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Background upload files to server

All those who use GMail and Habrahabr's regulars noticed that attached files are slowly uploaded to the server after several seconds of inactivity, and then the fields with file names are replaced with checkboxes.

I implemented similar functionality in a single Django project using JQuery.
When a user chooses a logo for a business card, the logo file is transparently uploaded to the server, processed and then "given" to the browser. and the user sees that in the layout the logo has changed to the one he chooses.


After the page loads, a periodic call to the LoadLogotype () function is launched.
var previous_logo = "";
// ------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
function LoadLogotype () {
var card_logo = $ ("# card_logo"). val ();
if ((card_logo! = "") && (previous_logo! = card_logo)) {
previous_logo = card_logo;
$ ("# uploadphoto"). submit ();
// ------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
$ (function () {
setInterval ("LoadLogotype ()", 1000);

The LoadLogotype () function checks whether the logo file is selected or changed and, if so, sends the uploadphoto form to the server.

The form has the parameter target = “upload_frame” , that is, it will not initiate the transition to another page. All changes will only affect the hidden frame. After sending the form in this frame, load the result returned by the server.
form id = "uploadphoto" target = "upload_frame" enctype = "multipart / form-data" action = "/ upload_logo /" method = "post">
Logo: / form>
iframe id = "upload_frame" name = "upload_frame" style = "display: none">

The server load logo processing function saves the file in the user's folder. Also the downloaded file is checked according to the list allowed_files - protection against the user downloading unauthorized files.
As a result, the function gives the URL to the file.
# ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
def upload_logo (request):
'Handles upload of logo images'

alloved_files = ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif')

id = request.session ['our_id']
path = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'uploads /% s /'% id
if not os.path.isdir (path):
os.makedirs (path)
return "Error: couldn’t create directory to upload files!"
for image_file in request.FILES:
filename = request.FILES [image_file] ['filename']
name, ext = os.path.splitext (filename)
if ext not in alloved_files:
if filename == '':
content = request.FILES [image_file] ['content']
f = open (path + filename, 'wb')
f.write (content)
f.close ()

content = {
"Image": "/ appmedia / uploads /% s /% s"% (id, filename),
return render_to_response ("done.html", content, context_instance = RequestContext (request))

The result of rendering the done.html template will fall into the invisible IFRAME “upload_frame” . The script finds the card_logotype element in the parent document and replaces the URL of the image with the one sent by the server.
script language = "JavaScript" type = "text / javascript">
parent.document.getElementById ('card_logotype'). src = "{{image}}"
/ script>
/ head>
/ body>
/ html>

As a result, the user sees a change in the logo on the selected picture. The whole process takes place without a full page refresh. Only the contents of the hidden frame and the logo image are changed.

You can see how it works here: http://bicards.pythondevside.com/

Original post

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22838/

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