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Happy birthday, Julian Assange

image July 3, 2014 Assange turned 43 years old.

As a child, he changed 37 schools, and his first computer was presented to him by his mother at 16.

He hosted several programs on the Russia Today channel.
And he inspired Sergei Mavrodi to start the MMM-2011

Some little-known tricks / achievements / events from the life of Assange:

1) Julian studied mathematics, physics, and programming at Central Queensland University, in 1994, and at the University of Melbourne (2003-2006), but he never received a degree.

2) Assange did not like the fact that students are attracted to work on computer projects for the military and opposed it.

3) In 1987, Julian began to "hack" under the nickname Mendax, which means "nobly false".

4) He organized the hacker group International Subversives, along with two hackers under the pseudonyms Trax and Prime Suspect.

5) He and his team hacked the Pentagon, the US Navy, government organizations such as NASA, MILNET and Australia's Overseas Telecommunications Commission; Citibank, Lockheed Martin, Motorola, Panasonic and Xerox private companies; and educational institutions such as the Australian National University, La Trobe University and the Stanford Research Institute.

image 6) Julian is a co-author of the book “Computer underground. Stories of hacking, madness and obsession » Dreyfus Sulett .

7) He was spotted when the Melbourne master terminal of Nortel (Melbourne master terminal of Nortel), a Canadian multinational firm, was hacked and summoned to court in 1991.

8) In 1993, Assange gave technical advice to the Victoria Police Child Exploitation Unit (organization for the protection of children) and helped with the filing of claims.

9) In the same year, he participated in the launch of the Suburbia Public Access Network - the first free / free (free) public Internet system in Australia, providing access to the web, IRC, mail, and so on. for citizens and non-profit organizations.

10) He was charged with 31 counts of hacker attacks and related crimes in 1994, of which he pleaded guilty to 25 in December 1996 and six of them were dropped. It's funny that Julian hacked into the computers of the Australian federal police while they were investigating his hacks.

11) In 1996, Julian launched 'Best of Security', a website with computer security tips that had 5,000 subscribers.

image according to rumors, the Assange hacker group was involved in the creation of the WANK worm that infected NASA. image

12) In 1997, he supported research for 'Suelette Dreyfus's Underground', a book about Australian hackers, which describes its hacker group International Subversives.

13) In 1998, he became one of the founders of his first and purely Australian company Earthmen Technology (“Earth Technologies”), with the goal of developing “network intrusion detection technologies” (“network intrusion detection technologies”)

14) In 1999, he registered the domain leaks.org, but did not fill it with anything. Today, the domain is owned by Andreas Fink, CEO and owner of Backbone ehf, a backbone provider in Iceland.

15) In 2000, he wrote Surfraw , a command line interface for web search engines. Currently in public access, as part of the Debian project.

image 16) Officially, WikiLeaks was launched in 2007 in Sweden, because In this country, strong laws on the protection of anonymity of citizens.

17) Assange was constantly moving. He was in Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, France and Germany (2007–2008); Was in Austria, Spain, Malaysia and Denmark (2009); visited Iceland, USA, Norway, Australia, Belgium, Sweden and the United Kingdom (2010)

18) Earned the title of Time Magazine "Man of the Year" (readers choice) in 2010.

19) September 26, 2012 appealed to the UN asking the US government to stop its prosecution.

20) In November 2012, his book Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet was published. image

21) The old site of Assange - iq.org

About WikiLeaks

1) WikiLeaks withstood all attacks (both authorized and unauthorized), including from the Pentagon, from the Chinese Public Security Bureau, from the former President of Kenya, the Prime Minister of Bermuda, Scientologists, Catholic and Mormon churches, the largest Swiss private bank, and Russian companies.

2) WikiLeaks has published more intelligence than all the other press services of the world combined.

3) For a month, WikiLeaks collected 20,000 euro donations in 2010.

Assange in Russia

1) Transfer to RT The Julian Assange Show with translation.

Trailer for gears

2) Assange reacted negatively to the film “The Fifth Power” , accusing the authors of distorting real facts, and recommended better watching the film “Mediastan” .

For CryptoParty in Moscow, activists translated Assange’s appeal: “Call for cryptographic weapons”:

Call for cryptographic weapons
The world does not just acquire features, it is rapidly turning into a new transnational anti-utopia. Outside of intelligence structures, no one is aware of this trend. It is hidden by a veil of secrecy, complexity and scale. The Internet, our main tool of liberation, has been turned into the most dangerous conduit of totalitarianism that ever existed. The Internet is a threat to human civilization.

These changes were silent, because those who understand what is happening are working for the global observation industry and are not interested in publicity. Moving along the intended trajectory, over the course of several years, global civilization will turn into a postmodern anti-utopia of total observation, from which only the most skilled individuals can escape. In fact, it is quite possible that we already live in it.

When theorists reflect on the importance of the Internet for global civilization, they are mistaken. They are mistaken because they do not have the sense of perspective that direct experience brings. They are mistaken because they have never met the enemy.

Not one of the images of this world can withstand even the first meeting with the enemy.

We met him.

Over the past six years, WikiLeaks has encountered almost every influential state. We know what a new state of observation is from the inside, because we have discovered its secrets. We know what it is like in battle, because we had to protect our people, finances and resources from it. We know it globally, because we have people, assets and information in almost every country. We know how it developed as we struggled with it for many years and saw how it grew and grew deep and broad. As an invading parasite, it feeds at the expense of societies growing together with the Internet. It spreads across the planet, infecting all states and peoples in its path.

