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GameDev for quizzes - I brought you a bunch of useless facts and a bit of veterinary

So, introductory: ordinary quizzes are boring .

There are a lot of questions in the topic, so come play, test your knowledge, read about another excellent vulnerability of the human mind and just look at the mechanics of the quiz.
Let's make our quiz that uses the needs of the main types of players:

let's play

The rules are simple. It is necessary to answer questions with numbers, trying to get more accurate. Read the questions, think no more than a minute, open the spoiler to check the answer. Like this:

If the mass of a person on Earth is 100 kg, what will be its mass on Jupiter?
100 kg. If you do not understand why, it is worth repeating the school course of physics.

What is the largest number of parts that will divide the circle 4 straight lines?
11 fragments

What is the probability that in a group of 60 people the two of them will have the same date and month of birth (as a percentage)?
~ 99% (a great example of how probability theory is perceived unintuitively)

In which year did the first computer virus appear?
Working examples of virus programs appeared in 1961, 10 years after the theory of the principles of their work. The first viruses were not malicious, but simply proved their ability to multiply within the system - McIlroy et al. Darwin, a Game of Survival of the Fittest among Programs. The very first PC-compatible viruses appeared 1981 for the Apple II platform.

Questions on thinking

Since, according to the rules, it is enough just to get closest to the answer, many questions should be answered approximately, quickly evaluating options on your fingers. It's like in project management: you will never have a complete set of data, but the ability to quickly figure out with an accuracy of 5-10% helps a lot. Try it.

What is the maximum number of horses that can be placed on a chessboard so that they are not under attack from each other?
32 horses. Here you need to imagine the field and understand that the horse always hits a cage of a different color. Here are 32 peaceful horses:

In what year was the first level ru domain officially approved?
In 1994. If we recall the year of the appearance of the Runet, it is easy to get a close answer.

Everest height is 8848 meters. The first ascent took place on May 29, 1953. What was the height of the highest mountain on the planet before?
8848 meters. Seriously.

Russia is the largest country in the world. What percentage of sushi does it take?
12.5%. Russia surpasses South America in size. On our territory can fit 45 Japan.

How many fingers does a cat have?
18 fingers, 10 on the front paws and 8 on the back. Have a healthy cat.

What is the average mass of a human head?
3.6 kg. This question gave a huge scatter of answers on the tests.

How many liters of water will flow out of a regular water tap in a day, if the jet is needle-wide?
840 liters. It is clear that the size of the needle is a very inaccurate value, but I remind you that we do not need an exact answer. Order is important - and rarely did anyone write more than a pair of buckets on tests.

What percentage of the mass of the solar system is the sun?

When were the Olympic Games held, on the emblem of which the year was indicated in five digits?
Second Martian, it is a pity that you missed them. But seriously, when I asked this question, players of CPGs - first they considered all the points about five numbers and came to the conclusion about the Romans, and then they remembered the year of games in Italy. The answer is 1960. The Olympiad was held in Rome - the number “1960” was recorded as MCMLX.

The Rubik's Cube Algorithm for the smallest number of moves was called the “God Algorithm”. How many moves are there?
20 moves. Given the scatter of answers, it is enough to remember that records are measured in seconds - and the order will be immediately.

Questions on erudition

These are standard quiz questions, where you don’t need to count or think a lot - you just need to remember some fact or at least the order of the answer number.

What is the sum of all the numbers on the roulette?

How long did the Hundred Years War last?
116 years old. The next question is: is it true that Microsoft is doing little software?

How many percent of the human genome coincides with the mouse genome?
Institute of General Genetics says - 90%

How many authorship certificates for inventions does Mikhail Kalashnikov have?
The base of patents of the USSR - 35 certificates

What is the international dialing code of Antarctica?

How long does it take for the human brain to accurately recognize an image or object fixed by a look (in ms)?
5 ms - Juan S. Oddities of our body. Interesting anatomy. - M .: Ripol classic, 2010.

Questions on expanding the boundaries of knowledge

It is assumed that the answer to these questions does not know any of the ordinary players. This is necessary because the game mechanics also bet on the most correct answer in your opinion - and so that players can bluff a bit, such questions are introduced. They are selected so that the answers a bit surprised - and immediately brought some useful information, expanding the picture of the world. These questions are very popular with achivors and adventurers. The latter, for example, is the fact that it is possible to discuss the age of Juliet and contemporary mores.

