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AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS budget recorder review: Novatek 96650 vs Ambarella A5

Not long ago, I talked about the AdvoCam-FD8 Profi-GPS Red flagship recorder with “buns” like the LDWS system, Super Full HD shooting and warnings (by GPS) about speed cameras. Despite the fact that the model turned out to be interesting, I am deeply convinced that the majority of motorists want to get a registrar cheaper, sometimes not at all interested in additional functions. Actually, as the quality of shooting. In general, AdvoCam decided to experiment and released the budgetary AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS, the essence of which is the good quality of shooting inherent in the “more expensive“ black boxes ”AdvoCam”. The price of the issue is 4,590 rubles (~ $ 131), if you do not need a G-sensor and GPS - 3,590 rubles (~ $ 102). At the same time they promise to shoot no worse than that in recorders with Ambarella processors (in particular, A5). For comparison, AdvoCam FD5 Profi-GPS is still worth around 6-7 thousand rubles (~ $ 171-200).

Packing and packaging

The information component of the box is not fundamentally different from what I saw in AdvoCam-FD8 Profi-GPS Red. I am still told what HDR is, how much video will fit on a memory card of N GB, and most importantly - they clarify the purpose of all the buttons. As usual, AdvoCam calls its approach “One Touch” technology - they say, access to all important functions with one touch. The only problem is that in the registrars of the absolute majority of competitors the purpose of the buttons is exactly the same or close to it.

I’ll say right away what is not in the package bundle - a memory card. That is, it does not exist in almost any registrar with a price of less than 7-8 thousand rubles. In AdvoCam, with the exception of AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS, a 4 GB microSD is applied to any model. I remember that I recently spoke with one brand of smartphones - they say, why don't you give cards (films, covers, etc.) bundled? The answer was as follows: I quote: “They will tear us all over the memory card” - in other words, the device will not be taken for implementation. Accessories need to sell shops!

The paper set includes instructions and a brochure from the President of the Board of Legal Protection of Motorists Viktor Travin. The latter explains what should be done with video files in the event of an accident.

Software CD, miniUSB cable, cigarette lighter charging - that's the whole set. I note that in the power supply behind the sliding plug, there is a USB port, through which you can recharge a smartphone or other mobile device.

Installation and appearance

The dimensions of the model turned out to be compact, despite the presence of a 2.7-inch screen - 87 x 45 x 17 mm and 62 grams of weight. The length is less than my index finger, if you are an ardent supporter of the hidden installation behind the rear-view mirror, there will be no problems with this. The basis of the case cover is softtach plastic, which is “diluted” with a glossy diamond-shaped insert from the front. Not that it turned out to be mega-original, but the appearance of the recorder definitely diversifies.

The assembly is of high quality, the halves of the case are tightly knocked down, there is no any play on the buttons. When strongly pressed, it bends a couple of millimeters to the screen board, but as I can judge by at least three disassembled recorders, this is a normal situation.

There is a lens from the front, and a forced reset button. The key is practically not “recessed”, if necessary, you will not have to look for a needle, it’s enough just a tip of the key. The most attentive comrades have already noticed that the backlight is not provided, this is the second time after the memory card in the model. It's funny that this moment is found not only in the budget, but also ultra-expensive registrars for 20,000 rubles. In the case of AdvoCam-FD, Black-GPS has a very reasonable justification - according to AdvoCam, 6% of “autocamera” owners use the backlight at best.

At the bottom there are miniUSB and HDMI ports, so everything is fine with the image output to the external screen. There is no archaic AV, but if I'm not mistaken, analog output can be obtained via the AV-miniUSB cable.

To the left of the lens insert a memory card - nothing special.

On the sides of the 2.7-inch screen there is not a single button, all the elements are located on the ends, in order to reduce the size of the case. Is it more convenient to press the keys in comparison with, say, AdvoCam-FD8 Profi-GPS Red? A matter of taste, I was equally comfortable in both cases.

On the right side there are “cursor” keys, which also serve to turn on / off the microphone and the screen.

The top row, with the exception of the power button, has several functions - an instant photo, marking a file as an emergency, “OK” in the menu. As a plus, I note that the menu call "hung" on a separate button, and not "M". In the second case, which is extremely common, you need to press the key three times - first enter the photo mode, then the dialog of the captured files, and only then the desired list of options.

The bracket is more than usual for brand models, it is now found in AdvoCam in every first registrar. This is the same holder in which there is a power port (we do not connect anything to the recorder body) and a swivel connection for quick adjustment of the camera position. The mount is small, for fixing, we turn the lever for a quarter without any effort, which is played by an external GPS module. As I have already noted, if you want to hide the recorder behind the mirror is not difficult.

A bit "inside"

When I looked inside, I immediately remembered the AdvoCam-FD5 Profi-GPS, because the small and not very assembly points here are at the same very high level. This is expressed in little things like shielding from interference, several “amartization” soft inserts on the board. I am far from expert assessments of soldering, but all the elements on the board look neat, the contacts of buttons, connectors, etc. installed securely. While I did not dare to unscrew the separate charge with the lens - it is “guarded” by cogs twice as strong as I had ever seen before in other recorders. If at risk - be sure to add photos.

