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WebHiTech Competition

Dear Colleagues! Today, the start of the first ever Runet-based technology-oriented WebHiTech website competition aimed at supporting web standards took place. I announce it here as the author of the idea and the chairman of the organizing committee. The event is supported by RU-CENTER and will be announced at RIF and RIT conferences.
The competition is held in three categories:
- the best design solution;
- the best consumer qualities;
- The best use of technology.
If you write clean and valid HTML and CSS code, share content and presentation at the level of the final code of web pages, adhere to the ideals of semantic markup, respect the word “web standards”, and at the same time your sites are beautiful, neat, convenient to use and functionally available to the widest possible range of users, then our competition is for you! We are waiting for your applications .
Details about the rules and timing of the competition, the composition of the organizing committee and the jury read on the official website of the event.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22828/

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