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Setting up a Mikrotik router for various tasks in SOHO

This article is a tracing paper with an internal instruction written by me personally, according to which we set up new routers in the company. The points will be arranged in a more or less chronological order, but each of them is an independent mini-instruction to one of the services used in our company.

1. Power on, initial setup

First you need to connect to the device. By default, the configuration on the router is configured on the subnet. Open the address in the browser, download and save on your computer, Winbox.exe .

Launch Winbox , on the contrary Connect to press the "…" button, and after a few seconds your router should appear in the list.

Double click the mouse on the MAC address and connect as admin without a password.
When you first log in, the system will warn you that an automatic router configuration script has been launched. Click the Remove Configuration button:

After that, we wait until the Winbox console closes, and after a few seconds we start Winbox again (from where you saved it) and again connect to the MAC address.
Having connected, we select Interfaces on the left and delete unnecessary interfaces - VLAN, Bridge . We go into the settings of each interface (there are only 5 of them on the company's router) and disable the Master-port and proxy-arp , bringing the settings to the following form:

2. IP issuance

Go to IP β€” Addresses . We issue the necessary addresses to the necessary interfaces. In case of using a router in the Escort network, 2 Internet service providers and an internal network are connected to it. The second internal network is formed via VPN. We specify the required IP for each interface.
 [admin@Mikrotik] /ip address> print Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic # ADDRESS NETWORK INTERFACE 0 I ;;; , !!! ether4-hosting-network 1 ether2-gateway2 2 ether1-gateway1 3 ether3-internal-network 4 I ether4-hosting-network 

3. Routing

3.1. Creating master and slave routes

Go to the IP β€” Routes . By default, interfaces are used instead of hosts for routing. It is recommended to remove all static routes, and dynamic ones after changing statics will change themselves. Attention: in order to remove everything painlessly, you need to connect to the router via a local network, without using routes, otherwise the connection will be interrupted when you delete the main one . Next, create new routes: in the Dst.Address field Dst.Address specify, in the Gateway field, set the IP of the main gateway. Do not forget about the distance - which route is shorter, it will be the main one. In general, route settings should look like this:

For external interfaces, we specify with a distance of 4 and with a distance of 3 as gateways.

After adding three routes (2 for external channels and 1 for the internal network), the router can be connected to the network and connected via IP using the internal IP.

3.2. Creating table routing

The configuration created above allows you to create 2 external interfaces, of which only one can work per unit of time β€” that is, the one that has a smaller distance and that has more distance β€” will work only when the cable is pulled out of the first interface. For obvious reasons, this does not suit us - we need the simultaneous operation of two gateways. To do this, you need to teach the router to return traffic to the interface from which the request came. This is done by creating two additional routes and setting up a firewall. First, create the necessary routes. Previously created routes will also be useful, but you can clone them, because they will change slightly. To do this, click on the route created earlier, click the Copy button and add the Routing Mark - mark the routes with the interface name, respectively. I called them to_ISP1 and to_ISP2

Next, go to
IP - Firewall - Mangle

Create rules:
  General: Chain: prerouting In-interface:      Connection Mark: no-mark ,   Action: Action: mark connection New Connection Mark: ISP1_conn Passthrough:  . 

Pictures to secure the material

These actions must be repeated twice - for 2 external interfaces (brand ISP1_conn and ISP2_conn respectively).
Next, you need to create 2 more rules that will direct outgoing traffic marked ISP1_conn and ISP2_conn to the routes marked above. Create a rule:
 General: Chain: output Connection Mark: ISP1_conn Action: mark routing New Routing Mark: to_ISP1 Passthrough:  . 


4. Balancing routes in Master-Slave mode

So, we have achieved the presence of two simultaneously working gateways, one of which has the highest priority than the second. The problem with this setting is that switching between gateways will be done only when the physical link on the device interface is dropped. But there are other situations as well: there is no more money in the account, problems on the provider side and so on - situations in which even the main gateway is available, but there is no further traffic and in this case the main gateway will not be switched. For auto- Netwatch , you need to use the Netwatch feature, which monitors the presence of traffic on the interfaces and switches traffic depending on the rules. Configuring this functionality consists of 3 steps.