What to do?

A long time ago, in the far-off kingdom, an unknown state, we, the builders and citizens of the young Internet, spoke about the future that our new world awaits.

We have seen that soon all relations between people will be built with it, and that the nature of the state, which depends on how people share information, their capabilities and economic resources, will also change.

We have seen that the merging of existing state structures with the Internet will open up opportunities for changing the nature of the state.

First, states are systems through which coercion is carried out. Groupings within a state can compete for loyalty, giving the appearance of democracy, but the foundation of states is the systematic use and prevention of violence. Ownership of land, property rights, rent, dividends, taxation, court fines, censorship, copyrights, trademarks - all of this is implanted under the threat of state violence.

Most of the time, we are not even aware of how close we are to violence, since we all make concessions in order to avoid it. Like sailors following the wind, we rarely think about the dark structures on which our everyday world rests.

If the Internet is a new world, what will coercion be based on?

Is there any point in this question? Is it possible to talk about coercion in this other-worldly space, which resembles the platonic realm of ideas and information flows? Coercion, with which you can change historical documents, listen to telephones, separate people, destroy monuments, erect walls, like an occupational army?

The platonic nature of the Internet, ideas and information flows, is devalued by its physical origin. It consists of fiber optic cables on the ocean floor, satellites circling above our heads, computer servers in buildings around the world, from New York to Nairobi. Like a soldier who killed Archimedes with an ordinary sword, armed police can seize control of the highest achievement of Western civilization, our platonic kingdom.

The new world of the Internet, separated from the old world of coarse atoms, craved independence. But states and their friends sought to control our new world — by controlling its physical foundations. The state, like the army around an oil well, or a customs official who takes bribes at the border, will soon learn to control our platonic reality, with the help of its power over physical space. It will stifle the independence we dreamed of, and then, capturing fiber-optic cables and ground-based satellite stations, it will massively intercept the information flows of our new world - its very essence - even if they embrace all human, economic and political relationships.

The state will cling to the veins and arteries of our new societies, absorb every sent message and every thought driven into the search, and then forever store this knowledge in huge and top-secret repositories, billions of interceptions a day, a source of unthinkable power. Complicating search algorithms and patterns, it will penetrate deeper and deeper into these bowels, into the collective intellectual product of all humanity. By increasing their own wealth, it will exacerbate the imbalance of forces between interceptors and the world of those from whom they intercept. And then the state uses its new knowledge in the physical world to start wars, target drones, manipulate UN commissions and trade deals, and to take advantage of its extensive network of industries, insiders and friends.

But we discovered something. Our only hope in the fight against their unlimited power. Hope, which, along with courage, insight and solidarity, we can use to resist. A strange property of the physical universe in which we live.

The universe believes in encryption.

Encrypting information is easier than decrypting.

We have seen that it is possible to use this strange property for the laws according to which our new world will be built. That with the help of it one can save our new platonic kingdom from the bases that are placed above it in the form of satellites, submarine cables and those who control them. That we can strengthen our space with a cryptographic barrier, create new lands that are forbidden for those who control physical reality, because in order to follow us, they will need infinite resources.

And in this way we can assert our independence.

Scientists at the Manhattan Project discovered that the universe allows you to create an atomic bomb. This feature is not lying on the surface. It could be that nuclear weapons are contrary to the laws of physics. But the universe believes in nuclear bombs and nuclear reactors. They are a phenomenon that nature itself has blessed, as well as salt, sea or stars.

Similarly, the universe, our physical universe, has a property that allows an individual or group of individuals without special knowledge to automatically and securely encrypt something so that, even with all the resources and all the political will of the most powerful superpower on earth, decipher it will not be possible. And the paths of encrypted communications, intertwining, will be able to create entire regions free from the external coercive power of the state. Free from mass interception. Free from state control.

Thus, people can oppose their will even to a fully mobilized superpower and defeat it. Encryption is the embodiment of physical laws, and they do not care about threats from states, even transnational dystopia of control.

It could be that encryption would not be possible in our world. But we are lucky, the universe favors cryptography.

Encryption is the most elemental form of non-violent direct action. When an atomic weapon state can threaten millions of individuals with unlimited violence, strong cryptography means that even with unlimited violence, the state cannot encroach on the desire of individuals to keep secrets.

Strong cryptography will withstand any amount of violence - how many do not apply a coercive force, a mathematical task cannot be solved with the help of it.

But can we accept this strange property of our world and put it in the foundation of the project for the liberation of humanity in the platonic reality of the Internet? And when the Internet absorbs societies, can this freedom be reflected back into the physical world and rebuild the foundations of the state?

Again, states are systems that determine where and how coercive force is applied.

The ideals of cryptography and cipherpunk allow us to understand how much coercive force can leak into the platonic reality of the Internet from the physical world.

Since states are immersed in the Internet, and the future of the Internet becomes the future of our civilization, we must change the disposition of forces.

If we lose, the Internet universe will transform global humanity into one gigantic system of mass surveillance and control.

We have to raise the alarm.

The time has come to arm ourselves with the technologies of our new world in order to fight for ourselves and those we love.

Our task is to ensure independence where we can do this, to keep the anti-utopia offensive where complete independence is not possible, and if all this does not work, then to speed up the process of self-destruction.

Julian Assandge, London, October 2012

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228633/

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