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Product design digest, June 2014

For four years now I have been publishing regular reviews of fresh articles on the topic of interfaces, new tools and collections of patterns, interesting cases and historical stories. From the tapes of several hundred thematic subscriptions, approximately 5% of the worthwhile publications are selected that are interesting to share. Previous materials: April 2010-May 2014 .

Product design digest, April-May 2014

Patterns and Best Practices

Baymard: E-Commerce Search Usability - An Original Research Study
New report from the Baymard Institute on the study of search interfaces on e-commerce sites. In the near future, they will begin to publish excerpts from the report. Announcement .

Share: The Icon No One Agrees On
“Share / Share” is an icon that cannot be agreed upon in any way, Min Ming Lo examines the most common options. Continuing the theme:

Radio Buttons: Always Select One?
Kara Pernice from Nielsen / Norman Group is deeply and methodically dealing with radio buttons.
Are Hollow Icons Really Harder to Recognize Than Solid Icons? A Research Study
Curt Arlege, wondering if contour icons were really so difficult to read, did his research. The result is not entirely straightforward.

Web animation in action
Translation of the Rachel Nabors article on animation on the web.

Digital Design & User Experience - 7 Profitable Best Practices!
Avinash Kaushik, web analytics expert on UX, mobile strategy, e-commerce. Many interesting, accurate observations, small details. For example, instead of the “first mobile” strategy, he proposes the “only mobile” approach, which divides users into two main behavioral groups - “aimed at activity” and “directed at thinking”.

Call to Idea - Get Inspired!
Well-designed updateable collection of design patterns for the web. Logins, registrations, empty states, forms, lists, and more.

When Bars Point Down
A new trend in infographics is the use of downward-directed bar charts instead of the traditional right or up. Good for illustrating negative or negative phenomena: unemployment, mortality, etc.

5 Tips to Get Donations on Nonprofit and Charity Websites
Janelle Estes of the Nielsen / Norman Group on how to increase the collection of donations on charity sites using design.

Understanding the user

What is the most underrated word web design?
A good detailed analysis of the nuances of the concept of "Affordants" from Natalia Postolovskaya. She identifies several types of Affordants and examines them on the example of a mobile application.

Persona Empathy Mapping
Nikki Knox from Cooper Consulting gives instructions on how to use persona empathy mapping. It allows you to describe the characters in more detail, given the nuances of their expectations and sensations.

Eliciting user goals
David Travis on how to explore and describe user goals. In the first part, he examines two approaches - an interview and the Clayton Christiansen framework “Jobs to be done”.

Facebook Reveals Huge Psychology Experiment on Users
Facebook's controversial emotion management study, in which, almost unaware of last year, almost 700,000 English-speaking users took part. We studied the mood of user posts when changing the number of positive or negative posts in the news feed. The study itself and in general about the manipulation of emotions .

“Do you trust me enough to answer this question?” Trust and Data Quality
Caroline Jarrett on how to create user confidence when entering the requested information.

Design and design of interface screens

Google design
Google presented at the I / O conference its uniform design ideology, Material Design and a single subsite on the main domain. This is a unified adaptive approach to interfaces across the entire range of devices and devices - web, mobile, tablets, wearable devices, TV, cars. By “material” design, they understand in part a reference to skeomorphism - they are not afraid to use shadows, emphasize the materiality of objects, and enhance the role of animation. Its essence is well revealed by Mathias Duarte , now the vice-president of the design company, who previously made a breakthrough webOS.

It can be said that visually it is the development of the current Android style with an emphasis on the color cap (along with the status bar tint) and the round default icon of the main action. The latter is very cool played on different screens, for example, being at the junction of the caps and content horizontally and continuing the line of icons vertically . The active use of cards as the basis of ideology continues, it becomes more tiles a la metro. Sidebar remained in place, despite the fact that the recent update of Google+ pointedly refused it. Well, the corporate font Roboto has been updated, which apparently should be the basis for web services ( the Quiz App concept shows how it can be).

There are many parallels with iOS8: the notification mechanism with quick actions that are immediately visible on the screen when it appears; a bunch of smartphone and Chromebook; Google Fit wearable device data collection hub. The stacks of the windows are used more actively, the dialogs are changing in the spirit of Google Now cards, and the selection / copy / paste mode has finally become clear. It's funny that navigation / back / home / running navigation icons that are common to the entire interface become similar to the four PlayStation branded symbols. A large collection of screens .