In work

For recording without external power supply, a 250 mAh battery is provided, with the screen off, this lasts for about 15 minutes of shooting. The recording starts, as it should be in our time, right after turning the key in the ignition lock. But just a couple of years ago, registrars with auto start were considered to be a fashion mod in response to the sound of the engine - over 65 dB.

What impresses me is the organization of the model settings in comparison with the current flagships on the Ambarella A7, so this is the absence of an uncomfortable complete list of options. The entire set is conventionally divided into two groups of tabs: items related to video and all the rest. There is nothing to complain about - there is an on-delay setting (protection against voltage surges), various stamps (including a state number), setting the frequency, etc. It was not by chance that I called the division conditional - I don’t quite understand why the “exposure” and “white balance” are not in the “video”.

Accelerometer functions as it should be - it works on the characteristic overload for the accident and excludes the current file from the cyclic survey. If the road condition in your area leaves much to be desired, I highly recommend choosing a low level of sensitivity. Otherwise, get ready to regularly clean the memory card from useless protected files.

More recently, GPS receivers in recorders are used to alert you when approaching speed cameras, while this feature is found in models from 7,000 rubles and more. In my opinion, this is an artificial restriction that does not require much effort to implement in the presence of GPS and in budget recorders. In AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS, communication with satellites was established in less than half a minute, and there were practically no errors in the track of the path.

I used the default player for watching videos on a computer for initial review only. Firstly, there are no editing options here. Secondly, the size of the application window is fixed; it cannot be changed at all. Moreover, to increase or decrease the area of ​​the map or the list of files also will not work. So once again I was convinced that my favorite Registrator Viewer does not have to change to anything.


Optical characteristics in the model are very good. The lens is six glass lenses (f = 2.3mm, F = 2.5), the viewing angle is 170 degrees wide. Objects at the edges of the frame are slightly distorted, but this is a low fee for the possibility of the most complete coverage of the surrounding space. Naturally, as far as possible within a single channel recorder. The matrix is ​​traditional for recorders AdvoCam, 3 MP from Aptina, straight from the USA (although ...).

The processor is touted as almost the protagonist of the model, it is widely known in narrow circles Novatek 96650. By the standards of the life cycle of processors - a beginner, who is already actively installed in recorders. Prior to this model, Novatek produced cheap but too mediocre products. With Novatek 96650, everything changed; in terms of the quality of the final picture, recorders with such a “heart” are at the level of the Ambarella A5 family. Only at the same time components Novatek are 15% cheaper. In any case, exactly such information is voiced by AdvoCam.

In general, rate the video; under each video there is a link to the original attached.

Download original file

Download original file

Download original file

I have seen quite a few registrars lately, including at twice the higher price. And AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS shoots no worse, and sometimes better than some instances. "Spoonfuls of tar" exactly two, the first - sometimes clearly white balance, and even on a clear day, and even at intervals of a minute or two. The second - very tangible "stars" from light sources at night. While maintaining the overall decent picture clarity, which is important. In fairness, I note that the same "stars", albeit to a lesser degree, I observed in the examples of shooting AdvoCam-FD5 Profi-GPS in the article of my colleague Alex_SmartGadget .

Shooting is available in resolutions Full HD, HD, WVGA and VGA, no deviations from 30 fps. The duration of the roller can be 3, 5 or 10 minutes. HDR mode is enabled through the settings menu, although I would just assign it to the quick launch button. In addition to the standard shooting, in the presence of so-called. parking mode when recording starts when there is motion in the frame. After 10 seconds after the onset of "silence" recording stops. Files are saved in the MOV format, the bitrate is dynamic, ranges within decent for 1080p frames 11.9-13.1 Mbps.


Let me remind you that the price of the model is 4 590 rubles (~ $ 131), without a G-sensor and GPS - 3 590 rubles (~ $ 102). If you follow the data of Yandex.Market, almost three dozen registrars with the Novatek 96650 processor are sold in Russia. Street Storm CVR NR1095-G, which has similar characteristics, is most similar to AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS. Only for some incomprehensible reason in my model, the Street Storm made an extremely impractical case - it is completely glossy, only the frontal rhombus is matte. The price is higher than that of a competitor, 4,900 rubles (~ $ 140).

If we talk about personal experiences, especially criticize AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS somehow fails. There is no IR illumination, they have not attached a memory card ... In general, there are not many other minuses, and they are not “callous” eyes. Perhaps, I would like to see a more logical grouping of menu items, a more functional player for the computer, and enhanced GPS capabilities through a warning about Strelka ST and other radars. The advantages are a compact body, convenient mounting, uncomplicated control and, most importantly, a decent quality of shooting. Again, the device can easily argue on the part of the recording level with much more expensive models. So the maximum task of this registrar, I believe, is fully implemented.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227999/

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