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Vkontakte launched unpromising mobile gaming platform?

While the Vkontakte mobile client remains locked on the App Store, the Android version adds functionality. Last year, the ex-general director of the social network Pavel Durov announced the appearance of a mobile gaming platform on Vkontakte, the other day such has become an integral part of the client for smartphones and tablets. There is no need to go far for the motivation of the observed events - over the past year the mobile games segment in Russia grew by 70%, and Vkontakte paid about 2 billion rubles to developers for the same period. At the same time, one third of social network users play in Vkontakte. Yes, and mobile statistics full order, the client is installed in 12 million followers of Android, another 4 million are among fans of iOS.

On closer examination, the feelings of special prospects news does not cause. At the moment there are only four games available: “I am looking for a hero”, “Planet of Gems”, “Barsik” and “Brave Link”. Moreover, none of these products is included in the top popularity on desktops. Interestingly, the whole four are games that were originally created specifically for mobile platforms, so that the developers could only “tie” social integration with Vkontakte.

In the future we plan to add to the list, surprise, just one game per month. That is, to drop the phrase “we have a choice of a couple dozen of mobile games” at the leadership of the social network, at best, in almost a year and a half. In the meantime, in principle, there is no certainty that mobile social network games will be in demand. Although for the first day each of the new games scored within 8-20 thousand downloads. By the way, at the time of the announcement, the head of the VKontakte press service Georgy Lobushkin stated: “Mobile gaming platform - access of VKontakte users to the best mobile games”. Judging by the current choice, the social network has a very low bar for the quality of these games.

As for cash flows, the following is reported: “All applications will be published under the VKontakte brand, and then the company will deduct their share to the developers”. Lenta.ru clarifies: "Income from games will be divided in half between the social network and the developers."

Social functionality is predictable, as Ferra writes: "users can compete with their friends and help each other in passing, sending and taking extra lives and resources." I translate into an understandable language: we will compete in the form of a regular table of points, help each other - the next tons of pictures in the news feed in the style of "Your friend plays in $ # #, help him get% # @ &."

Neither of which full-fledged multiplayer, even with a look into a bright future, is not being discussed. And this at that time, as in the desktop Vkontakte range of the full program is replenished with network titles for Unity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228461/

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