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The story "I'll tell you"

A story that takes place in a classic fantasy setting. One of a series of stories about this world. If the audience asks, lay out more.

PS - I apologize for the previous attempt. Habrakat literally flew out of my head due to the fact that I publish something extremely rare. Although, at the same time, before about habrakat not forgotten. Well, thanks to all who quickly zaminusoval. I will be a lesson.

It was a surprisingly sunny day for this part of Tiara. The bright sun hovered high above the ground, casting down heat fluxes not on it.
On the big village, perched on the top of a gentle hill, the sounds familiar and common to the villagers were heard. Some talkative chickens clucked somewhere, an ax knocked somewhere, somewhere a wife reviled an unprofitable husband.
A traveler came to a small square in the middle of the village, limping. Slightly stooped, but even so tall, he leaned heavily on a long staff. Black, tattered clothes, going down to the very feet, hid the wanderer from prying eyes, and the pulled down hood did not allow him to make out facial features. The traveler looked around and sat wearily on a small stool standing in the shade of a tall tree.
Four children ran past, waving wooden sticks like swords.
“We play war,” one of them shouted, the one that was older. - I'll be a giant.
- And I am a man - supported the second.
- Hey. Well, I do not want to be a gnome again.
“May I be a gnome,” the lad who had just caught up with his comrades was definitely the youngest of the entire company.
- I told you, little one. Leave me alone You can not be a gnome. If you want to play with us, you can be an elf - the elder was adamant.
- Nuuu. Not. I do not want to be long eared.
The wandering wanderer smiled faintly.
“If you don’t want, you can be a goblin,” the instigator said.
“Why can't I be a gnome.”
- Because the gnome is me! - the third one shouted angrily and pushed the baby. - Leave me alone!
The “heroes” fled, and the youngest, sobbing, rose from the ground and sat down on a bench not far from the wanderer.
- offend? - he asked.
The kid looked surprised at the person sitting next to him, and then, sniffing his nose, he said importantly:
- Yes, I did not want to play with them. Really needed.
The wanderer smiled again.
- Do you want to listen to the story?
“What?” The boy's eyes lit up. - About the heroes?
- Well, in some way ... Only about one hero.
“Yes, I want to,” the boy nodded.
- Then listen. I will tell you…
Wit entered the village, tiredly kicking. Feet stuck in the mud. The elf, taking another step, almost slipped and fell on one knee. Cold thorny drops unpleasantly dug into the face, obeying gusts of wind. Today everything was against Vita. Even nature went wild, taking the side of the "awakened." But the warrior knew that he must go. The vampire slept for a very long time. He is hungry. Of course, you can wait until the "awakened" gets drunk, and kill him later. Indeed, for the council of initiates, the main thing is that the bloodsucker was dead. They do not care how many people before this will destroy the vampire. He must die, because he knows too much about how the world has become what it has become. Salvation of the innocent in this case for the council has no weight. But Wit was still in a hurry, realizing that the old bloodsucker would most likely prefer the baby’s blood in order to gain more power.
The elf rose heavily and walked on, grimacing at the cold drizzle.
The village square was met by Vita with a crowd of people. Residents gathered here, despite the cold rain. Women roared at the top of their voices, clutching frightened children to themselves, men gathered around to the headman. Some with pitchforks, some with batons, they shouted and cursed randomly.
- Yes, sho argue here, we must go for the bloodsucker. Until the boy was killed, a huge man shouted, apparently a blacksmith.
- Yes? So maybe you go, since so brave? - someone gave a voice from the crowd. - Al do you think that with his pitchfork we will generation? Well there evil. He is not afraid of simple iron.
- So now? Leave the boy to him to be devoured and wait until the next one arrives, damn bastard? - responded the blacksmith.
- And maybe so. Let him eat. Perhaps eat.
“If that son were you, Red, I would have looked, sho would you have moaned,” the headman shouted. - It is necessary to go ...
- I apologize for the honorable! - in a firm voice interrupted his elf. “I'm sorry to interfere, but I think I know what happened to you.” I can help.
- How can you help, long-eared?
- I hunt for this vampire.
- And without you cope, subhuman! - the headman gave Vita a scornful look.
- Exactly, exactly !!! Someone shouted, but the rest of them grumbled.
- Don't get hot Mathis. Maybe long-eared and really help.
- Yes, how will he help? Themselves afraid?
“I know how to kill him,” the elf said confidently. “And certainly not with your fork.” Not only will you ruin the child, you will also go to your death. How long did he take the guy?
The dull and frightened muzhchik timidly approached Wit.
- Well no. Not. Recently. My wife saw it. I did not have time to consider the reptile of this, but I saw how he took Timka. Grabbed the child and flew away.
Elf carefully looked at the man. If the vampire actually flew away, it means that he has already managed to get enough blood to drink. So, I already gained strength. Although there is hope that the frightened woman thought up fears for herself, or it seemed to her.
At that moment, an obese woman standing nearby, momentarily ran to Vit and grabbed the sleeve.
- Save, save son, elfik. What do you want ask, just save my boy, my dear. We, than you want, repay, - the woman roared at the top of her voice.
- I will try ... - said Vit.
Here it is - the lair of the "awakened." Elf approached the dark cave. He felt death and the power that blew from the cold throat of the rock. Vampire there. The hunter's blue eyes peered tensely into the darkness of the black hole.
Wit took off his travel bag and threw it on the ground. Now she is only a hindrance to him. Elf picked up a small shield and a short sword. The warrior did not lie when he told the villagers that he could not cope with a vampire with a simple weapon. Sword elf, created specifically for the destruction of the "awakened", had considerable magical power. Wit raised his head to the darkening sky and, feeling the coolness of small drops, confidently entered the dark mouth. A narrow passage in the monolith of the rock led down. Carefully, trying not to make a sound, the Warrior moved forward. When the narrow manhole was over, Wit got into a large cave, the arches of which went somewhere into darkness. Even the elf's tenacious eyes hardly distinguished the high ceiling. Dedicated looked around. There was no vampire anywhere, and in the middle of the cave was a small child. He buried his head in his knees and sobbed softly. Wit listened. Everything was quiet. The hunter slowly, looking around, got close to the boy and knelt down in front of him.
“Baby,” the elf whispered. Hearing this, the child abruptly recoiled. - Do not be afraid. I'm here to protect you.
The boy looked hopefully at the elf, but suddenly his face twisted in horror. Wit immediately turned to the right, and diagonally hit the sword. A blade with a whistle ripped through the darkness at the moment when something slammed into the exposed shield, striking a sheaf of sparks. There was a loud screech, and the warrior was thrown a few steps. Wit, not having time to group, fell on his back. Bounce kicked out of the lungs air. Coughing, the elf rolled over with difficulty and jumped to his feet, throwing off the useless shield. On it were four furrows from the claws, which spread metal like a rag. After a moment, the elf barely managed to dodge the second attack. A black shadow swept past in an indistinguishable rush and soared up to the cave's arches.

