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As I walked on campus: notes of a bystander

Navigator Campus personally in my life does not take exactly no place. I do not work there, I have no interests other than idle, and indeed, except for the times described, I have never been in this building and have never been familiar with people.

I am a journalist by my direct profession. And not the usual one, which in non-capital cities writes about everything in the world with the appearance of a professional, but a highly specialized, automobile one.

The only person with whom I have personal relations in the Campus is Vasil Zakiev. We intersected with him in a number of third-party projects and he agreed to conduct a tour of the building for me. Why did I go there? Two reasons. First, around the project in Tatarstan there is a steady information noise, people continually jump on this topic, and I sit and apart from extensive replicas like “well done guys” or “cool, they wanted and done”, I can’t add anything significant. The second, which is no secret, Vasil’s personal invitation. And I wanted to break away for half a day from the very monotonous main work. You know, when you go off somewhere and devote yourself to something new, returning to an ordinary routine is somehow softer and more spiritual. Especially if you studied under the microscope the fruits of someone else's activities. I do not know, maybe personal pens, drove ...

On the day of the excursion, I was somehow unwell in the morning, I did not have breakfast and, according to the standard scheme, I was driven out by the Matiz, on which I am now traveling, waiting for a new car. I had to go through the whole city, for those who were not in Kazan, I note that the procedure is not so long as unpredictable, and for this reason unpleasant. But it turned out, I reached it in the door. There is even time to buy batteries for a dictaphone. Priborchik I carry with me mainly for the species. At the sight of a recording device, people often put themselves in shape and engage in dialogue more responsibly. However, on departures in which small details are important (like this one), and the practical use of a voice recorder is present.


Navigator Campus doesn’t look like anything. You can make a stupid comparison with some films about Silicon Valley, but I haven’t seen anything like this in terms of design and performance. I did not manage to remove the two-story building from the side in the first minutes - the view was greased with GAZ 3307 with a hydraulic lift, the service organization cleaned the facade.

I went inside, I called Vasily, the tour began ... Initially I intended not to write anything down or even take it off - later it was stupid to transfer the impression of feeling in my soul onto paper. It did not work out, the guide's drive, full of details, the “audio content” took its toll, and I pulled out a tape recorder and a camera. As I understood it, my main task this morning was a rational description of what is inside this unusual institution. My guide complained that people, coming here from different parts of the country and the world, do not know exactly what they will see. Well, let's try to smooth it out. We will form in your imagination a 3D model of Navigator Campus, the main thing is not to be distracted, otherwise the structure will not be complete.

Began to inspect Campus from the outside. My companion noted that the Dutch, who took part in the construction of the building, having familiarized themselves with the project, clearly concluded - “wow, wow, crazy races”. So, as technically solved here facade, a great engineering rarity. It is ventilated, but at the same time it protects the power structure of the building from both moisture and overcooling. All pieces of the front puzzle were adjusted to the millimeter. Only in this situation, the idea would play really.

We reach the gate leading to the inner courtyard of Campus. Go further quickly failed. It turned out that at this stage innovative things are involved. The internal development of the guys - the door leaves obey the electronic system. It works like this - a person calls a special number for the gate, and if he is on the white list - the gate opens. Everything is simple on the one hand, and very convenient on the other. No ciphers or electromagnetic locks. I dialed the number, the gate opened. Setting up an access sheet is also very simple. New motorists can be made to Google sheets without delay, as well as to exclude the former. In fact, a trifle, but of these little things add up ...

A reader who has not been to Kazan can assume that such an unusual project as the Navigator Campus is located in the very center of the city next to the Kremlin and other historical buildings. And no! It is located in the most residential area, popularly known as the "Quarter" or "Quarter". To the Kremlin from here about 5-6 kilometers, and then through bridges and junctions. The trick is that there are free parking lots, a huge hypermarket, a cinema, a fitness center and a lot of other socially important objects. In addition, most of the people who work here, live nearby. And those who come do it in the opposite direction to traffic jams - when the whole city goes from the suburbs to the center, the workers from the center go to the sleeping area and vice versa. And one more important aspect. Initially, the project sharpened by cycling workers. It even solved the main problem of the operation of such vehicles - in other words there is a shower =)

The inner area is a parking, an airfield, a cosmodrome and a landfill in one bottle. There are not many cars here - once again I draw the reader’s attention to the fact that mostly simple young people who do not have so many cars work here (may God forgive me for a car God, but maybe this is for the best).

Since the building is closely integrated into the surrounding landscape of weary apartment buildings in a residential area, the local residents tried to include some kind of opposition to the construction. The guys even had to joke that in the place of the former dealership they would open a quiet and peaceful nursing home. Later, when the Campus was put into operation, questions from the local disappeared. On the contrary, there was some pride in his district. After all, Medvedev came almost to their entrances!

