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Facebook: “Our data centers make the world a better place”

It is not surprising that the governments of many countries are fighting for the economic well-being of their citizens, for the organization of new jobs, for the development of infrastructure in remote regions. In times of global recession, these issues are even more acute. What changes for regions in this aspect bring with them big data centers? Facebook recently published a report on ECONorthwest. Let's look at it in more detail.

What did Princeville, Oregon, win?

Facebook began construction of its data center in 2009 within the city limits, and it lasted until 2011. In 2012, the creation of the second phase of this complex started, which has led to the emergence of a data center with an area of ​​just over 30,000 square meters.

Interesting may be the statistics on the object in Prinville. Here you can see the basic principle of the use of Facebook human resources in the construction and operation of data centers. The principle is that at the stage of creating a data warehouse, a huge amount of labor resources is used, while directly during the operation of the site, the number of employees is drastically reduced.

The report at the same time shows that even after the completion of the main costs of building a data center, revenues to local budgets did not stop the districts.

Facebook costs for the project of the data center in Prinville amounted to about $ 450 million (capital investments excluding server costs). Actual costs for the entire project from 2009 to 2013 have already approached the figure of $ 573 million. The data center also provided the creation of additional 1,500 jobs (including temporary ones). According to estimates, about 3.6 thousand workers from the entire region directly or indirectly benefited from the construction of the data center. The report also shows that of the above amount, $ 25 million through various channels fell directly into the state budget, while $ 272 million was spent on labor for the employees involved and local business owners.
“The costs only to maintain the work of the data center in Prinville for 2013 amounted to $ 65 million. This amount included the cost of ongoing work and the payroll for 266 workers from Oregon, ”the report said.

The revival of the polar regions

Another vivid example of how a newly established data center can transform the surrounding areas is the Facebook brainchild in Luleå, Sweden. At a recent conference held there under the leadership of the development company Node Pole DC, much was said that the Facebook solution to place a data center near the city - a high-tech, absolutely harmless to the fragile northern nature complex - literally helped revive the city. Within the city borders, all kinds of IT companies have begun to place their representative offices. In turn, increased business activity began to stimulate the opening of new hotels and restaurants. Long-term decline in the depressed region was replaced by economic growth.

Domino effect

Most entrepreneurs - heads of territorial entities - are clearly aware of the advantages that only mention of the names of their cities and towns in the same context as the flagships of the IT industry can bring. This will attract even more companies. Facebook's decision to host a data center for the city of Luleå was already reflected in the booming development of local business and, as a result, in the city’s well-being. Another highly interesting project from Hydro 66, a data center that will be supplied from the local hydroelectric power station, has taken the Facebook road, which could be another stage in the further development of the region’s infrastructure. In the case of Prinville, Apple Corporation, which is currently building its data center on a plot of 65 hectares, came next.

All these data centers pay taxes to local budgets. The report submitted by Facebook says that only in 2013, a tax on real estate in the amount of $ 500 thousand and more than $ 750 thousand for other items of taxation was paid to the Oregon state budget. Also, as part of the “patronage” assistance to the Prinville school, $ 1.65 million was donated.

Data center - as the answer to the global crisis

The state of Oregon for the last decades has been intensively developing the IT sector on its territory. In 2000, a crisis of IT companies, known as “dot-com bubble”, broke out in the USA, resulting in about 43,000 people losing their jobs in this particular state. Under these conditions, data centers already built and under construction, as well as the infrastructure accompanying them, play a significant positive role not only for the global market of IT services, but also for specific people involved in maintaining the efficiency of data storage and processing complexes.

You can write for a long time about what practical effect brings the creation of ultra-modern engineering systems for those people who, by the will of fate, got them in their neighborhood. If you sell soda in a local business park or rent housing, the effect for you will be enormous, because international business already pays you directly. And the main thing here is that data centers are for years, where can they go?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227607/

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