The updated Android TV also uses a unified design. He is visible in the car platform, clearly visible in the clock (by the way, the round button of the main action as one of the main elements of visual identification seems to come from there ). Based on the ideology of Material Design, a new version of the key OS - Android L will be released. Moreover, thanks to the initiative of Android One with the reference device , the number of phones with default interface will increase. And the design of TV, cars and watches by third-party manufacturers will not be able to change at all. So after the seizure of the Google market, he was engaged in solving design problems. And he showed one of the strongest concepts, working on such a huge scale. Continuing the theme:

Apple iOS 8
On June 2, iOS8 was introduced, seriously expanding the capabilities of the platform. From the interface point of view, this is an evolution of last year’s radical redesign with the addition of some new patterns - circular menus a la Path, working with widgets in the notification center, open popups leaving the previous window in the background, enhanced interaction between applications through the menu of sharing, icons in the dialog menus, limited use of cards (Health), development of icon style, double-sided svayp along the Mailbox line a-la and other small details. It is also interesting how this style has fallen on the new MacOS - an excellent example of a single visual language throughout the ecosystem (with normal settings and Safari icons! And yet, Lucida Grande ).

One of the most spectacular is the possibility of cross-channel interaction between devices, wired at the OS level. Scenarios of transition between devices will become even smoother (if, of course, all this works as in a demonstration). Well, now iOS is a hub for interacting with auto, smart home, wearable devices (if all this, of course, will be supported by manufacturers). List of all announced .

But the coolest is the new Swift programming language , the next step to visual programming. IOS guidelines are so minimalistic that a developer doesn't need a designer. And the development environment is simple enough so that the designer himself can create final solutions. Guide to it . As it turned out, Bret Victor, one of the main evangelists of visual programming, had a hand in it (UPD: as it turned out later, not a fact or a fact ). I advise everyone to re-read or discover his programmatic article Magic Ink . Continuing the theme:

Android Wear

Axure Flat UI Kit - The most comprehensive UI library for Axure
A large library of elements for Axure in a flat style. For mobile, tablets and web.

A promising tool for creating mobile interactive prototypes. The ability to visualize animations, both from time to time, and from interaction. Instant "native" launch on the device. Nice interface.


Adobe Fireworks

Framer mobile application prototyping tool that allows you to “touch” complex interactions and animations in the browser. True, it requires basic knowledge in the layout and scripts.


Design Principles for Wireframing
Chris Bank continues a series of articles on prototyping principles.

Theme for Bootstrap 3 to create interactive wireframes.

Guidelines for web projects
Julia Markhadaeva from St. Petersburg Nimax studio writes about the company's approach to creating design guidelines. The article is brief, but it has an excellent example of such a document (PDF).

User research and testing, analytics

What If There Was A Bot That Could Detect Ugly Websites?
EyeQuant, the eye tracking research service of the same name, is working on an experimental product that will automatically determine the attractiveness of the interface and design for users.

The nuances of A / B testing

Empirical Development of Heuristics for Touch Interfaces
Rebecca Baker and Xiaoning Sun are trying to adapt the classic heuristics of Jakob Nielsen and Rolph Molich for touch interfaces. They conduct a series of experiments on the device and the emulator, concluding that, in general, the classical approach works with reservations. Continuing the theme:

Perfectly executing the wrong plan (Tomer Sharon performance)
Tomer Sharon's wonderful performance on Google I / O 2014 on typical startup errors and o Lean User Research.

Visual programming

New scripts

An interesting tool for journalists, designers, travelers of all stripes and in general any creators. You can combine maps, images, videos and other media into a beautiful story. The library is under active development and much has not yet been implemented. The source code is open, and developers are actively seeking help to implement new chips.

Metrics and ROI

Choosing the Right Metrics for User Experience
Pamela Pavliscak examines an integrated approach to metrics that will be useful to both business and product designers. She presents various sets of indicators that are monitored by companies and offers a single set that is useful to all members of the product team.

Management of interface projects, processes and teams

Building a Design Culture in an 'End-Up' Technology World
John Maeda and Becky Bermont on the importance of creating a design culture in a company on the example of eBay. It allows you to form the right attitude to the design and develop the whole team in the right direction.

Crossing the Great UX – Agile Divide
The topic of agile and UX has long been sucked on all sides, but Mike Bulajewski comes in a new way, in terms of the philosophy of work organization. He describes the position of developers insisting on a pure version of the methodology, although it is not quite suitable for design in this form.

