister-core / github.com/iShift/twister-webkit/releases/latest

Source of

I remind everyone - Habra servers are in the Russian Federation. Let's refrain from discussing the policy in the comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228689/

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