The elf looked around, staring up. Now it became scary. "Awakened" was too strong. Of course, you could run away. In the narrow aisle, Vita would have more chances, but the warrior could not throw the boy alone. The initiate with difficulty suppressed a shiver and slowly moved along the cave, leaning his back to the wall. Above, a quick shadow flashed again and darted down. In obedience to the instincts, the elf, strongly repelled, rushed to meet the enemy, throwing forward his hand with the sword. The blade hit something hard and bounced to the side, twisting the brush. Hip burned a sharp pain. Wit, by inertia, flew two steps and fell. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed how heavy the monster had hit the floor, and flew head over heels. The broad webbed wings, not having time to fold, burst with a bang, turning into useless scraps. The warrior, not paying attention to the pain, raised his sword and jumped up, hoping to make it in time for the vampire before he would fight. Once near, Vit with a force swung and slashed the enemy down the neck. The blade went deep into the flesh, but the monster's powerful paw knocked the hunter down in one fell swoop and snatched the weapon. The vampire hissed loudly, breaking into a squeak. The wound inflicted by the enchanted blade delivered him unbearable pain. Awkwardly pushing off the ground, the "awakened" jumped onto the wall and crawled up. Wit sat up heavily on his elbow. Only now he considered the monster. The vampire appeared before him in his true incarnation. His chest was covered with a dense black shell, which passes into the skin only near the neck. Huge hands ended with long, hard steel claws that easily ripped up a shield. Behind his back, torn and broken webbed wings dangled. The bald little head of the monster was turned to Vit. Two hateful eyes burned on the smooth face, dark nostrils could hardly be guessed somewhere below, and an open mouth below them revealing sharp white teeth.
The monster shook hard, and then, falling from the wall, collapsed down. Enchanted sword did the trick. Wit fell heavily on the stone. Acute pain from the hip spread over the whole body. The blood seemed to be getting hot, and my heart was beating faster and faster, driving the boiling water through it. Elf groaned loudly. He guessed that with him. The original vampire wounded him, being in his true incarnation. The warrior will die at best. Although, there is still another way.
Wit, having hardly climbed up on all fours, crawled towards the defeated enemy. At that moment, the boy who had driven into the far corner of the cave ran up to the elf and, with tears in his eyes, embraced him.
- Let's go from here. Come on, - the child whimpered.
“No ...” Vit squeezed out with difficulty. “Blood ... His blood ... I need to drink ...”
Hot fire already engulfed the whole body. Every breath in burst into the lungs. No longer able to make a single movement, the elf sprawled on the stone floor. In the eyes darkened.
The hunter opened his eyelids with difficulty. His ears were ringing, and he lifted the heavy head from the ground. The body almost did not obey, but the heat disappeared. Elf listened to the pain, and felt a strange bitter taste in his mouth. Touching the face, the warrior felt something slippery and sticky on him. Looking around, Wit saw his defeated enemy. A boy was sitting next to him, and with tears in his eyes, with difficulty suppressing nausea and fear, he collected in his palms the blood flowing from the monster's wound. Typing enough, the boy jumped up and ran to his rescuer.
- Drink ... Drink. Did you need this? - Tears and blood flowed down the cheeks of the child.
The elf could not utter a word, pressed his lips to his bloody palms and took two sips. A pleasant weakness ran through the body. The boy looked a little scared at Vita.
- You ... Your eyes ...
- What is with them? - with difficulty said elf.
“They ... were black.”
- A. Do not be afraid, baby. It will pass, - the devoted has thrown the head on a stone.
- What? What's the matter? - scared the boy. - Bring more?
- No, do not. Now ... I'll take a little rest ...
The kid looked at the wanderer with big eyes.
- And he saved the boy?
- Yes. He saved the boy and returned it to his parents.
- He probably became a hero in that village.
The traveler thought, looking into the void.
- Yes. He became a real hero and received a reward.
Wit was heavy on the hill, holding the boy in his arms. The child pressed against the elf with his whole body. He was still trembling. Nothing, the baby will be home soon. In truth, the elf himself was very tired. He struggled to his feet. The injured thigh was still bleeding.
