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PyCon Russia 2014 - two days of python-happiness

The second international conference of python developers PyCon Russia 2014 took place on June 2-3 in Yekaterinburg. Participants gathered from 23 cities of Russia and the world.

Participants PyConRu 2014

Conference format
The conference was held for the second time outside the city, but this year we moved the time of the winter to summer to show the foreign speakers all the charm of “summer Russia”. It seems to us, it turned out well: a pine forest, clean air, mosquitoes, a fire and ... pythonists.

During breaks you can swim in the fresh air.


He started the conference Hynek Schlawack (core dev CPython and Twisted, a member of PSF, manages the infrastructure in Variomedia) on how to make applications as secure as possible.

After him, he spoke well to the Russian developers Armin Ronacher , the author of Flask and Jinja2, the founder of the Pocoo Team, a member of PSF. Armin told how to design a secure API for himself and his users, how to use SSL and OAuth correctly, how to organize the internal structure of the application, and also demonstrated using which python tools you can write secure code more easily.

Completed the first day foreign unit Simone Soldateschi from Rackspace. Simone talked about horizontal scaling in the clouds and how using Python and OpenStack can reduce IT infrastructure costs.

After lunch, the reports went in two streams. Andrei Vlasov (JetBrains), talked about the multitasking in Python and other languages, Konstantin Lopukhin (CTD) about the problem of memory consumption of applications in Python. Roman Imankulov (Todoist) very vividly introduced the listeners to the basic tools for data processing: ipython, numpy, scipy, pandas and scikit-learn libraries. Mikhail Korobov (ScrapingHub) taught to extract data from web pages using Python, and Victor Koceruba (Imhonet) squeezed the most out of the template engine.

In addition, there were two reports from Yandex - about understandable and extensible reports for Python + PyTest out of the box from Denis Chernilevsky and about load testing using Yandex.Tank from Alexey Lavrenyuk .

Alexey Malashkevich and Alexander Kozlovsky told about the mapper of the new generation Pony ORM, Alexander Shchepanovsky , the author of funcy and cacheops, explained why Python needed (was) its underscore, and Dmitry Ovchinnikov from Wargaming.net made a cool report on the development of mobile applications in Python.

The second day began with a report by Kirill Borisov (BARS Group) about the essence of the behavior-driven approach to software development.

Vitaly Glibin (HeadHunter) told about the use of service-oriented architecture (SOA) for building complex web projects.

Andrey Svetlov (Python Core Developer and committer in hg.python.org, currently an architect in LevelUp) made two reports: the first is about why developers use or do not use Open Source products and how to make your product popular, and in the second Andrew He gave advice on how to write for asyncio (by the way, in the feedback questionnaires to the question “Did you have an idea after the conference that you wanted to implement?”, the most popular answer was “Use asyncio”).

Alexander Koshelev from Yandex explained how services are developed in Yandex on Python.

The conference ended with two foreign speakers. Honza Král from Elasticsearch showed what Elasticsearch can do for applications.

Brian Curtin , director of the Python Software Foundation (PSF) and engineer at Rackspace, gave a talk on what is happening with Python 3 at the moment: what are the problems of Python 3 and why it faces difficulties in the community, why PSF decided to support 2 7 to 2020 and what the future of Ru 2 and Ru 3 is. It was interesting to hear the controversy that began after the Brian report between him and Armin Ronher. In short, the essence of the dispute: Armin believes that there is no normal discussion about Python 3, and the community has a lot of problems with it, and PSF insists that everything is fine. By the way, what do you think about this?

In parallel with the reports, two master classes took place on the second day. On the first - Python against vandals. Data analysis in practice - which was conducted by Roman Imankulov, Mikhail Korobov and Anton Patrushev, who wanted to try to teach python to automatically recognize vandal edits in wikipedia.

At the second master class “Writing an interactive photo-sharing application using Pony ORM,” Alexey Malashkevich and Alexander Kozlovsky showed how you can use their mapper in practice.

Participants of the master class

In addition to reports and workshops, traditional lightning talks were held - it is nice that the pythonists are actively talking about their projects and there was enough people willing to speak at both lightning talks.


In the breaks between the presentations, participants could ride a roller coaster, try on the Oculus Rift virtual reality helmet that Selectel brought, see how python figurines are printed on a 3D printer (thanks to Naumen for it), ponder the Wargaming puzzles for company prizes and take pictures in a photo booth .

Armin zoned out;) “@hynek: Fascinated @mitsuhiko is fascinated. #PyConRU # 3Dprinting

Oculus rift


Aftepati turned out to be no less saturated than the report. It was possible to choose a lesson for yourself: someone went climbing trees, taking a rope course, someone went to a traditional game store from Aydeko, someone played campuses, bowling and billiards, a live broadcast of the developers conference was organized for Apple fans WWDC.

Foreigners liked the towns

Members of the library store are thinking routes

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Bavarian women pouring free beer - our hello EuroPython, which will be held very soon in Berlin.

Evening program starts with free beer for participants.

The day ended with a real pioneer fire with songs with a guitar. The people did not disperse until dawn, and even mosquitoes did not spoil our warm atmosphere.


Materials from the conference

Video reports are also posted here .
Presentations are posted here .
Photos here , here and here .

Conference Feedback

Report Andrei Svetlov.

Feedback from our mail:

Roman Imankulov: “I didn’t have time, it seems, to personally express my gratitude for the excellent conference. Here ... Thank you very much! Everything was very cool. Minskers are also delighted . ”

Dmitry Ovchinnikov: “I want, on behalf of myself and Wargaming, to thank you and the entire organizing committee for the excellent paykon! Everything was at the highest level, excellent reports (including mine), excellent speakers (including myself), invaluable couloirs and many new contacts. I look forward to the next meeting at PyConRu'15) PS As soon as I get back to myself, I will write a blog post about the event on behalf of Wargaming) ”

Dima, we are waiting for the post :)

Report post participant Alexander Plesovskikh.

Here are some reviews from twitter:

Thanks to the organizers of #pyconru, it was awesome!

Visited #pyconru 2014, it was awesome! I liked the reports about asyncio, python 3 and a master class on data analysis, tested #OculusRift

lensvol june 4
From the most vivid recollections for this #pyconru: @mitsuhiko and @HonzaKral politely discuss the Ukrainian question devoured by mosquitoes.

while #pyconru was cool !!! #python

It's great that 90% of the participants in the feedback form answered the question “Did you have an idea after the conference that you wanted to implement?” Answered positively.

Here are some excerpts:
“It has long been a desire to try yourself in data analysis. The master class helped to go through the first steps and make sure that it is not as difficult as it seems at the beginning ”;

“More active participation in open source, improvement of development tools within the team, introduction of practices that participants shared. We have already made contact with some and continued communication ”;

“Write your own open source project”;

“Use PonyORM for rapid prototyping thanks to a user-friendly interface. Use asyncio as probably the most convenient way to write asynchronous applications ”;

“Write your ORM”.

For us, these answers are the main indicator that the conference was a success!


Thank you for supporting our sponsors: Naumen, Selectel, JetBrains, Wargaming.net, Aydeko, NetAngels.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/228067/

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