4.1. Create switch scripts

Go to the System β€” Scripts . Create 4 scripts with the names ISP1-DOWN, ISP1-UP, ISP2-DOWN, ISP2-UP . All scripts give maximum rights.
Script Contents
 /ip route disable [find dst-address= and gateway= and distance >=4]; 

 /ip route enable [find dst-address= and gateway= and distance >= 4]; 

 /ip route disable [find dst-address= and gateway= and distance >=3]; 

 /ip route enable [find dst-address= and gateway= and distance >=3]; 

4.2. Creating Netwatch Rules

Go to Tools β€” Netwatch
Create a new rule:

 host: Interval: 00:00:10 timeout: 1000ms Up: ISP2-UP Down: ISP2-DOWN   : host: Interval: 00:00:10 timeout: 1000ms Up: ISP1-UP Down: ISP1-DOWN 


4.3. We create permanent independent routes.

Before each of the hosts ( and, we prescribe a unique route with a reduced distance through different gateways ( and

You can check the operation of netwatch breaking a logical (non-physical) link on one of the external interfaces. In my company, a managed switch was used for this, where a port that was not adjacent to the router was extinguished. Thus, the ping to host failed, but the physical link was active. After the termination of the ping, Netwatch extinguished the necessary routes and the internal network accessed the Internet through a backup interface.

5. We create NAT

Go to the IP β€” Firewall , go to the tab NAT
Create 2 rules for each of the external interfaces:
 Chain: srcnat Out-Interface:     Action: masquerade 


You can check NAT by pinging one of the websites on the Internet from a computer connected to the internal interface of the router. If you disable one of the two rules of NAT on the router, you can see how the trace to the selected host on the Internet changes.

6. Create a VPN server

6.1. We create the pool of IP addresses we need.

In the company's network, it was decided to use the subnet, with client addressing starting with and the gateway address (of the router itself)
Go to the IP β€” Pool and create a new vpn-pool with a range of

6.2. Enable PPTP server

Go to the PPP menu item, then on the Interfaces tab we find the PPTP Server button. Put the Enabled, mschap2 and select Default Profile: default-encoding .

6.3. Configure encryption

Go to the PPP Profile tab. On the General tab, we specify the Local Address: , Remote Address: vpn-pool . On the Protocols tab on the option Use Encryption set the answer option is Yes .

6.4. Create accounts

Go to the Secrets tab. Create user:
 Name:   Password:   Service: any Profile: default-encryption Local Address: Remote Address: ,  ,   ,   vpn-pool.    ,    VPN    . 


6.5. Batch account creation

For batch creation of secrets (accounts) VPN, you can use the script.
You need to go to the System β€” Scripts , click "create a new" and insert the text of the script we need.

Script text
 :global content [/file get [/file find name=vpnusers.txt] contents] ; :global contentLen [ :len $content ] ; :global lineEnd 0; :global line ""; :global lastEnd 0; :do { :set lineEnd [:find $content "\r\n" $lastEnd ] ; :set line [:pick $content $lastEnd $lineEnd] ; :set lastEnd ( $lineEnd + 2 ) ; :local tmpArray [:toarray $line] ; :if ( [:pick $tmpArray 0] != "" ) do={ :put $tmpArray; /ppp secret add name=[:pick $tmpArray 0] password=[:pick $tmpArray 1] \ local-address=[:pick $tmpArray 2] remote-address=[:pick $tmpArray 3] \ profile=[:pick $tmpArray 4] service=[:pick $tmpArray 5]; } } while ($lineEnd < $contentLen) 

After creating the script, it is enough to create a file in which to adhere to the following syntax:


The finished file should look something like this.

Please note that the last line is empty. If it is not left empty, the last filled line will not be processed.
Next you need to open the menu item Files . The created file must be dragged with the mouse into the resulting window. The file must be called vpnusers.txt , otherwise the script will not work.
After these preparations, you can go to System β€” Scripts , select the script we need and click Run Script :

As a result of the script, in PPP β€” Secrets you can see the added accounts

7. Configure SSTP

SSTP requires certificates. I used self-signed certificates issued by the OpenVPN snap-in . To obtain certificates you do not need to put all the components
it is enough just indicated in the screenshots

