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How are Internet things created ?!

Any company involved in the creation of innovative products, including electronic gadgets and user applications to them, must plan their entry into the market IoT (Internet of Things) or Wearables (wearable devices, for example, smart watches). At the beginning of the launch of our project do-ra.com , still at the stage of developing a personal portable dosimeter-radiometer with a Geiger-Muller counter (GM) for smartphones, we thought about the channels for promoting our products on the Internet. This is the most technologically advanced and effective way to promote and sell IoT or Wearables by its technological availability and by minimizing the cost per unit of goods.
Having conducted extensive research, field tests of our DO-RA devices with GM, we decided to enter the market with a more innovative and more sensitive instrument for indicating and measuring ionizing radiation DO-RA.Si.

Currently, we are faced with the task of designing a chipset and creating a universal dosimeter-radiometer module based on the DO-RA chip and DoRaSi silicon detector operating under the following protocols: i2C via the data bus, and remotely thanks to BLE and NFC. Further, the creation of a line of DO-RA devices integrated into smartphones, in smart watches, or simply in the form of utilitarian devices in various form factors. All of these products are typical representatives of Wearables and are easily promoted to the customer through the Internet medium.

In this embodiment, the output of the production line DO-RA.Si can be expected by the end of 2014, or in 1 square. 2015, depending on the availability of design documentation and selection of manufacturers. After a recent trip to Seoul at the invitation of a number of intrigued companies, we focused on South Korea, where we plan to open our representative office of Intersoft Eurasia, Korea for close interaction with partners.
On the way to the production of any developer, of course, there are a number of difficulties and fortunately surmountable obstacles.

The first difficulty lies in the choice of an adequate, technologically advanced production partner that meets the criteria: at reasonable cost and performance, in copy protection of produced solutions, despite the signed NDA and existing patents.

The second difficulty lies in the long cycle of obtaining regional patents abroad. So in China, Japan, the United States, the European Union, this period can take from 2.5 to 6 years. But, if we start production without a regional patent, in the same China, then there is no guarantee that in 2-3 months the same product will not enter the market under a different brand and design ?!

The third difficulty lies in the certification of its own product under the standards or regulations of various countries and regions, especially if the product belongs to the class of measuring devices.

The fourth difficulty is the simplest and formulated as follows: “Why do we need your innovative product, if we lived without any problems without it” ?! That is, there is a need for explanatory work and promotions, even with the obviousness of the use and utility of the device being created.
Least of all problems in the production cycle was with the release of custom applications. We immediately conceived and created multilingual user programs that work in two modes with a built-in prev. order: in emulator mode in the absence of the device, and with the device connected. This allowed us to familiarize potential customers with the future DO-RA device and its functions long before its release. Today, more than 100 thousand copies of DO-RA programs from the App Store, Google Play Market, WP market on different continents have been downloaded.

Currently, the main value of promising products being developed by us lies in their uniqueness, universality of use, ease of handling, mass application, and focus on the individual needs of each person who is monitoring their own health living in a modern technological world.

In the near future, our strategic task, after creating a universal DO-RA module based on our own chipset - reading electronics and silicon detector of various sizes: 13x13x2.5mm; 10x10x2.5mm; 7x7x2.5 mm, for placement in various devices: in mobile phones, smartphones, tablet computers, car navigators and recorders, in surveillance cameras, in any other systems capable of signaling an excessive level of radiation for people, a sales strategy will be formed. Its main theses are as follows:

BUT). Delivered as components of the DO-RA.micro device blocks themselves to device manufacturers,

B) Launching your own line of peripheral devices in the form of trinkets, brooches, tags, by running sales through online stores on the couch, like Sumitomo Corp., Hyundai, etc., and logistics should be organized through distribution centers in the countries producing DO-RA products.

C) Possible strategy for sales of regional non-exclusive licenses for the production of DO-RA products in non-intersecting markets.

To bring our DO-RA devices to the mind and to a certain perfection, we used a whole range of different application programs:

• In the primary design and visualization of the developed objects and enclosures of DO-PA devices, a standard set of programs is used: 3DMAX, as well as under 3D: Blender; under 2D: GIMP, Inkscape and of course Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe inDesign all these programs are CS6 versions ...

• In the design, modeling and layout of units and parts of DO-PA devices, a set of the following programs is used: printed circuit tracing - Mentor Graphics Expedition, device case design - ProEngineer, SolidWorks.

