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Marketing for financial institutions. Part Two: Campaigning

Last time I ended up on segmented and non-segmented campaigns and promised that I’ll tell you about the delivery of offers to campaign participants and further about campaigning depending on the channel.
Well, let's get started.


Offer Delivery Channels

In ancient times, marketing offers reached customers (you can call them campaigners, because the client is a participant in many campaigns in general) by:

In the course of time this short list was supplemented with the following high-tech channels and channels:

At the same time, loading channels is performed in various ways:

Parallel downloading of all (or selected) channels - you are shoved with the same ad in an electronic mailbox, in a telephone with a message, and the same thing is repeated on the radio.

Selective download - some campaigns use only outgoing dialing from the call center, some offers are delivered only via SMS or email. Accordingly, even more features are available for selective download for segmented campaigns, for example, a certain segment can only notify an offer via calls, another segment only via email, and a third segment only by an offer in the Internet bank's personal account. A smart habraiser can calculate how many combinations via delivery channels can be made for a segmented campaign.
And how much?
Over 9000

A little more about the delivery channels

Mailing Lists

Strange as it may seem, they are still used, often enough, but not intensively (low channel load) - for it is expensive. Often you can see in the premium segment - offers come in exquisite envelopes, typed in smart paper on smart paper; layout, rhythm - just like people.

Telephone call


Here the conversation draws on a separate article, as the call center is usually divided into incoming and outgoing calls, today almost always equipped with IP-telephony, PDS, IVR and other technological things. To whom it is interesting - write in the comments, tell you about working with Avaya (now we are just doing a project with it).


At first glance it seems pretty simple, but it was at the dawn when it was impossible to get the status of message delivery. Now the gateways are very smart: they can only send out during daylight hours, on weekends the time range for sending is severely narrowed, they understand the transition between time zones depending on the phone number, they can send from different numbers according to the segment, track delivery, send several times, if received “non-delivery”, in some cases they even know how to understand whether the subscriber has read the message or not. And in especially neglected cases, they can understand the response messages (“Send„ Yes “if you want a bank employee to contact you to discuss this offer”).


Almost the same as SMS, only with mother of pearl buttons cooler. Here and advanced formatting tools, and developed landing pages , advanced tracking of the state of the letter through IMAP and so on.


An interesting feature , I saw this only recently (I saw in the sense I received such a requirement - “we need to integrate with an ATM”). The bottom line is that when authorizing through a card, the bank understands that it is you and you have an offer that you can immediately display to you. And even to program the screen to receive a response to the offer, using the ATM buttons. Before the beginning of the campaign, these offers are massively loaded into the ATM software and carefully retrieved after it ends. The thing is interesting, I would read if someone writes.

Internet bank

In essence, everything is simple: the same authorization, your personal account with the section “Bank Offers”, in which there is a neat list of offers especially for you + information about promotions in the bank (an example of a segmented and non-segmented campaign, respectively).

Web site

It is usually a container for non-segmented campaigns. Campaign proposals on a periodic basis fit the site in the only order known to marketers and live there until the days until the campaign’s validity period ends. In some cases, under the banner is a page with a small form that must be filled in to continue the dialogue with the bank (attention, usually in such forms there is a sign of consent to the processing of personal data. Do not forget to select this right from the bank if you are no longer interested in communicating with it ).

Distribution of offers by channels ...

Of all that I have seen, the main argument was the price. Moreover, it was formed from the support of its own infrastructure (its employees, PBX, gateways) and from the payment of leased channels (usually they rent electronic channels, often - mailing). As I wrote earlier, electronic channels have either stepped pricing for 1 communication, or in the form of some smooth function. In the case of singing, you can save a lot, properly zatyuniv segment.


On their own “human” channels, the situation is quite interesting, since for each campaign the capacity of each channel is calculated - in fact, how much it will be able to process outgoing offers during the campaign period. Actual for outgoing calls - he is telemarketing - and there are cases of sophisticated Croilo, when part of the call is performed by the employees of the offices in their spare time from visitors. They are also trying to reduce the costs for an army of call center operators through a well-thought-out IVR. By the way, the costs equal to 1 monthly salary of the entire CC, aimed at optimizing the IVR voice menu, pay off very well. I wonder if there is a market for such services - who knows, write at least a small article, it will be interesting to read.

Today I found out about a very interesting decision in Ukrainian telecoms: one of the cellular operators tracks your presence in the IVR and everything you do there, including if you automatically arranged a consultation, and you left the menu. In the target solution, the customer formed a segment for each IVR item and after a few hours sent a letter to customers with a more detailed description of their services / products, but only those about which you asked in IVR. The main task of this project is to quickly transfer data from the telephony database to the storage, and also quite often run the job to process segments.

... and their learning

As for the fixation of the result of processing the offer, I personally had epic battles with the client. As it seems to me so far, people have not ceased to think in the category “either Excel or nothing” - connections like 1: M tear off the brain, and M: M deprive the signs of Homo Sapiens tightly. According to the Siebel reference model, the relationship between the proposal and the response is 1: M, and the response does not depend on the proposal: the proposal is limited by the lifetime of the campaign itself, so only the possibility of creating a response to the proposal is limited. Therefore, it is possible that if you rejected the bank’s proposal, they will not send it to you again (I do not rule out that via some other channel).

People often ask what to do if the proposal is voiced, but the client didn’t respond to it, or “I don’t have time now, let's do something next time”? The answer is: we should not fix it at all, let the sentence hang without a response. The response to the proposal - a binary thing, then either yes or no; Any recorded response in such an ambiguous case, as I described above, will lead to completely wrong conclusions and subsequent communication with the client (since the machine is built by the segments, not the person).

For inactive campaigns (and offers, respectively), we usually prohibit the possibility of recording responses. But not always: for direct sales channels that “bring” responses with a delay per day (or even two), it is possible to envisage the possibility of fixing the response, but here the policy is already included, we never intervene in this question.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227931/

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