Next, run cmd on behalf of the administrator and go to the c:\Program Files\OpenVPN\easy-rsa\ directory (or Program Files (x86) , if you installed the 32-bit version of OpenVPN on 64-bit Windows). Open for editing the file vars.bat . If not, then rename vars.bat.sample to vars.bat and vars.bat it to the form:
 @echo off rem Edit this variable to point to rem the openssl.cnf file included rem with easy-rsa. set HOME=%ProgramFiles%\OpenVPN\easy-rsa set KEY_CONFIG=openssl-1.0.0.cnf rem Edit this variable to point to rem your soon-to-be-created key rem directory. rem rem WARNING: clean-all will do rem a rm -rf on this directory rem so make sure you define rem it correctly! set KEY_DIR=keys rem Increase this to 2048 if you rem are paranoid. This will slow rem down TLS negotiation performance rem as well as the one-time DH parms rem generation process. set KEY_SIZE=1024 rem These are the default values for fields rem which will be placed in the certificate. rem Change these to reflect your site. rem Don't leave any of these parms blank. set KEY_COUNTRY=RU set KEY_PROVINCE=Nsk set KEY_CITY=Novosibirsk set KEY_ORG=Escort set KEY_EMAIL=i_nichupienko@soft-escort.ru set KEY_CN= set KEY_NAME=temp_nie set KEY_OU=changeme set PKCS11_MODULE_PATH=changeme set PKCS11_PIN=1234 

Next, I cleanly edited the build-ca.bat :
 @echo off cd %HOME% rem build a cert authority valid for ten years, starting now "c:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openssl.exe" req -days 3650 -nodes -new -x509 -keyout %KEY_DIR%\%1.key -out %KEY_DIR%\%1.crt -config %KEY_CONFIG% 

After that, run in the following sequence:

 c:\Program Files\OpenVPN\easy-rsa>vars.bat c:\Program Files\OpenVPN\easy-rsa>clean-all.bat c:\Program Files\OpenVPN\easy-rsa>build-ca.bat newuser 

You can just press enter to the questions of the last command in (the data entered in the vars.bat file will be used), and you can enter new data. In general, as convenient.
Command execution


In the Winbox router, click the Files button and copy the resulting files from the folder using the Drag'n'Drop method.

Next in Winbox go to System β€” Certificates . Click Import , first select one file, then the second:

Go to the PPP β€” Profile , open the default-encryption created earlier, click Copy and on the Protocol tab change the value of the Use Encryption field from Yes to Required :

For the profile name, specify SSTPprofile .
Then, in the System β€” PPP go to the Interface tab and click the SSTP-Server button there. We set the Enabled SSTPProfile , select SSTPProfile as the Default Profile and specify the certificate we need. We select only mschap2 as the authentication method.

Since when creating secrets (logins / passwords) for PPP we initially specified the type of service Any , but now we don’t need to create anything extra. Connection is ready.

Since this article is about configuring a router, and not a client, I will not discuss how to import this certificate into various operating systems and configure client SSTP connections. I will only mention that the received certificate must be added to trusted root certification authorities.

8. Configure Key Firewall Rules

Go to IP β€” Firewall β€” Filter Rules

8.1. Access to the router via Winbox from the internal network

Create a rule:
 Chain: Input Protocol: tcp Dst.Port: 8291 In. Interface: ether3-internal Action: accept 


8.2. Ping out from the internal network

Create 2 rules:
 Chain: forward Protocol: icmp Out. Interface: ether1-gateway1  ether2-gateway2 (    , ..       .    ,   2) Action: accept 


8.3. Ping the internal network from the VPN network

 Chain: forward Protocol: icmp Src.Address: Dst.Address: Action: accept 


8.4. RDP access from the VPN to the internal network

 Chain: forward Protocol: tcp Src.Address: Dst.Address: Dst.Port: 3389 Action: accept 


9. Publication of port 80 of the machine outside

Go to IP β€” Firewall β€” NAT
 Chain: dstnat Protocol: tcp Dst.Port: 80 In.Interface: ether1-gateway1 ( ether2-gateway2      ) Action: netmap To Addresses: To Ports: 80 


10. Publication of port 3389 of the machine to the VPN

This rule is necessary to create access without using routing on the client machine, since machine 2.82 will have an additional IP-: from the same subnet segment as the VPN client.
Go to IP β€” Firewall β€” NAT
 Chain: dstnat Dst.Address: Protocol: tcp Dst.Port: 3389 Action: dst-nat To Addresses: To Ports: 3389 


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227913/

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