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Perfect comment 2

Since the last note about ideal comments provoked a rather heated discussion, it was decided by my omnipotent advice on body and mind to write a sequel, not postponing it.
Perfect commenting strikes back
This time we will discuss a few additional points, and ways of placing the ideal form of commentary and the commenting process itself.

We will discuss:
  1. Display tree comments .
  2. Anonymous identification and use of openID .
  3. WYSWYG editors in the form of commenting .
  4. How to show the same form to anonymous and registered readers .
  5. Use subscriptions to new comments and replies to your comments .
  6. Bottom or top? Not the Kama Sutra .
  7. Captcha in the form of comments .
  8. General wishes for writing comments .

1. Display tree comments

I will not explain the meaning of the word "tree", I think everyone understands what it means and where it applies. In our case, the tree-like way of displaying comments describes a small tree, with answers in the form of branches (discussion), and branches from branches of other branches, and so on.
What do we need at the initial stage? Date, author, and the comment itself - nothing more. Result:
Tree comments-1
This view contains several obvious disadvantages, which I will list here:
1. Due to the fact that the comments are made in one color - the entire comment thread merges into one hard-to-read sheet, and we need to avoid this.
Solution: alternate colors.
2. If the comment thread has more than 5 ones, then in the end it will lead to narrow strips of comments, as in large discussions on Habrahabr .
Solution: if there are more than 3 comments - hide the comments behind the link, and upload on a new page. A good example is LiveJournal .
3. There is no reference to a specific comment. Solution: is being treated by adding an anchor link. Mark it in a generally accepted way - #
4. Absence of numbering of comments. It is somewhat inconvenient to navigate if the browser is not transferred to a specific comment using an anchor.
Solution: treated by adding numbers to the comments. Tree comments can use the underlying numbering: (1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, 2.2).
5. The absence of the form to add a comment. It is treated by the addition thereof. But we talked about it in the previous article, and in this talk later.

Having corrected the above points, we got this kind of tree view - the minuses seem to be missing.
I corrected errors, and combined the 3rd and 4th paragraph of errors - i.e. put links to comment numbers, thus combining business with pleasure. At the exit a quite respectable form of tree display appeared. Use.
Tree comments-2

2. Anonymous comments and openID

Anonymity can be allowed, or not allowed - here the creators cannot determine the taste and color. In some moments, the possibility of anonymous comment saves the site, and in some it can cause an avalanche-like stream of spam. You can make some points to help with this fact:
Anonymous to be:
1. If the concept of the project itself does not allow registration, which is quite rare.

2. If there are some registered users, and forcing you to register for this, you consider it unethical.
3. In case the concept of the project provides for some haste in commenting.
4. In stand-alone blogs. Those who need registration here usually do not appear. Yes, and do not need to register here. Extra trouble to write "good article!", Etc. no one needs it.
Anonymous fight:
1. If the site already has a large pool of active users - this can be considered the beginning of the end. Example - Bash.Org.Ru - Wordstrem - there is no such toilet in the comments anywhere, except, perhaps, for all sorts of successful players.
2. If the very possibility of anonymous commenting is there, but is considered a sign of snobbishness and mental retardation of the commentator. Example - LiveJournal

3. If you are afraid of comment spam. From this one cannot escape, and more or less popular blogs, websites, services are beginning to be attacked by an avalanche of spam - as is the case with this blog. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the creators of Akismet , who successfully copes with all spam.
4. If you do not want to end up with the incident with the nominees, this is akin to comments from Artemy Lebedev , or other equally famous personalities.
OpenID or One-Face .
Both are good initiatives, OpenID has definitely ceased to be a microformat, and has become a full-fledged part of most blog-like engines, as in the standard build, and with the help of plug-ins.
If anonymous comments are allowed - you should definitely add the ability to log in using OpenID - make it nice to every tenth user of your site (the percentage of the audience that has an OpenID identifier may change).

3. WYSIWYG in the form of commenting

I am categorically against using WYSIWYG in comments and the commenting form - this only distracts from the comment writing process itself.
There is also a quite adequate chance of being spattered by a bunch of girls who love pink comic sans, and pictures of shiny cats. Here it depends on the adequacy of the audience, but for me the first minus cannot be crossed out by any plus.
Also in most cases, WYSIWYG editors are quite heavy, which is clearly not their advantage.
At the same time, I am not at all against a few BB buttons for some common actions, like inserting links, or a picture. You can also add bold, italics. Underlined and strikethrough text are needed only for special-masochistic sites.

4. How to show the same form to anonymous and registered readers.

1. The registered user should not see something extra at all. Only the input form and the button. Everything.
2. Anonymous user: 2 authorization methods.
Comment form for anonymous
Commenting form for an anonym through openID
What is openID?
OpenID is an open decentralized single sign-on system that allows you to use one login and password on a large number of sites. On sites that support OpenID, users do not have to register and remember the data for each site.

5. Use new comment subscriptions and reply to your comments.

The ability to subscribe to comments is a global blessing that needs to be promoted.
Not only does this bring its dividends to the creator of the site in the form of potential clickers for advertising, it brings clear benefits to simple users - a reminder of the discussion in which I took part - I have become quite an active user of this function on blog-like sites.
This functionality is needed only for interesting sites, the information on which to read is easy and pleasant, or even completely useful. Let's say like this blog.
There should be no complaints about the importance of the function, but one can argue about where to put the possibility of subscription.
I suggest this option, and you bite it in the comments, but I think most users will like it - simple and clear.
Subscribe to comment replies
Sign anonymity defaults - moveton, so do not.
Signing by default on replies to registered user comments is a good tone, so it’s worth it. But it is necessary to give the opportunity to cancel this option. Not everyone likes to get tons of spam to their box, in the case of the "day of active communication."

6. Bottom or top? Not kamasutra

In this part of the note we will talk about the method of sorting comments. Usability's biggest dilemma is how to display comments? New to be on top or bottom?
I tend to think that new ones should be on top, because not every user is inclined to look for a place where the discussion began, and if there are already more than 30 comments, you will have to look for them.
In the case if the new comments are below - you need to leave a link to the lowest (first in this case) comment to save all of us our dearest brain.
As a certain compromise - to give the user the choice to choose a convenient sorting method.

7. Captcha in the form of comments

Absolutely unacceptable. There are many other ways to protect against spam bots.

8. General comments comments

1. Do not introduce yourself - the engine will do it for you (you knowingly entered a name, yeah).
2. Do not wedge into the discussion with an incomprehensible answer - only spoil the impression to people of a good conversation.
3. Write only adequate comments - this is the most important thing that affects your image on the Internet - adequacy.
4. Do not try to be mainstream. The phrases “I agree,” “Burn,” are at least annoying, and for particularly hot-tempered owners they can trigger an attack of using a banomete.


There are many of them in this article, and everyone will make their own, and specifically for themselves. I will emphasize the special importance of the openID functions, and comment subscriptions are key points for me on the site I want to stay on.
Successes in ouzablivanii Internet.

Yaroslav Birzul

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22820/

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