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Hackathon as a way to expand coder consciousness. Photo correspondent report

Waking up one morning ... (no). Waking up one evening ... (no!). In short, having woken up once at work on a sunny morning (it sounds provocatively now), and wiped my eyes from the production routine, I thought that our team was great, of course, but technologically a bit too narrow ... “And we should walk on something else!” - I flashed the original thought. And so we made our own hackathon, which was sharpened not by subject, but by technology. It turned out, just say ... not bad.

After a brief analysis of our routine, the conditions were as follows:

Technological conditions:

First, you had to choose an idea for implementation. In spite of the forthcoming explanations and other clever agitating bla-bla, the expressions of coders for 97.43% were identical with “WTF, what am I doing here?”.

But after a few minutes, the first fan shouts did their job — a stream of friendly trolling of various thicknesses activated the creative brain lobes and sketched ideas onto several flipchart sheets. They look not very interesting, the whole tsimus was in a lively discussion:

The ideas were different, devoid of any business sense (not for business, we all started it).
But all of them are from the area of ​​applying good and improving (with further conquest) the Internet ecumene:

It's time to choose. In the second places - of course “erZHeDe” (the thickest trolling was exactly here). At first - the evil ant battles and good reminder service. To develop, we first chose good, and evil (if we have time) was postponed until later :-)

The idea is very simple, but the participants are interesting - a service with an open API, through which you can leave a reminder request to yourself, or a follower, or a group of friends or a corporate-administrative group, which can be made periodic or assigned for a while, as well as protection mechanisms from using the service as spam, etc. a bunch of related features

Started architectural holivaru design. Of course, everyone knew for sure “how to do it,” and the most experienced people modestly kept silent, “absorbing popcorn with coke” and enjoying the action:

Schemes and implementations multiplied at a speed of 27 flipcharts per hour:

Directing the process: visualizing the provider delivery scale for reminders:

The R & D team has already invented a brand, registered a domain and started calculating profits :-)

Everything was ready for dinner, namely:

After lunch - useful for the productive work of gray cells - exercise.
The sign “for children under 14 years old” did not embarrass anyone, especially since not a single person was observed in the district in the given range :-)

The teams are formed, the tasks are clear - for the work!

Team “GO”. The one who prepared a little more than 'hello world' is naturally popular and majestic :-)

The team “ERLANG” fun. They are not aware of the severity of the consequences of their choice :-)

From time to time they tried to remember everything that had been foiled into the idea at the start and because of the difference in understandings, I had to collect everything “into a concrete handful for the realization”:

In the background, the general skype chat draws you to the dark side of the force:

Evening program.
Football this season is better to play than watch:

Reactive Testing:

The second and third day. Only coding, only hardcore: for what we change the room and settle in with comfort:

The backs of the “ERLANG” team are smart and focused:

Probably the front API code:

A shy story of commits “from newcomers to the genre”:

The “GO” team is looking for a connection in Redis:

... and having found, he composes romantic Japanese verses, in which each line begins with the magic “go”, is given the meaning only to the author, devoting them to beautiful and accessible Gorutinas :-)

Along the way - a couple of know-how.
For example, “nosql-paper-database”, version “flomaster”.

And now everyone is afraid ... IT compiles:

IT does something:

In this case, asynchronously and in parallel!

And fast enough ...


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227727/

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