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Published a single rating of seo-companies in 2014

Hi, Habr! Today we published a single rating of SEO companies for 2014 . Traditionally, habrayusers do not like ratings very much, and posts about them rarely gain a lot of votes, but the rating topic is the main profile of Ruward activity, so here it is.


It should be noted that our rating is based on the aggregation of data from all normal and well-known science niche tops, due to which it is possible to build a very stable and cheat-protected table, in which “random” players are almost excluded. Well, unlike most analogs, we have an absolutely transparent method, and everyone can check the correct placement of points.

What else would you like to say about the search engine promotion market:
2013 and 2014 were crucial for the SEO market in many respects, Yandex announced a change in ranking mechanisms, many large players began to unite in groups of companies, a number of agencies made an attempt to change positioning and diversify the service line. At the moment, the following important points on the state and trends of development of the search promotion segment can be highlighted:

Well, now let's move on to the top ten of the top:

Demis group . The company heads our chart for the second year in a row. This success is largely due to the first places in the key ratings of the industry - Runet Rating and "Who promoted".

Ingate . One of the most numerous agencies of the digital communications market (more than 600 employees) occupies the second line of our rating, having risen by one position compared to the previous year. It is worth noting the high position of the company in the local ratings of SeoNews and Adindex.

BDBD . The company loses one position and closes the top three leaders of the top. BDBD is the first of the participants of our rating, included in the Kokoc Group formed in the first half of 2014.

Kokoc.com . On the fourth line is another “nominal” agency of the Kokoc group of companies (in our rating there is also the third company of the group - SeoDream. Located on the 36th line of the chart). The growth of Cocos on two positions is a consequence of consistently high positions in the Rating of Runet and SeoNews, as well as good results in the Adindex chart.

Russian Promo . The agency shows growth in two lines and is among the top 5 leading companies in the rating. Russian Promo showed steady growth in almost all local tops in 2013, and also took the first place in the SeoNews rating “through the eyes of a client”.

Optimism . The agency included in Element Group loses one position and occupies the sixth line of our chart.

i-media . The company occupies the 7th place in the ranking, losing three positions compared to last year. This decrease is largely due to the loss of first place in the Seonews rating "through the eyes of the client."

Ashmanov and partners . A & P shows the fastest growth among the top ten (by 5 lines at once) and occupies the eighth place of the single rating. Such a rise of one of the most famous brands of Runet is largely due to the first places in Adindex sections on the search promotion market.

Techart Marketing Group Techart takes the ninth line of the table, showing an increase of one position.

Trilan . Trilan closes the top ten rankings, losing two positions in a year. A certain role in this was played (with a rather flat situation on the traditional local charts) the lack of a brand in the SEO-sections of the Adindex portal, published in the fall of 2013.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228417/

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