Showroom company "Speakphone". About guys there is a separate post on Habré . Speaking briefly, on the site next to the main Campus building there is a mock-up of an ordinary entrance, stuffed with various technical gadgets from advertising and audio information from “JeA” in the intercom, instead of waiting beeps to various complex emergency warning systems or transmitting info from the counters directly in data processing centers. There is also an imitation of an elevator with high-tech advertising LCD-panels instead of standard paper ones and much more.

In the courtyard next to the mock-up of the entrance there is the second and last detached construction on the site, this is a former garage, once a shed, later the first version of the hackspace (laboratory), and now the place for the dirtiest technical manipulations. Here, as in the main laboratory, which we will see later, there is all the necessary tool for engineering work. And both manual and stationary, including even CNC machines. At present, the premises are mainly used by the local company Ennova, which develops 3D printers . In general, the theme of printing in 3D with a red thread passes through the entire Campus, but more on that later.

A small metal hangar like a submarine has several compartments and from this inside it is noticeably less space than it seems from the outside. But here it is warm and its arrangement was much cheaper than the main laboratory. My maintainer let it slip that if I had started building the Navigator Campus today, I would have made many of its elements as simplistic as this garage. However, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. Yes, and the spare laboratory looks cheerful, but not very aesthetically pleasing.

Of the interesting things in the “garage”, several copters showed me — one of which has a real chance of becoming a vehicle that can lift two adult men into the air. Only a single word about this, as well as about the space ambitions of the Kazan project Navigator Campus, is not yet spoken aloud. There are really enough secrets here, the phrase “don't write about it yet” is just a local motto!

Go ahead, try to accelerate the rate of narration. This feeling is most well known when you read an interesting enough, but long text. Lyrics further on the minimum.

We go in the building. Two floors, 120 jobs for talented young people, of which about 90 are really busy thinking people who implement their ideas here. The area of ​​the first stage is 1,200 square meters. There are plans to expand it. On the ground floor there is a cafe-bar-coffee house. And not just a cafe, but a very decent institution with professional equipment and highly trained personnel. Here everything is from and to say so according to the State Standards, there is even a separate egg shop, which generally should be in any catering establishment, but in fact it is rarely rare. Surprisingly, even in the cafe the guys managed to skoretivit. On the basis of local cuisine, an internal startup, the Cult of Food, is currently developing. The trick is that now, apart from the usual rolls and pizza, you can order a real set of products for preparing a restaurant dish right on campus. For relatively little money, you will be brought home instructions and the necessary set of already washed and sliced ​​ingredients for preparing a unique dish at home. Everything is 100% fresh and balanced - no chemistry ...

In addition to the 90 workstations described above in Campus, informal workplaces are actively used at cafe tables. This is facilitated by fast free wi-fi and sockets near each table (!) As an unloading of brains, there is an Xbox here. This cafe, by the way, is unlike any other cafe from among those I have been to. Lost a sense of reality - as if the house went to some geek.

Access to the various building blocks is carried out by electromagnetic cards. Now, however, this does not surprise anyone, but adds charm. In general, the place feels like something in the laboratory from the first Half-Life.

The standard office (here sit exactly those guys from Ennovy, about whom I have already begun to speak earlier) is a few tables-petals. Specifically, here (in the photo) sit six people. And as usual, 3D printers can be seen everywhere. For me, as an outsider, they are all, of course, very similar, but Vasil insists that several generations have changed since their first appearance. Relatively fresh type of photopolymer and not heated. The idea was not difficult to understand: the projector layer by layer illuminates the photopolymer, fixing the material in the desired form. Practically everything that is located in this office is at the prototype stage and will be refined.

In general, the creators of Navigator Campus very much believe in 3D printers and quite seriously compare them with the first personal computers, which later spread around the world in billions of copies and became an integral element of modernity. There is probably some truth in this. The very idea that anything can be printed in a few minutes is fascinating. Yes, and it is logical in an accelerating fashion.
To my question, “are you not afraid that the same thing happens with printers as with airships,” the guys answer, smiling, “life is long, there are 3-4 attempts and a chance of success in at least one of them is big.”
Now in the "Navigator" on 3D-machines do whatever they want. From covers for iPhones according to personally created drawings to mugs. One of the local engineers told me a story about having forgotten the mug at home and opened it for himself in a few minutes on a printer. On my natural question about the hygienic nature of such an act, the engineer assured me that the plastics used are supplied from the EU and have all possible quality certificates.

