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Personal account and mobile application

Hello. In the first part of the article, I talked about how we upgraded the portal www.megafon.ru and the online store. There were a lot of comments about the personal account, so we decided to allocate a separate topic for the story about updating it. Naturally, changing the site, we did not go around this important tool.

Today we will talk about the Personal Account, as well as the new mobile application “MegaFon Personal Account”.

Personal account lk.megafon.ru

This is a section of the site for authorized subscribers, where you can manage your account, expenses, services, bonuses, etc. Since April 2014, the new Personal Account has become available to MegaFon subscribers of the Metropolitan Branch, and in the coming months the service will be available throughout the Russian Federation.

The new version of the Personal Cabinet also received an adaptive "tile" design. In this product, there are practically no alternatives to tile - behind each widget there is not only its own logic, but, as a rule, separate complex IT systems. For example, the “fill up account” widget is the entrance to the interface of the acquiring platform, and the Feedback tile opens interaction with the CRM system. The composition of the tiles depends on the set of services for a particular subscriber, popular services, as well as promoted products. Metro-design provides the required flexibility of the interface with sufficiently high usability.

Mobile app

In May 2014, a new application “MegaFon My Account” appeared in the AppStore. It steadily is in the top list of free applications. Within a few weeks, we confidently crossed the milestone of 100 thousand downloads, and with zero promotion costs.

The application repeats the functionality of the web version of the Personal Account. But in design, it is different, native iOS patterns are applied here: according to the results of several focus groups, the native version surely won in terms of simplicity of perception for the mass client.

The iOS application was the first, now we are testing the final version of the application for Android, it will also be available for download soon. Separately, there will be an application for Windows Phone, as well as versions optimized for tablets.

The current rating of MegaFon Personal Account in the AppStore is three out of five stars. This is because users usually rate either as positive or extremely negative. “Fives” are set by MegaFon-Moscow subscribers, for whom the application is running. "Twos" and "units" put subscribers of all other regions, not forgetting the comment about the capital snobbery. This is natural, although offensive. Snobbery has absolutely nothing to do with it, because a mobile application is only the tip of a huge technological iceberg from a billing system, hundreds of IT platforms and integration buses. Historically, Russian cellular operators have several billing services serving different regions. We cannot launch the project all over the country, although we are trying to replicate as quickly as possible. Again, the new Personal Account, both the web version and the mobile application, will be available to all MegaFon subscribers throughout the country for several months.

The Personal Account (LK) and Mobile Self-Service Applications projects are obvious growth points, and appropriate resources are allocated for their development. A large team is working on LC, the plan is planned for the years ahead.

Our task is to give subscribers the most convenient tool for selecting and managing services, optimizing costs. Solving any questions on the site should be easier and faster than calling the contact center or coming to the office.


Surveys, research and analysis of the behavior of visitors to the site suggest that we have chosen the right direction. Customers note the significantly increased usability of different sections, clarity and compactness of information. Of course, as in any large and complex project, not everything can be done right the first time.

But we eliminate all the defects found as soon as possible. And the increased attendance, a large number of positive reviews, reduced support costs and many other indicators indicate that the work we have done is well received by users. As an illustration, below is the dynamics of changes in the audiences of the old and new personal accounts, as well as the mobile application:

At the same time, from May 2013 to May 2014, the total number of authorized subscribers of self-service systems increased by 76%. For us, this is an obvious recognition of our efforts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228541/

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