At what temperature of food (° C) does a person perceive taste most acutely?
The MSU information and research portal reports that at 24 ° C. Do not drink warm vodka if you are a gourmet.

How many average words a person reads per minute?
200 words. 95% of people read slowly - 180–220 words per minute (1 page in 1.5–2 minutes). Source - Information and Research Portal of Moscow State University. That is, your topic will begin to ply no earlier than 2 minutes per page after publication.

How many types of bacteria are transmitted from one person to another when kissing?
The World Health Organization claims that there are about 278 species of bacteria. In total, about 40 thousand bacteria live in the human oral cavity.

How many percent of animal species have a spine?
The Association of American Zoos and Aquariums is categorical - 2%. We consider not only land species.

What place did Charlie Chaplin take in the Charlie Chaplin doubles competition in Monte Carlo?
III place. Noble troll.

How many years will it take to skim through all the books of the Lenin Library?
leninka.ru - 79 years without sleep and rest

What is the diameter of the world's largest globe?
Guinness. World Records 2011 - 12.5 m. The globe occupies a three-story atrium in an office building in the United States. But this is not the headquarters of the X-team.

The most populous metro station is in Japan. How many people does she serve daily?
HSE - 491,958 people.

How many teeth does a snail have?
25 thousand teeth. Source - Zoology of invertebrates in two volumes. Volume 1: from protozoa to mollusks and arthropods. Ed. V. Westheide and R. Rieger. M .: T-in scientific publications KMK, 2008.

How many nuclear power plants in Russia?
10 nuclear power plants. And how many workers?

What is the area of ​​the world's largest QR code?
29 square kilometers - Guinness. Some guys have marked our planet as an apple in the store.

At what distance does the male Astias selene butterfly smell the female?
11 km - Guinness. For some reason it seems to me that it is worth digging in this direction when developing security terminals.

What is the mass in grams of the smallest animal on the planet?
Full illustrated encyclopedia. "Mammals" D. McDonald - 1 gram. This is a dwarf shrew.

How many English words are already registered as domain names (in percent)?

For how much Tolkien sold the rights to shoot the movie "The Lord of the Rings" in 1968?
The Internet Movie Database - for $ 15,000. At the same time, the Lord of the Rings trilogy has the largest box office in cinema history.

What is the average interval between thefts in Russia (in minutes)?
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation The state of crime - January-February 2012 - 3.5 min.

How many people have never called on a cell phone (as a percentage)?
BBC Russian - 6%

How many letters did Darwin send in his life?
Samin DK 100 Great Scientists - 7591 Letters. And you thought they were not very actively communicating there without e-mail and a telephone, yes?

What year was the first site on the World Wide Web?
1989, this is today's info.cern.ch - Berners-Lee.

How many questions per day does an average 4-year-old child ask?
400 questions - Juan S. Oddities of our body. Interesting anatomy. - M .: Ripol Classic, 2010. It seems to me that they should be answered on time and in detail, while there is such a great chance.

How old was Juliet Capulet?
14 years old.

How many stories about Sherlock Holmes did Arthur Conan Doyle write?
56 stories. This is the same question, after which someone will go and reread a couple in the subway.

Closing needs

Let's look at the needs chart:

In general, I must say, the game is very interesting exactly the latest phenomenon. To explain how this works, you need to get a little distracted and tell about the field. See:

  1. Players get a question.
  2. Write the answer options on the cards and put them upside down (independent decision making).
  3. Open the cards and arrange them descending on the field. The further the card from the center - the higher the reward for betting on it.
  4. Players make bets on the answer that seems right to them (dependent decision making - bets are made openly).

Does the bet of other players on your bet?

Yes, and how. We connect one more fine algorithm of our vetver, important for a society survival. It seems that we have inherited since the time of the monkeys. Namely - the more people make a decision, the more correct it is.

Example : the mined comments are minus and further, the negative comments - plus and further. It is extremely rare for a commentary to change polarity, except as a result of an unexpected turn of discussion or in a holivar when reinforcements arrive. The fact is that considering a comment with a rating of -10, we, on the whole, come up with a presupposition “it is interesting that there is something bad in it” and begin to look for the bad. Agree, it is much easier to find when you specifically search for it.

