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My creativity: Cyber ​​psychosis

Grand thoughts ... Why ? shift + f8;
Let's wait. Under the [ rain ]. `wait`.for.rain ( where is autumn ?);
Sex, drugs [ childhood ]. find / -name "happy"; not found = (
cat '[ space ]'> / var / logs / life [ dot ] log # new round ;

To the question " how is it personal ?": Ps a | grep ʻya 'feelings';
Sad ' zero ' answering, watching only the wasteland;
tar with zxv key; input; 'archive of my thoughts':
so that history shell`a continues to be clean \

from names of files / logs; " welcome to paranoia ";
forty characters of fear - forty bytes for passwords;
`cd / etc`; need to. [ again ]. make sure;
What didn’t appear in my passwd;
control + d # go mad [ from root ];
`date [ plus ]% H:% M`: 4:00; for a minute…
`at 4:02> poweroff`; and into the world of dreams \
I'll leave. I will fall asleep . Bloody _ Cyber ​​Psychosis _ ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22862/

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