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Toaster. User's contribution to the tags: enter the reputation system

On Toaster, we build a community of experts in various areas of the IT industry. Over time, no one should be left in any doubt where to turn for a competent answer to the question that arose before you if the searches on the Internet were unsuccessful. Everyone will know that on the Toaster he will always find the specialist who is best understood in this field and who will definitely help.

To identify experts in a particular area, you need a reputation system. And today we are happy to show our first steps in creating such a system on a Toaster. We introduce the concept of "Contribution to the tag." The more you contributed to this particular tag, the more expert in this area we consider you.

How the reputation system works in general

You can contribute to the tag at the moment in two ways: by asking questions about this tag or by answering such questions. But a simple manifestation of activity is not enough: the contribution begins to grow only if other users approve of your activity. The more people subscribe to the question you asked, or the more people like your answer to the question, the more contribution you count.
In order for your contribution to the tag to be taken into account and shown to the rest, you must be subscribed to this tag. It's okay if you answered questions on tags that were not originally subscribed to. It is enough to subscribe, and all your past activity on them is immediately taken into account.

If the question relates to several tags at once, it is considered that you contribute and become an expert on all of them at once.

Examples of sections of the service, which is visible reputation

For each tag, you can always see a list of the best experts on the topic. On the contrary of the user's contribution to the tag, you can see how many questions and how many answers the user offered on this tag. As you can see, the input to the tag is most influenced by the answers. And not always the number of answers entails a great contribution: the quality of these answers, which the Toaster users themselves define with their likes, is important.

For each user, you can now see exactly what questions he asked for this tag and what answers he wrote by clicking on the appropriate link.

Each user has a profile of his expert area. Going to the list of user tags, we will see which tags he made the most contribution, i.e. in which fields of knowledge is he recognized by the Toaster community as the greatest expert.

And the user's main page has become a kind of presentation of a person, in which his image and achievements in the community are given in a compressed form:

Try to look at your profile on the Toaster: sure - you will be pleasantly surprised to recognize yourself in your presentation. But the intrigue is that it is not known in advance what exactly the community will appreciate in you above all.

Become experts and share your experience with others!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227581/

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