Everyone is doing strategy right now
Leisa Reichelt from the GOV.uk team once started writing a book about UX strategy. After the completion of the greater part, she realized that she was initially mistaken in many things. And released a series of articles as a monument to the unfinished book. Continued:

10 Tips for Acing your Interview at the Whiteboard
Josh Seiden on interviewing designers with sketching on a whiteboard.

The Practitioners of Small and Medium Enterprises
A study of Australian small and medium businesses on how to cope with design tasks.

Product management and analytics

Principles of Product Design
Joshua Porter describes his 19 principles of product design.


Modern editorial CMS

The container model and blended content
In anticipation of the launch of the new design, The Guardian Nick Haley talks about the principles laid down in it. They are actively using the ideology of "containers", well described by Konstantin Weiss from Information Architects. I was at his presentation at UX Poland on this topic and he described it in great detail (sorry, there are still no slides). In fact, we are talking about the developments of single-page sites used for large products. By the way, since the end of last year we have been developing our framework for content projects based on a similar model - I am preparing a presentation about it for the fall. Continuing the theme:


The history of Android
An extraordinary article analyzing each of the major and minor versions of the platform. It seems that all the screens of all interfaces are just gold!


Aesthetics of futuristic interfaces
Deep and detailed study of the visual and interface language of cine, gaming and futuristic interfaces in general. Very, very cool.

Software is Eating Hardware - Lessons for Building Magical Devices
Adam MacBeth, who worked on the iPod, Jawbone, Pencil, writes about the features of creating new devices. Continuing the theme:

Virgin America website says hello to avatars
Virgin America unveiled a beta version of its new site based on the mobile first approach. Its launch has received sufficient discussion among designers as interesting ideas are offered to the process of booking air tickets. Continuing the theme:

Flat vs realism
Spectacular promotional site about the differences between flat and realistic design in the form of history.

Car Interfaces

Why We Need To Tame Our Patterns Like Dogs
Dan Saffer about the experience of interaction and the mutual evolution of people and algorithms: "People need to tame algorithms, just as our ancestors tamed the dog."

Salesforce Wear Developer Pack - Open-Source Starter Apps, Toolkits and More
SalesForce launches its own fairly extensive initiative to create applications for wearable devices. They believe that watches, bracelets and glasses can be useful for business applications. The special site contains code samples and design for six devices.

Professional Development

A UX Career Framework - Driving Conversations Between Managers and Employees
Ian Swinson, Salesforce UX Director, talks about his approach to managing designer careers.

Hunting Unicorns - What makes an UX Professional
The presentation of Patrick Neeman about the skills of the product designer.

Beyond User Experience - Onward and Upward
Luke Chambers describes the six most popular and understandable ways for the professional development of an interface specialist. This product is project management, facilitation, training, strategic consulting and creating your own business.

Why Developers Need to Learn Design
In recent years, much has been written about whether a designer should be able to impose. Stephen Caver gives the opposite idea that developers need to understand the design.

Everything You Need About Design On The Web
Another collection of articles, tools, and other resources in general design.

User Experience to Service Design
Laura Keller writes about the experience of a specialist transition from product design to service design.

Important people in the industry

Most Creative People 2014: A Q & A With The Designers Of Dropbox
Interview with the design team of Dropbox, one of the most powerful and dynamic. On the process, tools, general principles.

Microsoft's design renaissance shum guides
It turns out that six months ago, Albert Shum became the director of user interaction at Microsoft. In addition, he is the main ideologist of metro-design, who came to the company from Nike in 2007.

UX Design Interviews (Medium)
Another Medium curated tape is a series of designer interviews.

Susan kare
Susan Kare, one of the first digital designers, author of the icons of the first Mac, and one of the most legendary personalities in product design in general, talks about how she worked at Apple.

Spotify's Design
Life as a project - an interview with Tobias van Schneider, head of design at Spotify.

Conference proceedings

Conferences Roundup - Upcoming Web Design Events (Jun. - Dec. 2014)
Major international UX conferences of the second half of 2014.

Conference Review: UX STRAT 2013, part 3: Day 2
Continuation of the review of the speeches of the conference UX Strat 2013, held September 9-11 in Georgia, Atlanta.

ServDes. Conference 2014 Lancaster
Conference proceedings ServDes 2014, held April 9-11 in Lancaster, UK. She is dedicated to designing services and customer experience.

Fresh links can also be tracked in the Facebook group of the same name. Thanks to everyone who also publishes links in it, especially Gennady Dragun and Pavel Skripkin.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228491/

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