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Universal web GUI for arbitrary RESTful services

In many companies, like mine, there are many projects and products. And products have web interfaces to somehow manipulate these products. In our case, these are unpretentious RESTful web services, and on top of them are even more unpretentious web pages with tins and buttons. All these web pages are so similar to each other that there was an idea to write a unified product that would ask the server about the supported services and get a full description of the parameters for these services so that you could draw those simple little forms. That is, web services should describe themselves, quite exhaustively, so that our client can build a GUI for them, and nothing would have to be done by hand. Just such a picture is googled by the request "REST":

Immediately found such a technology as WADL - Web Application Description Language. But this is XML, I didn’t want to mess with it in javascript, python and perl. Its more lightweight JSON equivalent - JSDL - JSON Service Description Language was chosen.

Service Requirements

It turned out that the JSDL (as well as the WADL) does not fit all the information needed to form full-fledged formulators, and a number of additional agreements with web services should be established:

Validating JSDL

Our client validates incoming JSON objects from the server in accordance with the JSDL scheme described using the JSON Schema . We just took the JSDL scheme , the JSONa metascheme , and the first validator from the proposed ones, this one . The metascheme is needed, because the parameter in JSDL is a schema and is described by a metasheme, which we have expanded a bit, as indicated below. I hope it is clear (for me personally, not always).

Extend JSDL

Unfortunately, using standard JSDL, it is still not possible to fully express our forms.
The parameter scheme lacked the following means of expression:
  1. The parameter needs a name. It must be set.
  2. The parameter is transmitted to the server in different ways:
    • In the URL, after the resource: api.com/resource1/paramvalue1/paramvalue2
    • In the query string (if GET) or in the request body: api.com/resource1?param1=value1¶m2=value2
    • In the request body, in one piece, without forming a key-value pair. Specific case, but occurs
  3. For which parameters of the string type do you need textarea and which text input is enough?

To solve these problems, the JSDL parameter description scheme (that metascheme) had to be expanded as follows:
 //  name ParamJSONSchema["properties"]["name"] = { "type": "string" } //  passing -    ParamJSONSchema["properties"]["passing"] = { "type": "string", "default": "keyvalue", "enum": ["keyvalue", "positional", "raw"] } //    multistring   textarea ParamJSONSchema["definitions"]["simpleTypes"]["enum"].push("multistring"); 

Now there is all the data to draw a request box and correctly send its contents to the service. The result is displayed on the page.

The project itself lies on the githaba and can be used to implement a single web interface to the services in your company, for example.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228457/

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