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And I came across the RIF

I will begin with an epigraph: “More than 2.5 thousand people will take part in the 12th Russian Internet Forum (RIF-2008), which will be held in the Moscow region on April 3 and 4 ... The practical part of the RIF will be held on April 3 and 4. In two days we will have 35 events - these are round tables, sections, master classes. More than 2.5 thousand participants accredited to the forum "These words belong to O. Podlesnoy (ROCIT) (www.rian.ru, dated April 3, 2008)

And he passed, the famous Internet Forum (RIF-2008). In general, the organization of this event was, to put it mildly, not very successful. All the work began not on April 3, but on April 2 from holding a master class. Curiously, the cost of this event is a little more than 4 thousand rubles, and this fee required waiting for an interesting event.

Organization, or what lies outside the master class were normal. Exposed computer monitors, WiFi network, free Internet access, materials with the results of last year's RIF, yellow T-shirts, coffee breaks and even a delicious lunch. Hitch was with registration. Three employees conducting the registration and issuance of reporting documents arranged a queue, resembling a queue for vodka, in the distant 80s. All three members of the administrative team, headed by Ms. Gulina N.A., worked with one of the new arrivals, the rest were waiting for their turn. To honor the arrivals, I note that there was no fight in the queue.
The start of the master class was postponed due to the large number of participants who could not be registered. “Unexpected” for Ms. Gulina N.A. and its administrative group situation! Moreover, applications for participation were collected in advance. The development of technology, apparently, does not provide for knowledge of arithmetic.

The master class, started late, and it was in the reports. Strange, as far as, the methodology for the master class. But let it be so. The name is beautiful, in the spirit of the times, does not reflect the essence, but let it be a “master class”. Consider his move.

Speech by Mr. M. Spiridonov (production center "Roiber") gave answers to some questions related to the launch of Internet start-ups and market launch. In general, the speaker was aware of the topic and aroused the interest of the audience. Recommendations, reviewed examples from practice, considerations, problems arising in the course of working on Internet resources, intensified the listeners and gave the ground for fruitful work.

The second part of the “master class” was disappointing in its content and form. The speaker, Mr. A. Kuzmenkov (“Ashmanov and Partners”) on the topic “Search Engine Promotion” was not quite ready to work with it. He told, basically, what is known to any student who simply uses the Internet.
The report, I repeat the report, and not the master class, was based on the material presented in the popular book by I. Ashmanov. At the same time, the speaker does not possess the skills, not only of the speaker, but also of speaking to an audience. Answers to questions from the audience were muddled, incomprehensible and obscure, and some questions were simply ignored. It can be seen that the attempt to respond to several opponents at once was unsuccessful.

Mr. S. Eremin (“Ashmanov and Partners”), differed from his company colleague only in that his speech was somewhat more elaborate, but the substantive part of the report wants to be better. Of course, drinking water during the report is not forbidden, however, if the speaker is constantly applied to the glass, as if he was in a hot desert, bewilderment.

Presentation materials used in the course of the reports may be the subject of a separate discussion. However, if the speaker himself does not know how to prepare a presentation, then one would have to ask someone. And the “pieces” of the text, made with the use of controversial fonts, a little like the presentation. The promise to post your presentations on personal blogs has remained a void promise. But we have been waiting for the promised three years in Russia. Let's wait.

April 3 is the second day of the RIF 2008 forum . The morning press at night reported on his conduct. PR-company events at a height. The first quote is an epigraph to this article. The author cites one more: “... the focus of the 12th REIF is the topic of Internet communities and social networks, which is extremely relevant for Runet in general and for each user in particular”. These words belong to the Head of Rospechat M. Seslavinsky. The agency headed by him is the patronage of the forum. But to estimate the day of April 3 is not possible. Rather, the day and organizational work is possible, but the content of the work is difficult.

Registration of participants was carried out by the administrative group of the forum, but the lists, in the opinion of the same Ms. Gulina N.A., Mr. Grebennikov S.V., to whom she first sent, (by phone) were from the Federal Security Service (FSO) President. What lists? What was their principle? How did the FSO select the forum participants for a plenary session? Calls to the indicated pseudo-administrators came across answers: “We cannot do anything now, we are not guilty, the FSO is to blame.” Good thing not ABC. What is ABC, the author does not know.

No, someone Ms. Lyudmila V. Karataeva recommended a walk, not known to her, and then everything will be fine, then, after the meeting, another work will begin, where everyone will be allowed to go. The forum was held at the Lesnye Dali pension, along the Rublyovo-Uspenskoe highway; arrived at this boarding house on spec. buses RIF-2008, but they are not allowed to let in, everything is unhooked by the guards and the police. Passes are issued on incomprehensible signs. After waiting for about two hours, I had to leave on passing cars, but on the way they stopped all the time and moved to the curb, giving a ride to a very VIP person. Maybe the popularly elected President. The author does not know this.

Apparently, the organizers could not cope with the influx of those who want to participate in the forum. Again problems with arithmetic. Of course, it is difficult, first to register the participants in a week, what was done, and then to count them, and even prepare lists. These are modern technologies that cannot be mastered; here we need a clerk with four classes of education and 20 years of experience, who know the multiplication table. And to you, gentlemen, the organizers, it is clear that it was bad at school.

Making a conclusion about the work of the RIF-2008, one can say that the event was not prepared on its merits. You can look for the guilty in the FSO, but somehow not to believe in their guilt. What they got their lists? But the leadership and organizers of the forum should think about it. Yes, and think about how to conduct a master class. And then another mystery.

V. Golovinsky, one of the participants of the RIF-2008

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22852/

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