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Electronic passports from 2016 throughout Russia


On June 27, 2014, a draft decree developed by the Federal Migration Service “On issuance and application of an identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation of a new generation.”

At the moment, there is a public discussion of this act, which will last until July 12, 2014 ... You can receive notifications about the discussion by subscribing here .
What is our future passport?

According to the explanatory note to the bill, the new passport will be a plastic card
with an electronic storage medium containing recorded on it in a visual (graphic)
and an electronic form of personal data of a citizen, including biometric personal data, as well as containing electronic means and electronic signature keys used to create a qualified electronic signature.

This document, apparently, is an evolution of the UEC project, which aimed to consolidate a number of documents on one electronic carrier, plus linking to bank accounts created for the card at the request of the client. Moreover, this carrier did not have the official status of an identity document, which was one of the reasons for the low popularity of the project.

"Universal electronic card" - issued earlier.

This event will be financed at the expense of funds received from state fees for issuing driver's licenses. (And no wonder, after increasing duties 1.6 times).

According to the text of the Decree, by 2015 all the legislative acts that need to be adopted for this event should be adopted. (For example, the final list of biometric data stored on the media). The decree also defined the maximum number of new type certificates that can be issued within the next year - 300,000 pieces.

At the same time, it is specifically stipulated that information that is not included in the future list, for example, fingerprints may be entered on the carrier upon the written application of a citizen.

For running the mechanism, a pilot project will be launched from 2015 in the Rostov region, Krasnodar region, the Republic of Crimea, and the city of federal importance Sevastopol. From 2016, IDs will be issued throughout the country. For the duration of the pilot project - certificates will be issued at will. However, getting them out of curiosity is not worth it, since there will be no way back - it is prescribed by a decree to ban the simultaneous possession of an electronic ID and a paper passport.

The IT infrastructure for issuing new electronic certificates will be the system created on the basis of the merger of the GISMU (responsible for issuing the internal Russian passports) and the GS PDNP (biometric foreign passports).

Unfortunately, there are a number of questions regarding this document. In particular, the size of the state duty for obtaining such an identity is curious. And whether it will serve as a complete single document for trips abroad. After all, in fact, on this carrier, it will be possible to store information about a person, at least in all languages ​​of the world, about all the border crossings (at present, it is sometimes enough to change a passport to hide this information). At the same time, the state will lose revenue in the form of fees from the issuance of a passport, which is already very rather big.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228281/

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