Approaching the gate, Wit heard someone shout: - “Elf is back! With Timkoy! After some time, the villagers already surrounded the hunter. There was a murmur.
- What's wrong with his eyes?
- Look, look, the boy has blood.
Elf looked at the child. He was all stained with vampire blood.
Suddenly, the parents of the child ran out of the crowd.
- Timka, Timka! Shouted a woman. - He has blood. What did you do to him, geek?
Mother snatched the boy from the hands of Vita.
“With him ... everything is fine with him ...” the tired and confused elf was babbling.
- Son, my boy, what's wrong with you? - at the intermission parents shouted, not paying attention to the savior.
From the crowd came the elder.
- Now you see? Did I say that we need to go by ourselves? See what the long eared did to the baby. Yes, he himself is a dark wizard. Look into his eyes. - Warden pulled the elf by the hair.
In surprise, weakened Vita’s legs buckled and he fell to his knees. The hunter angrily looked at the peasant. Before, people would never have dared to treat elves like that. But now ... Too many centuries have passed since the elves came to the aid of the army of confrontation, when people, gnomes and giants had no chance of winning. The events of those days were forgotten by people. Their memory is as short as a century.
- What did you do with the child? - the headman continued to shout. - Speak, nit.
The elf firmly looked into the peasant's eyes and whispered something in his own language. It became clear from the headman's face that he was frightened. Who knows what those words were. Maybe some evil eye.
- What are you whispering, undead?
People have grunted. The headman grabbed a knife from his belt and put Vita on his neck.
- What did you do with the child? - the initiate was silent, looking at his abuser. Now he could not do anything. They could have stabbed him like a ram, and there was no longer any resistance to the forces. - You keep quiet, bastard long-eared. And if so?
Pain. The elf jerked and leaned over. He saw a piece of ear fall near his lap. Something warm was running down my cheek. A moment, and pain again. Something is already flowing down the other cheek.
- Mathis, Mathis, with Timka everything seems to be fine!
- What?
- Yes, everything is fine! - standing next to the father of the boy. - Not his blood.
Wit raised his head and angrily looked at the headman. He hesitated.
- Well, watch me, undead. If something is wrong with the boy ...
- What then, sapines? - interrupted his Wit.
- You ... You ... Do not bring the One. Vali from here while alive.
The hunter stood up with difficulty, looked at the stumps of his ears lying on the ground, and turned his eyes back to the headman. He swallowed hard. Wit looked at the frightened parents of the child, turned and went. Residents timidly parted in front of a strange elf with black eyes.
A man approached the bench.
- Wit, how many times have I told you not to bother people.
The wanderer jerked, and then slowly turned to the approached man.
- I do not stick, dad. Uncle told me a story - the boy jumped up ran to his father.
- It's ok. He did not pester. I just told him one fiction.
The man, hearing the traveler’s voice, looked at him intensely.
- Something I stayed late. Time to go.
The stranger clumsily leaned on the staff and stood up. A light gust of wind tore off his hood, revealing his face.
- Wit ... - only said the boy's father, looking at the traveler. From under the long gray hair stumps of ears protruded, and black eyes looked at the man. - Wit, is that you?
The child scared hid behind his father, looking at the terrible traveler, who hastily threw a hood over his head.
“Vit ...” the man continued to babble, after which he jumped to the elf and hugged him. The confused traveler dropped the staff, and then restrainedly patted the man on the back. He pulled away. “I so wanted to see you someday.” Let's go to my house. You are always welcome there.
- No, Tim. Do not. I am very glad that you are doing well. Goodbye.
Vit awkwardly bent down behind the staff, picked it up, once again looked at the father and son, then turned and slowly walked towards the gate. He smiled. Smiled like never before.
- Pa, pa, who was it? - the boy pulled his father by his pants. - Pa!
- It? Let's go home, Wit. I will tell you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22784/

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