• To create custom programs for DO-PA, development licensed packages for iOS, Android, WP mobile platforms are used: compiler xcod, photo-shop, android-eclipse, android studio, visual studio.

So, in particular, Eclipse was originally used for developing the DO-PA application for Android, plus the ADT Plugin plugin. Subsequently, Google began to release a specially adapted version of Eclipse + everything needed for development for Android: “SDK ADT Bundle for Windows”.

Some time ago we switched to using the experimental development environment: “Android Studio”. We use this medium to the present. That is, throughout the entire history of the DO-RA application development for Android, we used three different development environments.
Unfortunately, there is not yet such a program in the world that could replace the routine work of programmers to create programs themselves, by word or otherwise, given technical characteristics.

Due to the lack of a certain standardization in the instrument lines of the devices of all the vendors, even the manufacturers of the same name have to adapt the user programs of DO-RA to the newly released devices, constantly buying new items and finding bugs including, correcting them whenever possible in regular programs on various mobile platforms .

There is also a problem in getting quick advice on a software or circuit problem from the lead developers, despite the fact that all our programmers are licensed developers for key environment platforms: Android / iOS / WP; and Windows / Linux / MacOS.

Each product has its own nuances. So, in particular, having developed a line of DO-RA devices based on a Geiger-Muller counter as part of its first mini Grant Skolkovo for 1.35 million rubles and creating 7 KD packages for various products: DO-RA.Classic, DO-RA.Chups, DO -RA.Fab, DO-RA.Dolls, i.DO-RA, DO-RA.Uni, DO-RA.Ultra and negotiating tirelessly with suppliers of components, we are faced with the excessive cost of the meter itself, the detector Gamma and Beta radiation. In different countries, the price for this component is: in Russia from $ 70 to $ 100 per piece, in Europe the GM costs about 30-35 Euros, in the USA and Japan it is about $ 38-45, while production is limited and it is not possible to enter the G- lot. M at least 100-200 thousand. Pieces. in year.

Having studied thoroughly all the parameters of various ionizing radiation detectors, including a number of design features for GMs that are not acceptable for integration into mobile low-voltage electronics. The main disadvantages of the GM are a wide variation in relative sensitivity for Gamma and Beta radiation in the range most commonly encountered in everyday life: 0.1–0.2 μSv / h on the surface of the earth and up to 1.5–3.5 μSv / h in air at an altitude of 11 km. in airplane. The measurement range of AI is only for hard Gamma and Beta. Also the meters G-M require high-voltage reference operating voltage 350-500V, and accordingly, it is not efficient enough for energy costs. The dimensions of the SBM-20 are 11 mm in diameter and 109 mm long, if we consider it optimal for household appliances, it also has a high inertia for starting and shutting down ...

If we go back to our key development, the DO-RA.Si device based on a silicon detector, then this work is not finished yet, as we are improving existing prototype devices that have been successfully developed and tested, debugging the technological process, analyzing the production map for creating silicon detectors to reduce the cost their mass production. Nevertheless, the installation batches of high quality DoRaSi detectors with competitive electrical characteristics were produced.

In our project, we also use the distributed computing tools used in similar types of projects. The server part of our project allows you to upload radiation measurement data anywhere in the world onto your own maps or Google maps online, including moving objects. For these purposes, we use a public cloud (public cloud) based on software products: Azure Services Platform and Amazon Web Services.
Among the shortcomings, a potential leak of information from the database demonstrated, for example, by Edward Snowden, can be noted. Or the possible copying of programs and protocols for managing our devices. But we have a strategy to protect such dirty tricks at the instrument level in combination with cloud technologies.

In our work on software development, we partially use common standards, such as REST technology, which allows us to simplify the implementation of client-server interaction. Standardization of IoT protocols would allow us to optimize the implementation of support for third-party devices, as well as integrate our devices into third-party information systems.

Basically, we have no particular obstacles in the development of new products and gadgets, both in terms of the emission of ideas, and in the innovation of software and circuit solutions. Maybe sometimes there is not enough money for the deployment of production, but over time, the necessary funds still appear.

There are, of course, technological nuances in the process of developing Wearables products for IoT, when there are parallel processes, in particular, software development for not yet released prototypes of our own production for certain models. In this case, you have to work out custom applications on future emulator devices. Which in turn attracts more software errors and additional rework.

Nevertheless, everything in this life is surmountable and realizable, there would be a desire.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227949/

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