So, in the study "Opinions and social pressure." Asha in 1955, remarkable results were obtained. The group was given two pieces of paper - with one segment and three. Among the three segments, it was exactly the same in length as the reference, shorter by about 20% and longer by about 20%. The task was to find the source, comparing the paper. A group of 8 people (7 addicts and 1 test person) correctly answered the first N series of experiments. Then, when the testee was convinced that the group gave the same answers as he, the most interesting part began. In the next experiment, the whole group (7 addicts) clearly pointed to a shorter segment, which could not be exactly the same as the reference one. The test subject first slightly went nuts, then went on more strongly, then discussed this with the group, then gave the answer.

I bet you won’t guess how many times the group urged the test subject that the deliberately wrong answer was correct?
75% of the subjects came to an agreement with the group after a long discussion. In the case where the discussion was shortened, the generalized result is a third of the subjects. Each of the subjects was tested on the eye and the ability to assess the length of the lines - the error in this is not more than 2%.

Then a series of experiments were conducted (for example, “Sex variable in conforming behavior” in 1971), showing that:
  1. People with a good social graph are more likely to agree with the group. Singles rely on their opinions.
  2. People with technical education on average are less prone to such manipulations (for, I think, for obvious reasons).
  3. The results depend on the cultural traditions of the people of the subject.

This is nothing more than social proof, which I have already spoken about in relation to sales.

So, back to the game. At the bets step, the coolest begins - you can directly feel how your opinion changes depending on the expectations of the group. Few people bet on their answer if it is at the edge of the field (even with a big bet and the conviction that the answer is correct).

Let's try. Here are 5 quiz questions. Can you understand which group gives the wrong answers without looking under the spoilers?

What is the chance of winning a winning combination in Solitaire Solitaire? Answers: 95%, 80%, 97%, 99%, 100%
Correct - 100%

What is the highest speed developed by the car? Answers: 900 km / h, 950 km / h, 800 km / h, 890 km / h, 950 km / h
Andy Green on the car Thrust SSC, October 15, 1997, Nevada desert - 1227 km / h. Also this guy is known for being the first to break the sound barrier on land.

What percentage of the territory of the Russian Federation is suitable for a comfortable permanent residence? Answers: 70, 50, 60, 55, 70.

How many dollars did the most expensive domain ever sell? Answers: 850, 900, 500, 300, 578.2
$ 30,180,000 - Nations Luxury Transportation bought the domain PrivateJet.com.

How many times can you fold an A4 sheet in half without tools? Answers: 6, 7, 6, 5, 8
1 time, then it will not sheet A4. The resulting composition can be folded 6 more times in half, then the capabilities of a person are not enough.

Feel the way it goes? You first cast the group's answers to the conditions, quickly checking the realism. If you yourself believe in this realism, you have two opinions - one is yours with your answer, the second is that you agreed upon as a result of this “fitting”.

How can the first opinion affect the second? They, like, are not related, right? Well, they are not related in the same way as checking in one if conditions ($ a> 0) || ($ i ++). Depending on the compiler flag, it may not come to i - although, in theory, parts are independent. So, if you do not make a conscious effort and do not think further, the brain will try to "slip" the difficult moment, using ready-made solutions or close to them.

Let's have one more question. You might think a little longer, try to count. In Moscow, for example, in 2008 there were 1.7 thousand traffic lights.
The population of Cairo is 8 million people. What do you think, how many traffic lights were in this city in 2012?
9 traffic lights - Vesti.Ru

It turned out to catch the moment?

So what's the quiz about?

Let's look at the questions again. They cover the needs of all players on the goal chart. There is the last moment - the removal of the discomfort of loss . Here, as you can see, everything is simple. For example, if your answer is out of the group version, you can get better and put on the group average. In case you were right, you answered correctly. If wrong - well, you still won the bet. If your answer lay in the middle of the group, and won the last one - “Well, so none of us waited, surprising!”. Social idyll.

This social idyll plus betting interface with chips made the game “Bet” one of the most popular and best-selling quizzes in the West (without TV support, as is the case with Trivial Pursuit). Given that publishers crammed in there a lot of questions that inspire patriotism in the spirit of: “In which year American Armstrong became the first person to land on the moon,” the compote turned out to be excellent. Players got up from the table with a sense of deep moral satisfaction - this is another example of the fact that the “high point” often lies beyond the limits of game mechanics.

I must say that during the localization, we cut out a lot of questions about American realities known only to them and added Gagarin, Tolstoy and some nuclear power plants.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228533/

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