But the main use of equipment that prints reality is classical engineering. Hold in the hands of a difficult detail of a car or an airplane, for a designer this is priceless. I know for myself - my father is an old-school engineer and aircraft designer, and even he, who has 50 years of experience, sometimes lacks these new technologies. It is necessary to include all possible and impossible spatial thinking in order to imagine some complicated detail, installed in a tricky place with unique kinematics. And then cheaply and quickly printed out, put it, thought and quickly understood in which direction to move on - cool, not the right word!

Moving on - meeting rooms. There are several of them in the Campus and they are all named after the Tatar national writers. I always treated these cultural figures with a certain caution, but after reading the “Shurale” of Gabdula Tukai in the Russian translation (I repent), I changed my opinion once and for all. It was not even the very idea of ​​a story about a person who bribed, but the beauty and imagery of a syllable. Again distracted, go ahead.
Since the “talks”, in fact, are located in the epicenter of the laboratory, in which something is constantly checked, sawed and cut, the meeting rooms here are equipped with soundproof doors. I didn’t believe it, thought they made fun of me, and asked me to close me in one of these halls. Quiet, very quiet, like in a film about boxers, when the main character gets a knockout punch.

I’ll put in a few words about the servicing premises. Specially insisted to open all the locks for me and show “underworld” as it were. Nothing bad to say. Everything is clear: toilets, and showers, and server. The guide, by the way, didn’t take much notice, and it was quite enough for him to tell you even about such nuances. The server system is designed to dispatch a building with a large margin. The Internet was conducted with the attraction of not cheap equipment, which has little in common with household systems, behind the building reserved large electrical power, again, taking into account future expansion.

Gently moving to the second floor. Here are people involved in various innovative developments. For example, the guys from the company Marabaka are profiled on the release of toys. The most interesting product is the modular electronic constructor “ Micropart ”. It is much more difficult to explain the principle of his work than to play with him. If the reason is mega simplified, then we have batteries (batteries), controls (buttons, torsions, sensors, motion sensors, sound sensors, light sensors and toggle switches) and various peripheral devices (light bulbs, speakers, electric motors, etc.). It all connects in random order into chains, based on the power of your imagination. Complicate the game can be to infinity. Options car and large truck. There is here, by the way, control chips. In fact, it is also hardware programming. Everything is elementary and very exciting. By the way, with the help of all the same 3D printers, the power of this constructor can be combined with the architecture of any third-party constructor. At the exit, this allows you to move the previously fixed LEGO typewriters or to light up on windows of houses from an old Soviet designer using certain algorithms.

On top of this, the developer is thinking about the open source scheme, in which third-party manufacturers will be able to release modules to the designer. I was hooked like a big child.
Designer Micropart for Marabaki main product. In addition, the company is developing any toys to order. And again, 3D printers come here as well as possible, since in a neighboring laboratory you can get a living prototype from any material in a few minutes, evaluating its pros and cons.

The next stop is the office of the company located in Campus, engaged in the field of 3D-animation modeling. In fact, the guys are extremely intelligent and can make cartoons literally from A to Z. Already, the fruits of their work can be enjoyed on the main TV channel of the country as part of the program "Good night, kids." Above that, the head of a 3D studio conducts specialized courses on the Internet - http://vk.com/blender_kzn , dedicated to the development of Pixar and Walt Disney in the country. It is planned that over time the company will grow into an entire animation school-studio in Kazan. In general, very fanatical people, so much so that they speak of themselves as fanatics of the craft.

One of the most acute problems of the company Propellers is personnel. The office needs specific people - a kind of fusion of technicians and lyricists, specialists in iron and at the same time imbued with the magic of art by fine artists. Propellers are now actively recruiting such people and inviting partners to cooperate. The company, by the way, is already making money from production, working with large Moscow firms.

Funny moment. Arthur Shamshatdinov and his friends, taking advantage of the neighborhood with the supermodern Campus laboratories, made themselves a digital Ukulele (Hawaiian guitar), a four-stringed musical instrument from the island of Modeira, as part of their hobby. The main feature of this particular instance is its digital component. A small guitar, which is a wooden block with strings, can be connected to headphones and playing music without distracting colleagues from work. It is slightly larger than the phone in size, which allows you to take it on trips without any doubts. Well, we are waiting for the first industrial designs.

Go ahead. . . , , CamIRa, . , , , . - , : . , . , - . , .
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Times have changed, now in honor information technology. However, such a place as Navigator Campus still fulfills this social role of infection of the brains of young people by engineering. Along with young startups, they often work here and find out for themselves a lot of new schoolchildren. And again, they do not need much, the main thing is to overcome the fear of these boxes with wires and not to be afraid of breakdowns of expensive equipment. I’m waiting for the pores when the Nobel laureate in physics mentions the name of this place in his speech in Stockholm. I'm really waiting ... Honestly ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227933/

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